Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 78 Prophecy

The tent was filled with smoke.

After the old fish man put the octopus skull on Xiao Xiao's head, he returned to his previous sickly appearance and started to use the animal bone crutches again.

While stroking the dragon skin cloak hanging on its crutches, it babbling and singing weird songs in a language that no one could understand. His feet were moving back and forth with tiny steps, as if he was dancing a prayer.

Zheng Qing already had a mental picture of his Colt Python, and the magazine was full of bullets.

As long as there is a slight mistake in the field, he will immediately blast the evil-proof talisman bombs to suppress the weird fish-man old priest.


Under the octopus skull, Xiao Xiao suddenly said a word.

It's just that his voice is very strange, hoarse and harsh, like an uncivilized fish-man, but from the voice line, Zheng Qing and others can clearly distinguish that the speaker is Xiao Xiao.

"Evil eyes stared at the earth, and the evil aura spread everywhere." Xiao Xiao hissed in a fish-man voice: "A huge piece of meat, with many tentacles, and a big mouth dripping with mucus."

"Light shrouds the earth. But it cannot stop evil from watching."

"There is no safer place than here, and there is no place more dangerous than here. The tentacles of evil stretch from the sky to the earth, catching innocent people one after another. If you do nothing, there will be more and more The fall of the innocent.”

At this point, the octopus skull stopped making any sound.

The old fish man looked at the young wizards, and the young wizards also looked at the old fish man in confusion - especially Zheng Qing. He had just heard the key part, and vaguely felt that he had grasped some clue.

But at this moment, Xiao Xiao, or rather the octopus on Xiao Xiao's head, shut up.

There is nothing more irritating than this.

"The situation of divination is very complicated," the old priest coughed dryly and pointed at the octopus skull: "His Royal Highness Yagneg is very tired and needs the guests to confirm whether they want to continue listening."

Of course. Zheng Qing was a little confused. Just as he was about to speak, Korma tugged on his arm.

"How much?" the witch asked very simply.

A wrinkled smile appeared on the old fish man's face: "Chenghui, a golden bean."

"Ah! Yagneg! Yagneg!"

"Our god! Yagnegg!"

On one side of the tent, the choir of little fishmen all opened their mouths again and sang with their ethereal and melodious voices. However, this time, Zheng Qing felt that horns had grown on their beautiful little heads, and a long devil's tail stretched out from behind their translucent tail fins.

Sure enough, there's a reason why they wander around.

The wizard complained in his heart, if he were a market manager, he would be so angry when encountering such businessmen who rip off customers half-way, that he would not give them permanent residence!

After accepting the golden beans, the old fishman priest added dead grass and bone meal to the two plates on the armrests of the stone chair, reactivating the flames that had been silent for a long time. The smoke in the tent grew thicker.

Then it brought out a small bowl of brightly colored fish roe - Zheng Qing felt lucky for Xiao Xiao, because this time it didn't bring out the essence of Yagneg.

The eight already limp tentacles under the octopus skull were instantly restored to their vitality after the fish roe was presented. They dexterously passed over the offering with their claws and stuffed the tentacles into the dark mouth of the skull.

The young wizards vaguely heard the sound of chewing coming from the skull.

A long while.

The bowl was empty and the sound of chewing gradually stopped.

The dark mouth of the skull once again let out a contented sigh:


"Who is the evil you are talking about? Does it have a name?" Zheng Qing was impatient, interrupted Yagneg's sigh, and asked: "Why do people like drinking goat milk? Is it related to the evil existence you mentioned? "

The octopus skull turned to look at the young public-funded student, and its two dark eye holes suddenly flashed with a red light.

"Witness," He called Zheng Qing, but he did not answer Zheng Qing's question, but continued to speak in the words of Yunshan Wuluo: " faced the shadow of evil and repelled the invasion of evil. The soul is the source of restoring order.”

Zheng Qing's heart tightened upon hearing this.

Immediately, he noticed that someone had grabbed his arm. When he turned around, it was Jiang Yu.

The witch looked at him in shock, her lips moving slightly, as if she wanted to say something, but she was also a little worried.

Kolma's reaction answered Zheng Qing's confusion.

"In other words, is the phantom of the alien god you saw that night the root cause of the goat milk incident?" The new great wizard of the North District murmured, nodding thoughtfully: "...I see."

After saying that, she glanced at the two nervous young people beside her, raised her hand and pressed their heads, with a somewhat dissatisfied tone: "I was also there that day. If you are so evasive, I will be sad!"

Jiang Yu smiled awkwardly at her, lowered her head again, and tickled Poseidon.

On the stone chair, Yagneg's divination is still in progress.

"...The danger does not come from the island. It comes from the depths of the starry sky. Your books and talismans cannot protect you. Walls cannot protect you. Castles cannot protect you."

"The rivers dried up under the stars, the forests burned under the moonlight, evil shadows wandered everywhere, thunderous sounds resounded over the lakes, shattering the white towers! The whole world trembled!"

"Run away, stay away from here!"

"Run away..."

Under the octopus's skull, Xiao Xiao's voice became hoarse. The old fish-man priest watched all this in horror and trembled. Then at this critical moment, the voice under the octopus's skull fell silent again.

After a few seconds of pause, Zheng Qing realized what was happening. He rolled his eyes and put his hand into the gray cloth bag, intending to find another golden bean.

"That's it."

Jiang Yu suddenly stretched out her hand and stopped Zheng Qing's intention to continue asking. She glanced at the wizard and explained softly: "No channeling is without cost. The more powerful the existence, the heavier the mental burden on the psychic. . The more serious the situation, the higher the price.”

Zheng Qing immediately woke up.

"That's it." He nodded and signaled the old fishman priest to stop channeling.

"Don't you need another bowl of fish roe?" The old fish man stopped trembling and asked unwillingly: "Perhaps your doubts can be fully answered in the next round of answers."

"Next time." Zheng Qing replied vaguely.

"Life is at stake!" the old fish man emphasized with a stern voice.

"Well, it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter." The wizard waved his hands, looking resigned to his fate: "That's almost enough."

Seeing the wizard's resolute attitude, the old fish man finally sighed, walked slowly to the stone chair, and took off the octopus skull from Xiao Xiao's head.

"You will regret it," it muttered. "Not everyone is brave enough to face their fate."

"You are really a qualified diviner." Korma said to the old fish man in a tone that did not know whether to ridicule or praise. The old fish man accepted it with a smile.

Zheng Qing ignored the old fish man's nagging and looked at the stone chair with concern.

Xiao Xiao sat on the chair with a pale face, his eyes were a little dazed, and it took him a while to regain his clarity.

"Is it over?" he asked in a low voice.

Obviously, he had no impression of the previous questions and answers and divination process.

"It's over." Zheng Qing nodded and looked around. The witches shook their heads and said there was no need for divination. Then he said to Xiao Xiao: "Let's talk about the rest when we get back."

With that said, he stepped forward and helped the doctor down.

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