Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 56 The Dark Wizard

The two wizards blocking the road were one tall and one short, one fat and the other thin.

A tall person, more than two meters tall, but extremely thin. The loose black robe covered his body, dangling like a scarecrow in the fields. He wore a pointed wizard hat with a few crow feathers stuck to the brim, which looked a little funny.

Although the pair of wide sunglasses covered most of his face, they could not hide his most peculiar sign - his temples were deeply sunken, as if someone had given him a vicious 'double peak piercing the ear' , as if his skull was dented.

Zheng Qing was surprised that such a head could support a living life. Sure enough, the magical world was full of wonders.

The short wizard was less than 1.5 meters tall, and his head was barely aligned with his companion's hips. Although he was short, he had a strong build. His round belly stretched the black wizard's robe into a ball, and his full beard made him look like a dwarf in a fairy tale.

Because of the gray beard, the dwarf wizard's temperament has a bit of vicissitudes of life. However, his face did not show aging, but was very rosy.

He also wore a pair of wide sunglasses.

Since entering the wizarding world, Zheng Qing rarely saw wizards wearing sunglasses - except for the beautiful Su - so when he first saw two wizards wearing sunglasses blocking the middle of the road, he was surprised for a few seconds.

Although he was surprised in his heart, it did not slow down the action at hand.

After all, this is the North District at night.

The moment the two wizards wearing sunglasses appeared, the wizard's right hand had already reached into the gray cloth bag at his waist and pinched the spine of an old book.

This book is the public law book of Jiuyou Academy.

Zheng Qing's original Dharma book was stuffed into the deepest part of the gray cloth bag because he copied the 'dangerous spells'. Therefore, recently, the young public-funded student has been using a worn-out book borrowed from the library, 'donated by well-wishers' 's Dharma book.

It wasn't that he couldn't buy a new Dharma book. Originally, he thought that after finding his husband, he would help him clean up the spells on the Dharma book, and there was no need to spend a lot of money to buy a new Dharma book. Unexpectedly, after meeting him, my husband only helped to strengthen the seal on the Dharma book, but did not help him clean up the "forbidden spell starting position" copied in the book.

Back and forth, more than a week has passed.

During this period, Zheng Qing also submitted an application to the student union for a new 'publicly funded student law book'. As expected, he would be able to get a free brand new law book in a few days.

Although the appearance of the "public-funded student" is not well received, Zheng Qing is not the kind of person who cares about appearance.

Just save money and use it.

"Good evening!" The short and fat wizard raised his hand to greet the two young people, looking very kind.

"Is something wrong?" The young public-funded student looked down at the dwarf wizard and asked softly. The fingers holding the Dharma book became tighter and tighter, not slackening at all because of the other party's kindness.

Jiang Yu took half a step back and stood behind Zheng Qing, holding a jade pendant out of sight of the two blockers. The jade pendant was already slightly illuminated by a light cyan halo. She also reached into her handbag with her other hand, pinched the spine of the Dharma book, and looked at the two strange wizards in front of her with vigilance.

The tall wizard and the short wizard looked at each other and began to explain:

"The economic environment is not good recently."

"It's not good."

"The resurgence of silence has brought too much harvest, and the market has excess resources."

"Hey, with more resources, wizards need less magicians."

"So a lot of jugglers are out of work."

"It's so miserable."

"Can't eat."

"You can't make any money either."

"This is unemployment... it's an economic crisis."

"How to do it?"

"You have to find work, otherwise you won't have food to eat."

"Where can I find work?"

"Far away, yet so close..."

The two wizards in black robes sang in harmony, as if they were talking about cross talk. The two young wizards who spoke directly looked confused. When he heard the previous sentences, Zheng Qing thought that these two were robbers, and he also pondered whether to spend two silver coins to eliminate the trouble, or to use Dharma books to protect his legitimate rights and interests.

But as he listened, he felt that there was something wrong with what the other person said.

"...Wait a moment, wait a moment." The boy raised his hand to stop the other party from continuing to speak, and asked with some uncertainty: "Are you introducing us to a job?"

"It's really strange, otherwise? Blocking the road in the middle of the night is a disaster." The short wizard rolled his eyes.

It's really strange. I've never seen someone stop someone in a dark alley late at night and say they want to introduce a job. The young public-funded student also complained about the other party's slightly weird behavior.

"What kind of job are you going to introduce to us?" Jiang Yu was also a little curious.

"Many...Old Tom's wizard's tower lacks a few servants to clean the magic pool; Mrs. Elisabeth's caravan just ran away with a little girl, and it also needs replacement; and Mr. Colin Cliff, is willing to Improve the magic affinity of the magicians in the North District for free..." The short wizard held his fingers and counted the treasures. The tall wizard stood beside him swaying, without saying a word, and he didn't know when he had picked up the treasure in his hand. A worn parchment contract.

Zheng Qing's expression gradually changed after hearing this.

He finally knew the origins of these guys across from him.

It's not unusual for North End jugglers to have a hard life. So they are willing to do jobs that many wizards are unwilling to do but require a little bit of magic perception - such as cleaning the magic pool in the mage tower.

The magic pool is the hub of magic flow in the mage tower and has strong magic corrosiveness. When decent wizards clean the magic pool, they mostly use alchemy dolls, but due to erosion, the service life of these dolls is very short. So some wizards hire cheaper jugglers to do these jobs.

As for the life lost by the magicians as a result, the wizard has already paid for it with copper coins.

And the other two jobs the short wizard mentioned. The former one, Mrs. Elisabeth's caravan, is undoubtedly in the flesh business; the latter one, that Mr. Cliff, is most likely using a magician to do unreported and unreported business. Permitted magical experiments.

In other words, the two wizards in front of them are the brokers of the legendary dark wizard.

"Can we refuse?" Zheng Qing refused coldly.

"Sorry, I can't." The tall wizard shook the parchment in his hand and said calmly. Compared with Humpty Dumpty, his voice was dry and unconvincing. Maybe that's why he rarely speaks.

"After all, we are also serious businessmen, and we will not do the kind of thing where people are sent to work without signing a contract." The short wizard tried to smooth things over and explained.

Zheng Qing was extremely angry and laughed:

"If there is no right to refuse, what is the difference between signing this contract and human trafficking?"

"There really isn't much difference." The pudgy wizard stood on tiptoes and sighed: "Originally, we wouldn't do this kind of fishing in the marsh. But the great sage in the North District didn't give us time to slowly adjust."

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