Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 68 The Fish Guard

Zheng Qing politely refused the offer of goldfish.

The enthusiasm in the goldfish's expression suddenly dissipated, and his tone suddenly became much colder: "In this case... what is the purpose of your coming here?"

"Participate in the fair where Quan Ke comes." The wizard replied cautiously.

"Please show your invitation letter and indicate your introducer." Goldfish asked seriously.

"This..." Zheng Qing looked at the big goldfish in front of him and hesitated whether to show it his invitation letter.

"I am the entrance manager of Wei City." The goldfish flicked its tail to make the magic mark on the fin more visible, and said in a proud tone: "...All guests who want to enter need to be verified by me!"

If you haven't been a part-time hawker just now, the persuasiveness may be a little higher.

The young public-funded student complained secretly in his heart, and at the same time lamented that it seemed that the water tribe was indeed in decline. They could have found more decent guards, such as real mermaids or sirens.

"Professor Garcia invited us... He is the elder of the Linzhong Lake Fishman Tribe and serves as the fishman language professor at First University." Zheng Qing explained, handing over his invitation letter.

Then he realized that in front of him was a goldfish with no arms.

The goldfish spit out a big bubble.

“You can tuck the invitation in,” it said.

Zheng Qing followed suit.

After the invitation was stuffed in, the bubble suddenly lit up with a conspicuous green light.

"Qualified guests." The goldfish seemed a little disappointed, but it quickly regained its energy: "...according to the regulations, you can bring one pet, one female or male companion, and no more than The servant of the four... is he your male companion? "

The goldfish raised a fin and pointed at Dr. Xiao, who was standing beside the wizard.

"Servant." Zheng Qing replied in a cold voice with a straight face.

"Okay, guests with invitation letters, bring one pet and one servant." Goldfish chanted in a very singing voice, and at the same time enthusiastically inquired again: "Do you need a package storage service? I only need one silver coin per night. , Children are innocent!"

"No, thank you." Zheng Qing refused with a smile.

Then he turned to Xiao Xiao and bit his ears: "...Does it only know that one idiom?"

"Maybe." Xiao Xiao was worried about his status as a 'servant', and his answer was rather perfunctory.

"Can I come in later?" Zheng Qing looked back at the goldfish guard and asked very politely: "We have a companion on the way."

"Maybe." The goldfish seemed a little uninterested - Zheng Qing suspected that it had just heard the conversation between himself and Xiao Xiao - and waved the fins on its abdomen: "This kind of thing can be decided by your own lords. …After all, I’m just a fish.”

The atmosphere was slightly awkward.

The goldfish flicked its tail and jumped back into the pond to replenish water.

Zheng Qing breathed a sigh of relief quietly.

He was very worried just now that if the goldfish questioned his impoliteness, it would become very embarrassing.

"Should we go out and wait, or should we wait here?" Zheng Qing held Poseidon in his arms and combed it while consulting his doctor's opinion: "I prefer to wait here... The golden eagle outside and Ye The Qi fights very hard and it will be very troublesome to go out.”

"You have the final say." The doctor was still unhappy: "After all, I am just a servant."

Zheng Qing felt a little toothache.

"This has nothing to do with me, okay?" He complained, his eyes lingering on the goatee on Xiao Xiao's chin for a moment, and finally chose to change the topic: "...How long will the beard last on your face? Why not just do it directly Cut it off? Don’t you think it’s stupid?”

"No, I think it's very interesting." Xiao Xiao adjusted the glasses on his face, raised his chin, his goatee curled up, and he looked unexpectedly proud: "Cutting it off doesn't make me smarter... ...As for how long it lasts, Professor Li said that the 'goat-like characteristics' will disappear within twelve hours after you stop taking goat milk substitute. Of course, you will need to go to the school hospital for a reexamination at that time to confirm. No sequelae were left..."

While he was talking, a burst of fresh air rushed in from the entrance of the oak tree hole.

Jiang Yu walked in carrying a small pearl-colored handbag.

She had changed out of the red robe she wore during the day and wore a light red skirt. Her hair was tied into a bun with a jade hairpin on it. Two locks of hair hang down on both sides of the cheeks, with some furry decorations in between.

Compared with usual days, her makeup today was more dignified and playful.

After entering the cave, she looked up and around, and immediately saw two wizards standing by the pond. She waved happily and ran towards them in small steps.

"The environment here is more secretive than I thought." After arriving at the wizard's side, Jiang Yu complained tactfully, raised her hand to brush the hair around her ears, and fanned the wind with her hand: "...if you knew you were going to get into it, Tree Hole, I might change into something more convenient."

The little fox in his arms barked softly.

The wizard finally came to his senses from a moment of trance, opened his mouth, and then stumbled back: "Oh, yes...Me too, I didn't know until I came here. The environment here is indeed a bit bad. ”

Xiao Xiao turned around expressionlessly and looked at the pond.

The witch pursed her lips and smiled.

The water in the pond splashed loudly, and the goldfish guard once again appeared in front of several people full of energy.

"Would you like a head soaking spell? Sir... and madam." It greeted with a warm voice: "Five coppers a night, a child is innocent... Although there is no need for a head soaking spell in the Wei market, there is no need for a head soaking spell in the Wei market. The bulk goods stalls outside the market are all in the water. It’s absolutely impossible without a head-soaking charm, sir?”

Zheng Qing blinked.

These words were exactly the same as before.

"No, we don't need it, I've said it before." The wizard refused simply this time.

"In that case...what is the purpose of your coming here?"

"Participate in the fair."

"Please present your invitation letter and indicate your introducer."

Zheng Qing took a gentle breath.

"We have checked the invitation letter before," the wizard considered, not sure whether this goldfish was the previous one: "...I wonder if you have any impression. Or did your colleagues check it for us?"

"Impossible, I am the only fish at the entrance to Wei City!" The goldfish categorically denied, and at the same time took a step back. With a serious look on his face, he pressed his fins on a piece of scale armor etched with runes around his waist, his eyes full of vigilance: " Please identify yourself, stranger... Uninvited guests are not welcome here!”

Compared with Zheng Qing, the new witch seemed to know what was going on better.

"The memory of a goldfish is only seven seconds," the witch whispered in the public student's ear: "Of course, the memory of the magic goldfish may be slightly stronger, but you don't have too high hopes."

"Ten minutes!" The goldfish opposite - Zheng Qing finally confirmed that its hearing was very good - shouted in an annoyed voice: "My memory is longer than seven seconds!"

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