Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 272 Chaos (Part 1)

"Alert (Red) Alert (Red)..."

"Received an alert, received an alert... An illegal border crossing without permission was discovered. An illegal border crossing without permission was discovered... The position could not be confirmed, the position could not be confirmed... Traces of space folds were detected, and space warping and fragmentation were detected. , a suspected alien aura was detected... Threat coefficient MAX, threat coefficient MAX, the danger level is extremely high!"

"Please activate the campus guardian array network-wide combing and troubleshooting system."

"Please activate the campus guardian array network-wide combing and troubleshooting system."

The eye-catching red light almost broke through the thick wall and shone outside the building. The piercing sirens, mixed with mechanical announcements, resounded throughout the entire school working committee office building.

A moment later, the door of this office was opened with a crash.

"Didn't you hear the red alert? What are you doing?" A man in blue robe burst into the door and shouted angrily: "Why hasn't it stopped screaming?!"

There were still a few obvious red marks on the face of the man in blue robe, and his eyes were a little dazed, as if he had just woken up. You can tell from the black trim on the sleeves and collar that he is a fourth-year student.

"I, we are looking for the SOP manual!" There were two first-year students on duty, one in red robe and the other in blue robe. The one who replied was the blue robe from Starry Sky Academy, while his companion was pouting. Ass, lying on the ground, was quickly flipping through a large pile of manuals.

"...During the training, we were not told how to activate the network-wide combing and troubleshooting system." The first-year blue-robed man pointed at the large pile of information on the ground and said in an annoyed tone: "We will definitely have to look through these things all morning! We I worked the night shift all night yesterday!”

"We have notified the principal's office, the school working committee office, the teaching assistants' office and the professors' joint meeting office, but we have not received any response yet." The man in red robe who was lying on the ground flipping through the SOP manual also yelled in reply.

"Bang!" The office door was forcefully opened again, and a gray-robed wizard with a tired face strode in: "Who can tell me what happened?"

"It is suspected that a laboratory is conducting unreported summoning experiments..."

"Maybe another professor secretly took something from outside..."

The two first-year duty officers in the duty room spoke up at the same time, but it was obvious that they had not spoken in the same language before, resulting in very different opinions.

The two on-duty officers looked at each other and tugged at the corners of their mouths. There was an awkward silence in the control room, with only the piercing alarm still screaming continuously.

"Haha," the gray-robed school janitor who had just walked in sneered, turned to the fourth-year student and said, "Their credit bonus for this month will be deducted, and they will be criticized internally at the regular meeting tomorrow night... and you should prepare new ones. It’s the duty officer.”

The old man sighed heavily.

"When they first came, they were very responsible." He tried to excuse his two subordinates: "But you also know that the guardian circle is too sensitive... and the great wizards in the school always don't follow the rules... …”

"This is why we train new duty officers every three months." The gray-robed wizard walked to the center console, skillfully adjusted the nodes on the magic circle, and said thoughtfully: "Maybe the next version of the policy The active period of duty officers should be shortened to one month, so as to ensure that there are always vigilant duty officers in this office. "

As he spoke, the alarm of the protective circle gradually subsided, but the eye-catching red light that shrouded the office never dissipated.

The gray-robed wizard glanced at the quiet office for the last time, then turned and walked out: "Convene an inspection team to investigate the forty-two suspected risk points just marked by the system one by one! Prioritize the investigation of the edges of the magic circle!"

"Today is Saturday, most of the inspection team are on vacation!" The old student couldn't help but remind: "And the professors are not here, the teaching assistants and most of the school staff have gone to the hunting grounds of Starry Sky Academy to support... There are not enough at the moment manpower."

"Damn it!" The gray-robed wizard cursed something in a low voice and ordered: "Go to the student union! Go to Lei Zhe and Augustus and ask them to arrange some support from fourth-year students!"

Before he finished speaking, the corners of the school staff's gray robe had disappeared around the corner of the door, leaving only the old students of Starry Sky Academy and the two first-year on-duty attendants staring at the scene.

"Alas," the old student sighed, waved his fists in the air, and said gloomily, "Why is it my turn to be on duty today... I would rather be injured and lie in the school hospital."

"When people sit at home, the pot comes from the sky." The blue-robed duty officer also looked a little depressed: "To be honest, we obviously only have responsibilities between puppets and observers, why do we need to be so vigilant? What about the school? Not dead!"

"Shut up! You idiot!" His companion reached out and covered his mouth. At the same time, he looked nervously at the corridor outside the door and reprimanded in a low voice: "When you want to go downstairs, you step on the air or push the door open to go out. Did he fall into the lake? The school doesn’t like the clothes he’s wearing, and it’s not our turn to comment!”

"You two will also go on inspection together!" Lao Sheng interrupted the chat between the two on-duty officers and ordered: "If we really find something, maybe you won't need to be warned at next week's regular meeting."

"Is there really going to be anything?" The blue robe was obviously skeptical about this: "The last time the guardian array issued a MAX level warning, it was finally discovered that Professor Chen secretly conducted a dimension-enhancing experiment, which caused abnormal fluctuations in the dimension lines... Last time During the school’s winter hunt, the guardian array issued a MAX-level warning, saying that a legendary-level dark wizard had arrived in the woods, but in the end it was discovered that it was just a newly born small world..."

"There was also an alarm record showing that there was an invasion of alien gods in the sky at night, but it was clear that nothing happened that night." The red robe added: "I guess the same is the case today."

The blue-robed duty officer sighed: "I would rather it just issue a general warning, that would be more precise."

"For example, a wild monster," the red-robed duty officer clearly agreed with his companion's opinion: "If a wild monster sneaks out of the laboratory, no matter how low its level is, the guardian formation will always be able to detect their traces immediately."

"Why is there so much nonsense!" The old man picked up the two attendants by their collars and pushed them out of the office: "You go downstairs to gather first, and I'll inform some Lei Zhe!"

"Lei Zhe is not in the office," the red-robed attendant quickly raised his hand and reminded, "Hoffman and Zhang Shuzhi are not here either. It is estimated that only Zhao Qiao is in the school among the three heroes... Lei Zhe was invited by Augustus to go Outside the school."

"Where is it outside?" Lao Sheng stopped and frowned.

"It should be at No. 18 Gama Street," the red-robed duty officer shrank his neck: "I'm just an ordinary officer of the Will, how could I know such details..."

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