Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 288 At the beginning

Zheng Qing didn't feel like he was a spell.

But since the husband said so and raised questions, as an outstanding student who has struggled under the exam-oriented education system for more than ten years, he will naturally follow the teacher's wishes and analyze himself.

"I'm not smart, I have a mediocre appearance, and I'm indecisive. I feel like I can do just about anything. I like an ordinary life. I want to raise a cat but I'm worried about the cat losing its hair or urinating and urinating at home. I'm good at a little talisman, and it's all thanks to your guidance, sir. ”

Having said this, Zheng Qing paused.

He suddenly remembered what happened during the student union interview last semester.

At that time, he made a similar self-analysis in front of a student union officer. At this moment, that self-analysis unknowingly appeared in his mind again, as if it had been deeply imprinted in his heart:

"I'm used to staying in familiar scenery, chatting with familiar friends, eating familiar meals, living in a familiar rhythm, and doing familiar, unchanging things."

As he spoke, he seemed to realize the key point and sped up his speech slightly: "... In terms of personality, I have a slight obsessive-compulsive disorder. For example, I am used to taking the same route to the library, stepping on the same floor tiles on the road, and controlling the number of steps to be the same as the previous day. , go into the toilet and squat in the same pit... If we follow the principle of 'the heart comes from the heart', the factor that affects all my choices should be the 'convergence principle' that you asked about."

"Moderate? No, no, the world can't be moderate...conventional, obsessive-compulsive, familiar..." The young public-funded student lowered his head, twirled his fingers, and murmured, feeling that he was really only one step away from the answer. As thin as a layer of paper.

But that thin layer of paper was firmly stuck in front of Zheng Qing's eyes, preventing him from seeing the truth clearly.

As the old saying goes, a strong crossbow cannot penetrate Lu's silk.

"Okay," the gentleman took out his pocket watch, looked at the time, and finally interrupted the boy's confusion and comforted him: "The most difficult thing in this world is to know yourself. It has been like this for five thousand years or so. At this point, You’re no worse than anyone else.”

"Don't worry about others without knowing yourself, and worry about yourself without knowing yourself."

"Look at yourself for what you are, see where you are, and see where you are. How can you be weak?"

"Say, you know what's going on."

Zheng Qing lowered his head and listened to his teacher's instructions, feeling a little frustrated for no reason.

Fortunately, my husband did not dwell on this issue for a long time, but simply gave the final answer: "It's 'order'. The convergence principle that builds your forbidden spell is 'order'."

The boy suddenly raised his head.

"Order." He chewed the word, feeling great. Order is good, I like order, he said to himself in his heart.

"Do you know the most basic concept of Dimensionalism, 'Dimensional Lines'?"

"1.616x10-35 meters." Zheng Qing immediately gave the accurate number. This is what Professor Yao emphasized in the philosophy of magic class: "It was determined by the great wizard Planck in 1900."

The teacher nodded: "'Order' is the most obvious and clearest feature of Wei Line, but it is also the most difficult to converge. Sunrise and sunset, spring, summer, autumn and winter, love and hate, family, country, tribe, etc., as long as If we are sensible enough, we can easily detect the existence of 'order' from the surrounding environment, but how to extract 'order' from those 'existences' is a very difficult matter."

"In comparison, it is easier to extract the 'contradictions' between things. This is why the original forbidden spell was based on 'contradictions' rather than 'order'."

The teacher did not describe in detail how to extract concepts like ‘contradiction’ or ‘order’ from reality. He suspected that even if his husband explained it, he would not understand it.

But that didn't stop him from noticing a contradiction.

"But isn't the forbidden spell 'Primordial' of Jiuyou Academy based on 'chaos'?" Zheng Qing felt that his brain was a bit lacking: "Is it difficult for the world to be both 'chaos' and 'order'?"

"So, the world is 'contradictory'," the gentleman laughed dumbly: "In fact, there is no conflict... We can observe the world from any point, but this does not mean that the world can only be observed from this point. Interpretation.”

"Have I been a forbidden curse since I was born?" Zheng Qing finally couldn't hold back and asked the question he was most concerned about. If he has been under a spell since he was born, then what is the difference between the previous eighteen years of his life and Truman?

'The world is fake,' this thought suddenly appeared in his mind, and at the same time he wondered whether starting from this, a forbidden spell could also be constructed.

If you really live in Truman's world, perhaps 'falseness' is more suitable to be your own restraint principle than 'order'.

These random thoughts flashed through his mind.

The gentleman's answer made him breathe a heavy sigh of relief.

"Of course not," the gentleman raised his eyebrows in surprise: "Although your physical condition is a little special... you were indeed born as a person, not a spell."

"Then when did I..." the young public-funded student asked vaguely, implying when did he 'become' a spell.

"At first, it was just an accident." At this point, the gentleman paused and changed his words: "From the time I started teaching you to practice calligraphy... to be precise, it started from the time you started practicing the talismans I gave you."

"Do you still remember the headaches you had when you were a child?"

Zheng Qing nodded immediately.

"As I told you at the beginning, your spirit is too active, but your physical fitness is too poor. To use an inappropriate metaphor, you are like a paper skyscraper, with a bright appearance, an empty middle, and a little bit of wind. If it blows, it will be a mess. Most ordinary people have brick houses with ordinary exteriors and ordinary spaces. Although they are ordinary, they are better than solid. "

"You were suffering from a headache that made you want to live. It happened that at that time I broke through the limitations of the ancient wizards and gained a little more understanding of talismans and a deeper understanding of order."

"Originally, I only planned to paste a layer of talisman paper on the outside of your 'skyscraper' to make the building stronger. But during the process of papering, I accidentally discovered that you have a good talent in talismans... You are useless It took too long to learn all the basic talismans, even faster than Xiao Shi Hui. "

"It strikes me as a bit of a waste."

"Do you know? According to your initial qualifications, you have no chance to participate in the entrance examination organized by First University. Your situation is only slightly better than those of the magicians in the North District. Most people like you may be admitted by someone It’s just a collection of some declining magic schools and a pile of old papers.”

"So I adjusted my plan a little bit."

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