Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 60: The vision of the yellow raccoon dog

Beta Town, North District.

The night is long and the moon is dim.

When Zheng Qing and Jiang Yu encountered a black wizard blocking their way, the moment the two sides clashed, it triggered the surveillance circle recently deployed by Kolma in the North District.

With just one thought, she knew what had happened.

She knew that outside dark wizards were kidnapping people in the North District, and she had also heard reports from the North District wizards. But on the one hand, the local snake cannot suppress the powerful dragon. On the other hand, the other party is also very cautious in their style and selects mostly magicians who do not meet the selection standards for wizards in the North District.

This kind of thing has always happened in the past, and the contracts of those dark wizards are the last straw for many magicians in desperate situations. Kolma, who has long been accustomed to this cruel reality, did not react too violently and let it go.

As long as they don't cross the line.

Right now, however, they have definitely crossed a line.

Regardless of the relationship between the two young wizards and her, or the terrifying backgrounds of the two young men, even two ordinary First University students should not encounter this kind of thing.

This is Phuket Island, the Phuket Island of the First University. There was actually a dark wizard who had the audacity to rob the students of the First University in the North District - this behavior challenged her prestige as the great sage of the North District and the prestige of the First University at the same time.

Kolma didn't hesitate at all. As his thoughts passed by, he stood up and disappeared without a trace in the surprised eyes of all the North District wizards.

Her idea was simple. She must not let this sudden accident damage Bei District's reputation in First University or in certain circles. So she will solve this trouble as quickly as possible.

But when she stepped across the void and stood firm, she was surprised to find that she did not appear between the two young men and the two dark wizards as expected.

Instead, he stood above them.

To be precise, it was in the small void above the battlefield.

A yellow tabby came earlier than her, squatting a few steps away, lowering his head and looking at the conflicting parties below.

"Here we come." The civet didn't look back. He just raised his tail and said hello to the witch: "...You should come earlier next time. This is your territory after all."

Kolma looked at its back, and then at the two nervous young men below, with a somewhat complicated expression.

She didn't ask silly questions like, 'Don't you need our intervention?' or 'Let me capture those two dark wizards.' Obviously, the tabby cat in front of her, whose details she didn't know, had taken control of everything, and seemed to be planning to temper the two young men.

"I'll pay attention next time." Korma replied softly.

"It's just an old guy's suggestion, don't pay attention to it." The yellow raccoon finally turned around and glanced sideways at the witch, then shook his beard, seemed to smile, raised his paw and clicked on the scene below: "What do you think of them? Sample?"

Huang Huali did not clarify who exactly ‘they’ meant.

This did not affect the witch's answer.

"They have very poor eyesight." Kolma replied with a pun - she was saying that the two dark wizards had very poor eyesight and could only distinguish people by the color of their robes, mistaking the two First University students for magicians. ; It also means that Zheng Qing and Jiang Yu are inexperienced. After confronting the black wizard for a long time, they are still not sure who the other party is.

"It's just a lack of experience after all." Huanghuali sighed, and the beard at the corner of his mouth twitched.

As he spoke, the situation on the field had changed.

Zheng Qing and others revealed their identities, and the two dark wizards raised their hands in unison, indicating that they had no intention of causing opposition.

"It's okay to just end it like this." Huanghuali curled his lips, a little uninterested, and turned to look at Kolma: "Have you seen those two mice in the past two days? Fei Rui or Mouse Immortal, it doesn't matter if you have seen them."

"It seems that Zheng Qing doesn't intend to let those two guys go just like that." Korma avoided answering Huang Huali's question.

The tabby cat lowered his head again.

"Tsk, idiot." Hearing the conversation between the young wizard and the dark wizard, it raised its beard angrily and said, "We already know it's a misunderstanding, can't we just say hello and wave goodbye to each other? Why do we have to commit suicide? Looking for trouble!"

It refers to Zheng Qing's plan to kidnap two dark wizards and hand them over to law enforcement agencies.

"With good school education, it is necessary for young people to have a greater sense of justice." Kolma said tactfully.

"Education for nerds." Huang Huali snorted old-fashionedly, and his eyes fell back on the confrontation below. He paused for a few seconds before changing his tone: "Speaking of which, those two dark wizards are also very discerning and flexible... "

Then he heard the tall wizard below say nonsense words like 'goat', 'wild boar' and 'flower girl', which made the little girl from the Jiang family so angry that she cast a weakened version of the Heavenly Punishment Curse on the spot.

The tabby cat was speechless.

Before the tongue could be recovered, the dark wizard took the lead and used the forced transformation spell to turn the little girl of the Jiang family into a cat. Fortunately, the powerful restorative power of the forced transformation spell neutralized the forceful transformation spell. The backlash of a weakened version of the Heavenly Punishment Curse.

"Do you think the actions of those two dark wizards can be tolerated?" Korma spoke at the right time, resolving the little embarrassment of the yellow tabby.

"Of course, of course." The tabby cat muttered, its tail drooped, and it swept to both sides: "Everyone sweeps the snow in front of their own door, and doesn't care about the frost on other people's tiles. Everyone has his own way of living. Black wizard, white wizard , gray wizards, all wizards.”

"Should we help?" The witch looked at Zheng Qing alone facing two dark wizards, and was a little worried: "Zheng Qing's situation seems to be a bit difficult now."

"This is all trivial!" Huang Huali waved his paw and rejected the witch's proposal. He pointed at Zheng Qing and said: "That boy has seen a lot of big scenes. Not to mention far away, just some time ago, he and you When fighting against Sathoggua in that small world, his performance was just fine... There were just two dark wizards, not even registered wizards, and he could capture them with just a few spells."

"But..." Kolma said politely - she wanted to say that Zheng Qing was a black cat that could grow bigger at the time, and he exploded in the end. And she felt that the students in the school might not be able to handle the dirty tricks used by the dark wizards in the North District.

Before she could speak, the yellow raccoon man raised his paws with great momentum and added: "No one understands the old man better than me... The old man opened a small stove for this kid two days ago and must have taught him a lot of powerful magic... ...Well, it's a very interesting talisman... Believe me, that talisman can seriously injure those two dark wizards!"

It saw the talisman that Zheng Qing quietly dropped on the ground.

Kolma opened her mouth, and finally closed it - she wanted to remind the two dark wizards of the Golden Horse that they were secretly dispensing the medicine. This was the most common dirty trick used by the dark wizards who roamed the North District.

But since the cat didn't speak, I guess Zheng Qing must have a poison-proof talisman on his body.

Before this idea disappeared from her mind, at her feet, the young public-funded student who was bravely confronting the dark wizard fell to the ground neatly.

Kolma obviously felt the figure of the yellow tabby in front of him stiffen.

She lowered her head quietly and pretended not to see this scene.

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