Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 54 Two questions

The last time I came to the North District, the Wizard of the North District had just been born, just like a fresh spring emerging from a pool of stagnant water. Although it brought a bit of new atmosphere, most of the water in the pool was still stagnant and smelly after all. The guests coming and going are in a hurry, lest they get a little stain on their bodies.

After a week, Zheng Qing entered the North District again and found that many impressive changes had taken place here.

The most striking thing is the color.

In the past, the North District was a gray world - gray linen robes, gray faces, gray streets, and gray-black mud walls on both sides of the streets.

Now the North District is much more colorful.

Pedestrians coming and going on the streets - whether they are wizards or magicians from the North District - dare to dress up in more colorful clothes. Dirty street corners filled with rubbish were also cleaned up. The cracked glass on the windows on both sides of the street disappeared and was replaced by clean, transparent glass. Even the gargoyles squatting at the entrance of the alley were wiped clean and had red ribbons tied around their necks.

This change slightly exceeded the plans of the two young wizards, and also caused them a little trouble.

Because the last time he came to the North District, he felt so bad about being 'looked at', Zheng Qing had already planned to wear a gray robe similar to the locals the next time he came to the North District.

And they did.

Zheng Qing wore a gray linen robe today. Although Jiang Yu wore a plain robe, she wore an extra gray cloak and a wide hood. In theory, the two of them were It should be much more low-key than last time.

But the changes on the streets of the North District made the two young men in gray stand out again.

As they walked on the street, more than one North Ender looked at them reproachfully, as if their wearing gray was a discredit to the entire neighborhood. There were also a few sophisticated North District businessmen who grabbed the sleeves of young public-funded students and sold them the recently popular silver satin brocade——

"This robe color matches the hair color of the wizard in the North District best! There is no other one!"

"You young people will eventually get that curse seal."

"Don't be discouraged, young man, the great sage is very merciful."

"You must first adjust your mentality... If you are still wearing gray robes, how will the Great Sage know that you want to become a real wizard?"

It seems that just by looking at the hair color of the two people, these businessmen have already imagined a long and melancholy plot. The young public-funded student had to hurry up and leave in a hurry amid Jiang Yu's snickering and the disappointed eyes of the clothing store owner.

But Jiang Yu's snickering didn't last long.

After walking deeper into the North District, the smile on her face disappeared.

Because the springs that had just awakened in the stagnant water were brought up by the rolling, in addition to streams of clear springs, there were also dregs that had settled at the bottom of the pool for a long time.

When there is no running water, those dregs quietly sink to the bottom of the water, pretending that they do not exist.

With the living water, they were reborn in an instant and gained the power to become active again. With the surge of water, they rose from the bottom of the pool, smearing a layer of disgusting color on the originally clear pool.

For example, the wizards here have dared to whistle at Jiang Yu.

A month ago, if a boy from the North District did this without knowing the seriousness of the matter, a large group of people from the North District would look at him and rush up, dragging the boy down and beating him up without knowing the seriousness of the matter.

But now, after hearing those frivolous whistles, Jiang Yu could only frown slightly and pull her hood lower. Even Zheng Qing, other than glaring angrily, could not react more excessively - after all, in the past, they didn't need to react, the people in the North District would react themselves. As students of First University, they would not and had no need to do such dirty things.

Of course, part of the reason why those young people from the North District dared to whistle at the two of them was probably because of the gray robes they were wearing. If the two of them appeared on the streets of the North District wearing the robes of Jiuyou Academy, even if the people of the North District had any complaints in private, they would definitely not reveal it to the public.

Neither of the two young men are careless people.

The slight unpleasantness they experienced on the street would not make them angry, or affect their plans to go to the Gini Hut for 'business' - at least to confirm Nicholas's return to school, they had to discuss it with the real owner of the Gini Hut.

"I thought this place would be as crowded as last week." Standing in front of the Sakura Tavern, looking at the empty yard, Zheng Qing breathed a sigh of relief.

The last time I went to look for Kolma, starting from the entrance of Gudiao Street, there were devout magicians kneeling down and worshiping each other, one layer after another like a tide. Zheng Qing never wanted to experience that kind of fanaticism and crowding in his life. the second time.

"The Great Sage said, 'Respect and piety are not lying at my feet and crying.' She doesn't like the mess outside." The person who received the two young wizards was a North District witch, tall and pretty, with a lock of silver in her ear. Long hair falls down.

Zheng Qing remembered that her name was Catherine, and she was a veteran figure in the Gini Cabin.

"Is Senior Colma here?" the wizard asked hurriedly without any greetings, just wanting to come in.

Catherine smiled, but did not give way or answer.

Jiang Yu was behind Zheng Qing and tugged at his robe. The boy turned around with a puzzled expression, just in time to see the witch wink at him.

Zheng Qing blinked and stood behind the witch with a confused look on his face.

Jiang Yu took off her cloak and handed it to the boy. After adjusting her clothes, she straightened up, raised her hand and made an ancient salute in the direction of the Gini cabin, and whispered:

"The great sage's reputation is very outstanding even in Jiuyou College. We have benefited a lot from our previous relationship. This sudden visit involves the academic difficulties of a student from Jiuyou College. I hope to get the great sage." ”

Zheng Qing tried his best to keep a straight face and control himself not to laugh out loud - because he felt that this kind of formal and formal speech was a bit funny.

But as Catherine returned the gift with the same solemnity, and then said that she would 'convey' the news of their visit to the Great Sage, Zheng Qing suddenly couldn't laugh.

He thought of the figure that he saw gradually getting bigger when he came to the Gini Hut with his husband last Friday night; he thought of some of the connotations contained in "order".

When the scattered North District magicians regain their dignity that has fallen into the dust, the first thing they have to do is to create a scepter of order to let chaos and disorder exit this shadowed world.

Perhaps in Zheng Qing's eyes, Jiang Yu's words just now were a bit funny. But in the eyes of more people, the witch's behavior is elegant and mature.

Adults should bear these heavy shackles and live in a world of rules.

Zheng Qing faintly felt a certain seed deep in his soul beating slightly.

This is order, but it is not the order Zheng Qing wants. Compared with this adult world full of red tape, polite words, and hypocrisy, Zheng Qing hopes that he can remain innocent until death.

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