Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 49 The Twelfth Weekend

403 dormitory.

in the dark.

Zheng Qing opened his eyes and stared blankly at the folds of the curtains above his head. His eyes were dull and his sight seemed to be in a very far away place. After a while, his eyes slowly came into focus.

This time when he woke up from his dream, he had an extra box in his mind.

It looks similar to the boxes in the gray cloth bag, but the color is blue-gray and looks a bit simple and heavy.

There are two rune guns in the chest.

Zheng Qing knew that these two talisman guns might not allow him to release the real forbidden curse, but they could allow him to use a little bit of the 'power of the forbidden curse' in advance - provided that he could realize the two guns in his mind. come out.

In Mr. Wang's words, his imagination was strong enough to outline the tiniest details of the two runic guns out of nothingness.

Zheng Qing estimated that the difficulty of fully realizing the rune gun would not be much easier than passing the registered wizard examination.

Perhaps, this is also a kind of balance and order.

He thought mockingly, raised his hand in front of him.

The blue-gray box in his mind quietly opened a gap, magic surged in his hands, and thin silver threads shuttled through the darkness, out of thin air outlining the silhouette of Colt Python.

It's just that this phantom seemed a bit fragile, trembling in Zheng Qing's hands, and seemed to break into pieces if he squeezed it. And there is no trigger on this rune gun.

The husband said that he already had the trigger.

Zheng Qing just thought for a moment and then thought of the Dharma book stuffed in the deepest part of the gray cloth bag - his husband once said that the spell copied in that book was not a forbidden spell, it was just a guiding spell that induced the forbidden spell. 's trigger'.

"Do you want me to stuff that book into the gun? How can I stuff it in..."

The boy grunted, and with a little force in his hand, the Colt Python's shadow shattered into pieces and turned into dots of silver light.

As expected.

The young wizard sighed deeply, turned over, threw all the boxes in his mind and the Dharma books in the gray cloth bag behind his head, and fell into a deep sleep again in the blink of an eye.

The sky is big and the earth is big, sleeping is the biggest.

The next day is the weekend of the twelfth week.

Get up in the morning, it’s another day full of energy!

While doing morning classes in Feiyuan, Zheng Qing was practicing ‘no punch’ while closing his eyes and thinking about today’s schedule. The little fox was lying on the big bluestone under the tree, playing with his tail boredly.

The good news is that after the impromptu class last night, Mr. Zheng Qing did not leave any homework for Zheng Qing - for a young wizard who is approaching the end of the semester and has a heavy workload, there is no more thoughtful arrangement than this.

The bad news is that he is still very busy today and has no time to play with the little fox.

In addition to writing homework for other subjects, Zheng Qing is going to work in Professor Monteria's laboratory this afternoon, and will also participate in the night patrol of the school working committee in the evening.

Having been on leave for three weeks, Zheng Qing felt a bit dejected when he returned to Professor Monteria's laboratory. It seemed that every face that greeted him had a bit of ridicule and a bad smile.

But it turned out that it was just an illusion of a young public-funded student.

Professor Monteria had no feeling about the three-week absence of a certain temporary assistant, assigning work and guiding experiments as usual. Zheng Qing was worried all afternoon, and finally realized that his uneasiness was just to promote himself.

Perhaps in my husband's eyes, he is a seed of 'order' with unlimited possibilities for the future. But in the eyes of most professors in the school - or to be precise, Professor Monteria - Zheng Qing is just a young man who came to his laboratory to gain experience and undergo a physical examination with a letter of introduction from another great wizard. Just a wizard.

At best, this young wizard has the title of a public student, won the Brass Merlin Order, and occupied a position in the Major Arcana in the annual ranking of "Magic Wand".

But for a professor at the First University, these false names are nothing but burdens.

Nothing could attract their attention more than an ingenious magical experiment.

After realizing this, Zheng Qing felt much calmer when he participated in the night patrol of Linzhong Lake at night - as expected, the old school worker who assigned the task did not care that a certain young wizard had to take time off several times.

These two encounters made Zheng Qing feel a little bit different.

The night before, he accompanied his husband to cross the boundary between the old and new worlds and experience the power of the great wizard. The next night, he accompanied a group of young wizards who were not yet registered wizards and listened to them talk about the 'big things' that happened in the school. I can’t tell my big secret to my friends yet.

Walking in brocade clothes at night is nothing more than this.

Because of this unexplainable annoyance, Zheng Qing acted more like an audience when the roommates were discussing, and focused most of his attention on replacing the cooling charms for the elves.

It's early summer, and the elf's paper house is much hotter than in winter. The warmth charms originally hung on the walls of the paper house need to be removed one by one and replaced with cooling charms for ventilation.

This is a job that tests your patience.

While the young public-sponsored students were busy with the work at hand, they listened carefully to Fatty Xin talking about the importance of 'change of leadership'. During this process, the fat cat Tuantuan kept its tail erect and walked around the public-funded students. Did it rub the cool charm in Zheng Qing's hand with the tip of its tail? It just had the words "I want it too" on its face. .

Out of a certain sense of 'fellowship', Zheng Qing dug out two inferior cooling charms, folded them into paper stars, threaded a red string through them and hung them around the fat cat's neck, and finally sent it away.

As for the other fat man in the dormitory, the 'change' that Fatty Xin was talking about was the change of the person in charge of the Student Union and Federation of Societies. To be precise, the current Lei Zhe and Augustus resigned, and the new Lei Zhe and Augustus took office.

Throughout the weekend, the biggest news from First University was the school's plan to deal with the destruction of half a street by Red Zhe and Augustus last weekend.

Regarding the final solution of Lei Zhe and Augustus's destruction of half the street, Xiao Xiao almost guessed everything - the Holy Will and the Blood Club equally shared the reconstruction costs of the destroyed block, including Lei Zhe and Augustus. Approximately thirty students were given warnings by the school, but the most serious student was only placed on probation because the classmate used an 'illegal spell' that was not permitted by the Wizards Alliance.

In addition, Lei Zhe and Augustus also announced their resignations on the first weekend of early May.

Even though it was expected, the incident still shocked the entire university.

Everyone's attention was attracted to the people who were about to take over these two titles. Almost everyone in the corridors and on campus was discussing this matter. The betting agencies offered very generous odds for the possible candidates. , attracted a lot of topics.

From a certain point of view, the school's handling is not unwise.

At the very least, the previous hot events, including the turmoil in the fish-men tribe, Zheng Qing's attack on Serprano, and Nicholas' blood-picking, were all overshadowed by this major event.

Preferring the new and hating the old is an eternal choice in the world of public opinion.

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