Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 45 The Triple World and the Brain in a Vat

The night breeze blows, blowing the horns of the robe for hunting.

The gentleman's robe seemed to have become extra large, covering the eyes of the young public-funded student. Zheng Qing followed his husband and stumbled a few steps. It felt like he had just walked out of the hall of Gini's hut when he felt the sound of wind in his ears suddenly stopped.

The corners of his robe that were fluttering in front of him also fell back.

Zheng Qing's eyes lit up, and the words he had planned to complain about were swallowed back unconsciously - he dared to guarantee that his husband had already taken him away from Phuket Island.

Because the boy remembers clearly that it is midnight on Phuket Island.

In front of us, there is a new world full of vigor and vitality as the red sun rises. Inches of tall, tender green grass occupied every corner of Zheng Qing's field of vision. There were a few clear springs and a few low shrubs mixed in between the grass. The goose-yellow flowers bloom shyly in the sunshine, just like the little daughter-in-law hiding behind the threshold.

"Where is this?" the boy asked subconsciously.

"A new world." Mr. replied nonchalantly, as if he was as simple as an ordinary person saying, "I drank soy milk for breakfast."

Zheng Qing opened his mouth without making a sound, then closed it again. He tried several times, like a fish in a rut. After struggling for a long time, he asked in a hoarse voice:

"Can I still come here?"

The voice was full of doubt and strong lack of confidence.

"Magic is about making the impossible possible." The teacher is always very patient with students' questions: "As far as I'm concerned, yes, it's not difficult to come here... For you, it's an 'exception' privilege.”

"Exception?" Zheng Qing immediately woke up to the 'forbidden curse' in his body - according to what his husband said before, the existence of the forbidden curse is the existence of breaking the rules and is the biggest exception in the world.

With this confidence, he was finally able to adjust his mood and take a serious look at his surroundings.

The grass spreads towards the distance under their feet, and at the end of the grass stands a black castle. White windmills, red buffaloes, and tall green-skinned natives create a harmonious pastoral scenery.

Although the skin color of those indigenous people is slightly different, their appearance is the same as that of ordinary wizards. They wear shabby clothes and work hoe, and they are happy. Looking at the tools they used, Zheng Qing judged that this was a place in a farming society.

"It's so beautiful." The young wizard took a deep breath, as if he wanted to suck all the leisurely and contented breath floating in the air into his stomach: "...When I get old, I will also find a place like this, Morningside Take care of the wasteland and return home with a hoe."

The gentleman glanced at him.

"Farm work has never been as poetic as Tao Yuanliang said. It is a very hard job." While commenting, the husband grabbed the boy's body as he was about to walk towards the castle, and put a hand on his shoulder.

"At any time," he repeated emphatically: "A qualified pioneer must follow the strictest safety guidelines at all times in the new world... and must learn to see the essence of things through phenomena."


Zheng Qing blinked doubtfully and tried to look at the surrounding scenery - mountains or mountains, water or water. The castle was as quiet as before, and the farmers were as leisurely as ever.

"What you see with your eyes may not be true." The gentleman reminded: "Close your eyes and use your heart to understand the world."

Zheng Qing honestly closed his eyes.

Everything was dark.

Then he heard his husband sigh, and then he felt a little cool moisture on his eyelids, as if he had applied a layer of water or Fengyoujing on them.

After a while, the darkness in the field of vision faded, turning into purple, pink, light yellow, and finally pale.

The green pastoral world in front of me turned into a pale, dead world.

The tender grass underfoot is a pile of hair, the gurgling clear spring is bleeding red water, the bushes are a landscape of bones, but the black castle has not changed, it is still the same gloomy.

There are gusts of evil wind and ghost winds.

The farmers working in the fields were all deformed, missing eyes, ears, and noses, and their bodies were covered with horrible tumors.

The boy gasped, subconsciously took a step back and opened his eyes.

There was another green and vibrant world in front of him. A few steps away from him, a small light yellow flower was still nodding gently in the breeze, and it was a bit playful in its beauty.

Zheng Qing gritted his teeth and closed his eyes again.

The little yellow flower turned into a ferocious head of a grudge, opening its greedy mouth and trying its best to reach out to the boy, with suspicious turbid saliva dripping from the corner of its mouth.

Zheng Qing tried to stand on tiptoes, trying to reduce the area of ​​contact with this world.

The gentleman stood beside him, but his voice seemed to come from a very far away place, which seemed particularly ethereal: "...Unlike the gentle surface world, the bottom of this world is very unfriendly to outsiders. The indigenous people can eat it. The melons and fruits are highly poisonous to wizards; the grass that the natives trample on is a life-threatening rope to the wizards; the sweet springs that the natives drink are no more than aqua regia to the wizards... The root of it lies in a city. "

"A 'City of Resistance' that exists deeper than this world and exists in a corner of this world."

"You haven't looked deep enough... Calm down and imagine that your brain is a radio and a big pot lid, which can receive endless information... Don't try to analyze any received information, just concentrate on receiving it."

“As long as you look enough and deeply enough, you can see the essence of the world.”

Zheng Qing closed his eyes, trying to block out the pale and terrifying scenes outside, muttering words such as 'I am an antenna for Mo's emotions' and 'I am a pot lid'.

Soon, endless information poured into his head from all directions, as if a thousand birds were quarreling crazily in his ears, and countless broken and distorted images crowded into his eyes, filling his eyes. Bloating.

Zheng Qing suspected that if this state continued for a few more seconds, his eyeballs would be overwhelmed by the influx of images.

At that moment, a crisp sound sounded in his heart, like the sound of glass breaking and ice exploding. As the light and darkness changed in front of his eyes, the world composed of white bones, skeletons and deformed monsters disappeared from Zheng Qing's eyes.

A huge 'aquarium' appeared in front of him.

The gentleman had his back to Zheng Qing and was standing in front of the transparent water tank, raising his head and looking at it carefully.

The boy looked intently and saw that there were no swimming fish or aquatic plants in the aquarium, but a gray-white brain floating like a weightless tombstone. As the water ripples undulated slightly, dozens of slender cables emanated from the brain. It extends upward and leads to the deeper part of the water tank.

"Which city is this?"

Zheng Qing's voice seemed to be ringing in an empty square, appearing extremely weak and weak: "An aquarium?"

"Not one." The gentleman corrected, motioning the boy to look further away.

Zheng Qing took a step back and raised his head.

up down left right.

As far as the eye can see, countless 'aquariums' are neatly arranged in this space, and countless brains are floating in the turbid liquid, like tombstones, standing between life and death.

:. :

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