Monster Hunting High School

Extra 2: The Story of Love (4,000 words, two in one, with an extra update for the cute protagonist L

Generally speaking, love is a luxury.

It is not like private jets, personal bodyguards, grand balls and other luxuries that cost you tangible property. She will consume your energy, your wisdom, and even your life. What she spends is your intangible wealth.

Moreover, like those luxuries that consume your tangible wealth, she will continue to consume your wealth. If you reduce your investment in this area over a period of time, this luxury called love will quickly fade. Even faster than your leather coat.

Of course, this kind of luxury product will also be like aged wine. The longer it takes to settle, the more delicious the fermentation taste will be.

Most people spend their entire lives consuming their intangible wealth in exchange for pitiful tangible wealth to maintain their existence in this world. Only those who do not need to consume too much intangible wealth can use romance and time to pile up such expensive consumables.

The wizard is different. They are not ordinary people, they know magic.

Lev Tomasik, the great wizard of the 19th century, once wrote in the preface of the book "Timeline-The Baseline of Magic": "...Except for time, there is no other real magic in this world. And love is The other existence closest to the true meaning of magic..."

Perhaps because his student life before high school was too monotonous and pure, Zheng Qing was full of confusion at this turbulent age. And Elena was like a beacon in the darkness, allowing him to see some direction in his confusion.

Short skirts, high heels, long wavy hair, and clothes that are different every day are all full of the mysterious temptation of the opposite sex. Sometimes Zheng Qing felt like a sailor who was bewitched by a sea monster. He knew the dark water in front of him, but he still jumped in without hesitation.

Everything was fine originally.

Just like the boys imagined.

Love is sweet, sometimes a little cold, but most of the time it exudes an intoxicating fragrance. But due to the sensitivity of young people, Zheng Qing sometimes felt that Elena was not serious enough about this relationship.

Although it can't be said to be perfunctory, it is completely different from the young men and women in love that Zheng Qing has seen who seem to be tired of being together all the time.

Especially recently, Elena has been disappearing for fun time and time again, which makes the young public-funded students very dissatisfied.

He decided to have a cold war with the gypsy witch.

But only a week later, Zheng Qing regretted it.

Because while he deliberately avoided the witch, the witch did not deliberately look for him.

It felt like a punch to cotton.

He missed the relaxed feeling when he was with Elena, like the detachment of drunkenness, but without the pain of drunkenness. He missed those days of heartbeat, her different makeup every day, her tall figure and charming smile.

"Go find her if you miss her. I've never seen such a narrow-minded boy like you!" Fatty Xin was puzzled by the entanglement of the young public-sponsored student: "Isn't it normal for a boy to admit his mistakes to a girl?"

"You don't understand." Zheng Qing glanced at the fat man slightly melancholy: "When you have a girlfriend, you will understand that boys also have self-esteem..."

This is a bit hurtful.

The fat man flew into a rage, threw the fat cat off his body, and walked out the door angrily.

Sha Mao yelled angrily at Zheng Qing.

The young public-funded student ignored the two fat men, but turned to look at Xiao Xiao, trying to get a lesson from another roommate in the dormitory who had love experience and was knowledgeable.

Xiao Xiao held his black-shell notebook, his head buried behind the notebook, and said angrily: "Love, like time, is the greatest magic."

“The expression of time is existence, and only by existence can time be meaningful.”

"The expression of love is listening. To love, you must learn to listen."

"How can you say you love her if you can't even listen?"

Very good, this answer is very 'doctorate'. Zheng Qing found a theoretical basis for his compromise. He suddenly summoned some courage in his heart and said to himself: "Yes, I always want to listen to how she explains it. Right."

Just like that, before he knew it, he came to the library again, and came to the place where he often studied talismans with Elena.

The familiar figure was sitting in a familiar seat, reading something.

Zheng Qing tried his best to resist the urge to turn around and run away. He kept mumbling words with unclear meanings such as "existence", "listening" and "time" in his mouth. At the same time, he pulled the thickest and heaviest book from the bookshelf next to him. Come to that seat.

"You are reading "Four Essays on Hu Gong"."

Zheng Qing placed the heavy "On Origins" in his hand on the same spot opposite Elena, glanced at the book in Elena's hand, and asked casually.

"Yes." Elena picked up her long hair with the pen and replied in the same calm tone: "As you said, the basis of the talisman is here. As long as you don't lose heart, any wizard can master it. "

"Oh, maybe I am too arbitrary sometimes." Zheng Qing used a lot of force to open "On the Origin" in his hand - this is a philosophical book discussing the origin of magic. Zheng Qing doubted whether he could understand it. The preface of this book - but it doesn't matter, he is not here to read a book anyway, he is fully focused on the gypsy witch opposite:

"Although "Four Essays on Hu Gong" covers some basic knowledge of talismans, the most important thing in learning talismans is guidance. Well, guidance is still very important."

This hint is very obvious.

Elena raised her head, squinted her eyes, and looked at the young public-funded student, with a dangerous light flashing in her eyes:

"Guidance? This word sounds like it was said by a student of Alpha Academy,1 rather than a publicly funded student of Jiuyou Academy. This is not just arbitrary...your behavior is already reckless."

Zheng Qing did not raise his head, still staring at the preface of "On the Origin" in front of him, but he didn't read a single word.

At this moment, he was racking his brains, thinking about why he came here, thinking about how to remind Elena where she went wrong, and thinking about how to answer the witch's words wisely and elegantly:

"Not reckless."

He spoke dryly, denying the accusation of witches, and reminded in a low voice:

"You must admit that some of your inappropriate actions caused my arbitrariness."

His voice was very weak.

"Well, anyway, it's over." Elena lowered her head again, no longer expecting the boy opposite to be smarter, and started taking notes at the same time: "My talisman grade point in the midterm exam was 3.9, which is higher than before It’s much better to only get one credit or even no credit.”

"Yes, I noticed it on the credit list." Zheng Qing noticed that the atmosphere in the air had relaxed a little, and he was immediately relieved. He flipped through the book in his hand casually, and said with a slightly stronger tone: "But I have a more reliable one. training methods.”

"Is it more reliable than this?" Elena's pen in her hand poked at the cover of "Four Essays on Hu Gong" and she also emphasized her tone.

Several simulated runes ran hard on the small cover, avoiding the sharp provocation of the witch.

Zheng Qing looked at the runes worriedly, and while considering his tone, he said slowly:

"Because of some theories and reasons that are not easy to understand, it is easy to go astray if there is no guidance in learning talisman. Of course, this guidance is not a book. It also requires some, of course only a small part, human factors."

"You mean to continue teaching me talismans?"

"That's understandable." Zheng Qing seemed to be relieved in his heart. When he just said those words, he felt as if his whole body had been stuffed into a rubber tube, and he was almost suffocating.

"You are such a hot-tempered person." Elena tried to make her tone calmer, but it was clear that the sarcasm in it was still very strong.

"I know you will think so." The most embarrassing part was over, and Zheng Qing's mind became much clearer. He tried hard to search for words in his mind:

"...In view of the knowledge I have about talismans, to be honest, it is much richer than most witches. I don't mind spending some more time to provide some guidance on your studies. Of course, I can also Forgive you for some of your inappropriate actions before.”

"Improper behavior?" Elena didn't know when a stack of tarot cards appeared in her hand, and she was shuffling the cards.

A cold light shone on the edge of the card.

"It's just an analogy." Zheng Qing added a little embarrassedly: "It means that the customs and habits are not consistent. There is nothing inappropriate. I mean, even though you got good midterm exam results, But the college’s requirements for sophomores are still far away, and I am generous enough to waste my time to serve you for free.”

"What a generous answer." Elena put away the tarot cards in her hand with a straight face, put the notes on the table into her bag, stood up, and walked out in stride.

"Why are you leaving in such a hurry? I haven't finished talking yet." Zheng Qing hurriedly stuffed the "On Origin" into a bookshelf next to him and chased after Elena.

There was a faint sound of books fighting behind him - it was because a wrong book was placed in the wrong place, and other books did not welcome such a change.

The boy's steps only hesitated for a moment, and then he left the fighting books behind.

I'm so sorry, he muttered under his breath and quickened his pace. There is no doubt that the cover of "On Origins" will most likely be removed by the surrounding books. But what does it matter?

Librarians will take care of this trouble.

"Do you have anything else to say?" Elena had already walked out of the library and stood under the big tree at the entrance of the library, asking Zheng Qing politely.

"Wow, it has never been so easy to come out of the library." Zheng Qing wiped the non-existent sweat from his forehead and looked around: "The weather is really good sounds warm."

"Hurry up, I'm going to have lunch after that." Elena's face was full of impatience.

"What I want to say is that even though a lot has happened, I am still happy to treat you to lunch. How about going to the 'Green Elf Restaurant' in Beta Town?" Zheng Qing raised his hands and suggested seriously.


"Of course, I know you must think I am a good person. In fact, your understanding is correct. I like your sensitivity very much."

"Young man." Elena rolled her eyes and tried to look calm: "Although your technique of drawing charms is very delicate and the lines you outline are very delicate. However, your method of attracting girls is really too rough. And some of your behaviors It’s so rude.”

"Because I have never practiced this ability."

"Of course! Is there anyone who has exercised hundreds of times? Don't you have a first love? Isn't politeness the most basic thing?"

"You are my first love."

"Use your brain and think about it!" Elena grabbed the hair on Zheng Qing's head angrily and yelled: "Am I talking about this? You are selfish, old-fashioned, and have no interest at all. "Little wizard! Don't you want to walk away with peace of mind and not give any explanation?"

Several passing witches looked at the quarreling among the young witches and wizards in this compartment. They bit their ears, giggled, and trotted past. No one stopped Elena's rough behavior.

This made Zheng Qing feel that the world was declining and people's hearts were not as good as before.

"But in fact, I didn't really walk away." The boy grabbed the girl's other hand to prevent it from being scratched: "And you also left a seat for me in your old place in the library."

"I'm going to have lunch!" Elena shook off Zheng Qing's hand distractedly, turned around and left: "And I have already passed the talisman test, so I don't need any teaching."

"But what about the final exam?" Zheng Qing hurriedly caught up with the girl: "You can't learn those complicated runes just by reading books, let alone those complicated stroke sequences."

"I have "Four Essays on Hu Gong". I can definitely memorize this book! It can completely support me to get full marks in the exam! I can even get extra points in the talisman class!"

"Those words are dead and cannot give you any effective advice! And the extra points in the Talisman class can only be mine!"

"Oh, it can only be you? How about I get some extra points in the divination class?"

"That's a divination class! It won't help your talismans at all. Do you want to memorize that heavy, boring theoretical book for a whole year?"

"So what do you want me to carry with me all year long? A selfish little wizard? Stiff-laced? Willful? A little wizard who can have more temper than a girl?"

"I'm not a little wizard! And I don't have much of a temper around you!"

"That's because you're adding weight to your own scale! You think others know what you want! But in fact, no one except you knows what's going on in your little head!"

"I'm thinking of you." Zheng Qing said dryly.

"Oh!" Elena slapped herself on the head.

a long time.

Elena hummed weakly: "Instead of going to the Green Elf Restaurant, go to the thirty-second store along the street in Beta Town to eat."

"Okay!" Zheng Qing had a bright smile on his face.

Then, he wondered: "What is the name of the thirty-second store?"

"How do I know!" Elena roared.

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