Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 80 Three Paper Cranes

On the night when Quanke came to Wei City to return to school, three paper cranes flew out of Dormitory 403 of the school.

One flew to Alpha Castle and landed on Lin Guo's bedside. Zheng Qing told the little wizard some clues about the black sheep. Of course, he did not mention Xiao Xiao's speculation to the little wizard, nor did he say anything about the outer gods. He just conveyed the news from Professor Garcia, mentioning that there was a longevity turtle on the east bank of Linzhong Lake who had seen a black sheep fighting with a cat.

Because Lin Guo was still the manager of the Forgiveness Hunting Team, Zheng Qing also ordered him to summon all members of the hunting team to hold a meeting in dormitory 403 the next day to discuss the matter.

The second paper crane flew to Beta Town Pedestrian Street, looking for traces of the golden civet. Zheng Qing planned to tell Huamao that he was going to explore the Shougui settlement on the east side of Linzhong Lake. However, the paper crane hovered in Sanyou Bookstore, Wandering Bar, North District of Beta Town and other places all night, but no trace of the tabby cat was found. Finally, it whined and turned into a ball of fire in mid-air.

When the paper crane turned into a ball of fire, Zheng Qing had fallen into a deep sleep. The incident did not wake him from his sleep. He didn't notice this from the magical feedback until he got up the next morning.

Zheng Qing suspected that the raccoon did it on purpose—it might have thought it was a shame for a group of wizards to make a fuss over a small faceless demon, or to be interested in a smelly mud pond.

As for the third paper crane, it flew to the office building of the school working committee.

Zheng Qing originally planned to give the third paper crane to Professor Yao, but when he was writing the letter, he suddenly realized that Professor Yao was rarely in the office recently, and even the Charms and Magical Philosophy classes were taught using projections.

Professor Emma, ​​who succeeded Professor Yao and was responsible for the recent specific affairs of the school, had always been strict with students and was a professor at the Alpha College of Law, so the young public-funded students were inherently afraid of her.

After careful consideration, he finally chose to report the news to the school working committee.

Respond according to the standard of ordinary students encountering this kind of thing.

But just like all standard procedures that need to be faced, the paper crane that flew to the school working committee stayed in the nest outside the school working committee office for a whole night before someone opened it. After three full days, the school remained calm.

Zheng Qing's imagination of a large-scale patrol team dispatching to investigate the mud ponds on the east side of Linzhong Lake did not appear.

The scene where the school working committee asked him to go to the office for questions and answers did not appear.

It was as if after the paper crane was opened, all the words on the letter paper were picked up by the paper crane.

Puzzled, the young public-funded student brought Lin Guo to the office of the school working committee again, intending to inquire about the specific situation.

The one who received the two of them was the chubby gray-robed school janitor from last time.

"Report letter from Zheng Qing, a student in Astronomy Class 08-1?" the school guard repeated in a long voice, holding a quill in his hand and tapping on the mailbox shelf on the side: "...let me look for it."

"Oh, there is indeed one." After a while, the school manager spoke up, confirmed, and explained in an unapologetic tone: "You need to understand that we receive less than a hundred 'sworn reporting letters' every day. Fifty letters, most of which are more serious than what you described.”

"For example, this classmate from the Alpha School declared that when the next moon comes, he will use explosive symbols to destroy the walls of Jiuyou Academy and give all Jiuyou students a bright and free world..."

"Another example is this classmate from Starry Sky Academy. He claimed that when he went hunting in the Silent Forest last weekend, he encountered a small group of dark wizards performing an evil magic ritual... a blood sacrifice ceremony. It is said that an entire centaur was sacrificed in that ceremony. The tribe...God knows how many centaurs there are in the Silent Forest."

"And this... A small group of cultists were newly discovered in Atlas College, and they turned all the swastikas in the college upside down. If you have some common sense, you should remember that the last person who turned swastikas upside down was over fifty. The evil soul mage from Vienna years ago caused untold crimes."

"...All of these are much more serious than a faceless demon that 'may' be hiding in a mud pond."

"Especially when the school is not fully staffed right now."

"But you can rest assured that the school will not ignore any risk, and the school working committee will deal with this matter as soon as possible."

Zheng Qing didn't finish listening, so he took Lin Guo and left angrily. He had long known that he should not have too much confidence in the efficiency of the school working committee, but he still overestimated the impact of his letter and underestimated the school working committee's sensitivity to risks.

"This matter will ultimately be resolved by ourselves." The young public-funded student said to Lin Guo as he walked out of the school working committee office building.

It has been three days since Quan Ke came to Wei City. The night before yesterday, the Exoneration Hunting Team had already held a general meeting. Including monk Shi Yuan who was often absent and Elder Zhang Da who was very busy recently were all present.

The meeting approved the joint suggestion of Zheng Qing and Xiao Xiao - to determine the focus of the Sin Hunting Team's training for the next month as 'search' and 'anti-demon', and at the same time arrange the training venue on the east side of Linzhong Lake. Outside the promenade around the lake.

There is an open bush there, and it is very close to the Shougui colony on the east side of the lake.

Today is Sunday, and You Zui's training at Hudong Bank has lasted for two days. But nothing was gained. The longevity turtles in the mud pond ignored the noisy young wizards on the shore. It was because Xiao Xiao prepared a pile of copper coins and threw some from time to time to attract the longevity turtles. Otherwise, the forgiving hunters might not see a single one all afternoon. Shougui bubbles.

Especially now that summer has gradually entered, the weather is hot. Those guys with thick and clumsy shells always like to hide in the depths of the muddy water to cool off, rather than brave the summer heat.

When Zheng Qing and Lin Guo arrived at today's training ground, the other members of the hunting team had already arrived.

From a distance, he heard Fatty Xin complaining about the schedule of the longevity turtles:

"...Think about it, they have to hibernate in the winter and hide under the mud ponds and remain motionless; in the summer they want to enjoy the coolness, but they still hide under the mud ponds and remain motionless. Is there any time in this world for them to move?"

The young public-funded student couldn't help laughing.

"So the doctor arranged the training in the afternoon," he replied loudly: "The sun is not so heavy in the afternoon, and many longevity turtles will choose this time to show up..."

The hunters who had gathered in a circle turned back to look at the visitor.

"What did the people from the school working committee say?" Xiao Xiao asked first.

Zheng Qing became angry when he mentioned this matter.

"They only said they would deal with it as soon as possible," Zheng Qing cursed in a low voice, and then said angrily: "It seems that when you wrote the goat milk report last time, the complaint suggestions we gave to the student union had no effect... Maybe next time we should Complaints to the Joint Conference of Professors.”

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