Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 15 The Gaze of the Abyss

"They're gone."

The owner of the Gini hut turned the wine glass in his hand and said to the empty wine hut. The blue-green wine swirled on the wall of the cup and fell, and the spherical ice cubes hit the wall of the cup, making a slight tinkling sound.

There was no one in the Sakura Tavern.

The wooden door upstairs was closed tightly. After sending away the two First University students, Kolma told his assistants that they needed to rest for a while, so everyone consciously lowered their voices. Through the thick door panels and blurred glass windows, you can see several passing gray robes walking on tiptoe, like weasels stealing chickens.

"Are you going to hide in the mirror for the rest of your life?"

Colma knocked on a mirror on the bar and urged: "I only have half an hour to rest..."

"It's coming, it's coming." A hoarse voice came out from the mirror with a bit of reluctance: "Do you know what I saw? Two streets away, a man who just got the 'curse seal' from you The young man, just to show off, showed off his 'bear summoning technique' to his friends, and then he summoned a three-meter-tall giant bear... Hey, that was really exciting!"

The witch couldn't help but tighten her fingers on the wine glass.

"Is anyone hurt?" She raised her voice slightly.

"Don't worry, don't worry." A nearly transparent mouse slowly emerged from the mirror and comforted: "It's just very lively, no one was hurt... Although these magicians in the North District are not high-level, they often go there Silent Forest is very experienced in dealing with such beasts...and you also gave them the curse seal."

As he spoke, the color on the mouse slipped away like mercury, converging and reverberating in the mirror, revealing his old, wrinkled fur.

It's the Rat Immortal.

But unlike in the past, the big mouse was not sitting on the wooden chariot today, and there was no mouse in a red vest beside him to give him a big umbrella, hold up a flag, or act as a guard.

Korma's nervous mood relaxed a lot when she heard that no one was hurt.

She squinted her eyes and looked at the fat mouse that had just crawled out of the mirror - perhaps because it had not used its claws to walk for a long time, the Mouse Immortal's movements when crawling away looked a little jerky - and suddenly laughed:

"I heard that a golden civet has been looking for you. Are you sure that coming to see me now is the right thing to do?"

"Indeed, indeed."

After hearing the words 'Huanghuali', the Mouse Immortal's face clearly showed some uneasiness. He raised his head and looked around a few times: "I can choose not to come, but I think it's better to come... "

As he said that, he lowered his head and glanced at the cup of tea that the witch pushed in front of him, and carefully looked at the shape of the tea leaves at the bottom of the cup, as if there was a yellow civet buried in the small cluster of tea leaves: "... after all, the achievement is great. The wizard is a very, very glorious thing, although the process is not so glorious, but overall, it is worth celebrating.”

"When I became a great wizard, my family set up a running table for ten days, and the principal also gave me a rune he drew himself. A complete set of runes. You can't find it on the market!"

Kolma listened to the old rat in front of her talking about old things, the smile on her face quietly faded, and there was a trace of pity in her eyes. This is about the mercy of a lucky man to the unfortunate.

"...This is my congratulatory gift." The Rat Immortal fumbled around his waist for a long time, and finally took out a simple silver ring with a translucent amber embedded in it.

Through that layer of brown, you can vaguely see the shadow of undulating mountains.

"Every great wizard needs a place to accommodate his 'existence'." The Rat Immortal put the ring on the witch's finger and explained: "If you don't want to be forced to leave this world like those outer gods, , then you will definitely need this thing... You will gradually understand this kind of thing... This is the 'world' given to me by an old friend of mine before his death. I think it is perfect as a gift. ”

"How long have you been hiding in the mirror?" The witch rubbed the amber on the ring and did not ask more about the great wizard. Knowledge involving high-level wizards is not so easy to obtain.

"The front and rear feet," the Rat Immortal lowered his chin and nodded his chin as Zheng Qing and Jiang Yu left. The beard at the corner of his mouth curled up, looking particularly proud:

"The kid just arrived and I'm here... I know what you want to say, but you know there is a word called 'dark under the light'. The more dangerous the place, the safer it is."

That's a good thing to say, but it's a tightrope that only the boldest and most talented can walk.

"You came today not just to give me a gift." The witch finally made up her mind and asked. At the same time, she was also prepared to refuse in her heart - if the Mouse Fairy wanted her North District wizards to take risks for an impossible goal, she would definitely refuse on the spot.

"Do you know Dr. Terry Duzem?" the Rat Immortal asked in a statement tone.

"It was you who told me this name." The witch replied cautiously.

A few weeks ago, in order to find a secret and suitable place to 'place' the summoning magic circle, Kolma asked the Mouse Fairy for help. At that time, the condition it gave was to let the witch find Dr. Duzem.

But later, for some reason, before the witches fully figured out the identity of Dr. Duzem, the two mice actually said that they had completed the task - looking back now, Zheng was probably the only one who completed the task at that time. Cleared.

This also made Kolma increasingly vigilant.

She knew how much trouble that guy Zheng Qing was in. Just like the relationship between ability and responsibility, for most wizards, the more powerful the background, the greater the trouble.

The Rat Immortal smiled and revealed several secrets on Buji Island to the new great wizard: "Dr. Duzem is a genius alchemist who once led the First University's 'Artificial God' project and made Great achievements... If that plan succeeds, First University will be able to mass-produce the 'Grand Wizard'."

"It's just that Dr. Duzem was still too young and took some risks. An accident occurred. When the school was investigating the accident, it accidentally discovered that several of his experiments seriously violated the ethical boundaries recognized by the alliance... For example, he used living creatures to refine The Philosopher's Stone; for example, he used the remains of the deceased great wizard for experiments."

The Mouse Immortal was still a little vague in his words, and did not name what went wrong in that plan, but just the little bit of information revealed already made the witch have the urge to cover her ears.

It is true that she now has access to these secrets, and she is also very interested in what happens next. But there are many things that you cannot understand just because you are interested or qualified.

Just like the saying in the wizarding world, "When a wizard stares into the abyss, it is the beginning of his fall, because the abyss will also start to stare at you at that moment."

Unfortunately, there are some things that cannot be heard without covering your ears.

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