Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 73 Adults only care about their stance

Tianyi Mansion is the residence of the Zhang family in the west area of ​​Beta Town, not far from Qingqiu Mansion. But Zheng Qing has never visited him.

Regarding Zhang Shuzhi's invitation, Zheng Qing regarded it more as a courtesy and greeting.

So he nodded repeatedly and agreed vaguely.

Zhang Shuzhi finally nodded to Seprano and left. Zhang Jixin made a helpless expression at Zheng Qing and quickly followed his brother's footsteps.

There were only four people left in the room, Seprano, Andrew, Zheng Qing, and Xiao Xiao.

Zheng Qing didn't think he had anything else to talk to Soprano, but out of politeness, he felt he needed to say hello before leaving. But before his 'kind words' could be spoken, Soprano turned to Andrew and said:

"Iseni's goods should have arrived, take them to receive them... get ready to go back to school."

Andrew took the order and left.

Seprano looked at Xiao Xiao again.

"Dr. Xiao, I have admired you for a long time." The muscles on his face squeezed each other, and he made a smile: "I heard that you are very knowledgeable about divination? When I just passed by the shop No. 17, I saw the boss inside selling a This 1904 edition of "The Book of the Law" contains an article on the elements of Thoth's Tarot divination written by Aleister Crowley. It's not too late to get there... very few. Fish people will be interested in tarot cards.”

Thoth Tarot is a divination technique based on tarot cards, and Crowley was a very famous occult expert in the wizarding world from the 19th to the 20th century. "The Book of the Law" is a work that was completed after being inspired by a "mysterious existence".

Xiao Xiao raised his eyebrows.

He was indeed interested in the things Serprano mentioned.

But it was too obvious that the Ouroboros in front of him was trying to turn him away - almost explicit. Xiao Xiao turned to look at Zheng Qing, seeking his opinion.

Zheng Qing also woke up.

Is there something Seprano wants to say to himself privately? He looked around. Although the positions of several people were relatively private, they were still in full view of the public. Even if the fat wizard in front of him wanted to beat him, it would not be easy.

So while trying to visualize his Colt Python in his mind, he twitched the corner of his mouth and said to the doctor with a smile: "Go and have a look first... If the book is suitable, you can buy it through D\u0026K's account. Remember to open bill."

Xiao Xiao nodded silently and left quietly.

Seprano looked at the two of them approvingly.

"Knowing the smallest details." He forced out a smile: "A wizard who can be so careful about small things will definitely be able to do big things in the future."

Zheng Qing was frightened.

Damn it, was Soprano complimenting himself?

He subconsciously looked around again. No one was around? Who is this gesture for? Did he really feel that he had just done a good job? Do not make jokes!

In Zheng Qing's opinion, his relationship with Seprano has never been good. When the two of them could nod and say hello to each other when they met, they were already maintaining the lowest level of classmate relationship for the sake of others.

Therefore, when Seprano praised himself so suddenly, Zheng Qing's first reaction was whether he had some conspiracy.

"What do you want?" the wizard asked very cautiously.

Soprano lowered his eyelids as if thinking about how to answer this question.

After a long time, he spoke and asked abruptly:

"Have you ever hunted wild monsters?"

This question was far away from the previous topic. Zheng Qing was not sure what Serprano wanted to say, so he answered vaguely: "Does Zhuyun know that kind of 'hunting'? You Zui has also trained something like this." subjects..."

The fat wizard didn't seem to hear his answer, and spoke slowly to himself:

"I chased a wild wolf monster."

"It was a hunting ground with bushes, meadows, and swamps. The wild wolf demon was not very strong, probably only half the strength of a registered wizard. I was the hunter of the hunting team at the time. In order to find the group of this wolf demon, I Instead of killing it immediately, I marked it and followed it for two whole days..."

Zheng Qing listened a little seriously at this time - he could not think of any hunting competition in the school that lasted for two days, so he guessed that this was a hunting competition that Seprano participated in outside school.

"...for two whole days," Serprano's tone suddenly became a little sad: "The old wolf took me around in the swamp. Several times, he almost brought me into the lair of a group of Grindylows. ”

As we all know, a single Grindylow is just a slightly disgusting spirit, but groups of Grindylow, especially those with lairs, are more terrifying than Ogubugu.

Ogubugu is a snake-like water monster that likes to devour animals passing through the water. It is said that it can grow to more than 100 meters long. When he visited Wei City before, Zheng Qing saw vendors selling amulets said to be made of Ogubugu scales. But he doubted it was just a gimmick.

"... Just like that, it ran, I chased it, it kept running, I kept chasing... I guess it couldn't last long. Then suddenly, at a certain moment, it suddenly disappeared."

"Disappeared?" Zheng Qing raised his eyebrows: "Under your nose? Is it a ghost wolf?"

Ghost wolves are also a type of wolf demon. They are known for their mysterious whereabouts and their appearance and appearance. Hunters often lose track of ghost wolves during the hunting process.

"Yes, under my nose, it's either a ghost wolf or an ordinary will-o'-the-wisp wolf." Serprano folded his arms, looking at the noisy crowd in the distance, and said softly: "Disappear like snowflakes melting. There was no trace of it. The footprints, the breath, and even the mark I planted on it were all gone... Although it was a bit unbelievable, it was not without precedent in the history of hunting games... I thought it fell into some space crack. , I can only accept my bad luck and return to the hunting team."

"Because we were missing a group of wolf demons, our hunting team ultimately lost the hunting competition."

"After the hunting match, I learned that the old wolf had no way to get rid of my hunting, and in order to protect the pack, he finally chose to sink himself into the swamp."

"The swamp is deep and muddy, blocking the magic mark."

Having said this, Seprano let out a sigh of relief, as if he was recalling the emotions he felt when he was hunting. Zheng Qing, on the other hand, worked hard to extract the elements from the short story just now and explore the meaning behind the story that he wanted to express.

"I have no other meaning in telling this story," Serprano explained without confusing the wizard for too long: "It's just that things have been complicated recently and I feel emotional. Everyone has their own position, and everyone has their own opinions. Everyone’s choice.”

"People often say that good will be rewarded with good and evil will be rewarded with evil... This is actually not true."

"Good and evil are very complex concepts. One's honey is my arsenic, and the good to it may be the evil to me. How can they be confused."

"Children only talk about good and evil, adults only look at positions."

"We are all adults."

Literature Museum

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