Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 87 The little girl in the mirror

Zheng Qing ran through the maze of mirrors.

At the same time when he discovered that 'Zheng Qing' in the mirror could draw talismans, he heard that crisp laughter again. The sound was very close, as if it was behind the next mirror.

The young wizard immediately gave up all the clever ideas and used the most crude and simple method to get over it.

Chase, even if the mirror is full of illusions.

Chasing, that voice makes people’s hearts light up.

Collide! No more looking around!

Zheng Qing closed his eyes, grasped the direction of the laughter in his mind, and ran forward as fast as possible. There was silence all around, and the noisy 'Zheng Qing' in the mirror seemed to be speechless for a moment, and could only stare at the flying figure.

The crisp laughter appears more and more frequently.

The distance between Zheng Qing and it seemed to be only a mirror, but it was like there was a chasm between it and Zheng Qing could not catch the hem of its clothes. Moreover, the further they ran forward, the duller the expressions of the 'Zheng Qings' in the mirror became, and the dimmer the surrounding light became.

It's like sinking into the depths of the sea, or sinking into the center of the earth, running into the darkest abyss.

There was silence all around.

Apart from Zheng Qing's increasingly heavy breathing, the only sound that could be heard was the occasional clear laughter. In a daze, Zheng Qing vaguely heard his own heartbeat - at the moment when his heartbeat was the fiercest, the crisp laughter disappeared and turned into a sentence:

"Do not look back!"

"No matter what you hear, don't look back!"

The voice was very urgent, and sounded like that of a little girl. Mixed with the crisp laughter, there was an inexplicable persuasiveness.

During hesitation, Zheng Qing slowed down his running speed slightly, but a familiar voice suddenly came from behind him.

That was Mr. Wu's voice.

Mr. Wu told Zheng Qing that today’s class is over and he can take him home. Just go back along the original path. Don't be fooled by illusions and auditory hallucinations in the mirror world.

Cold sweat broke out on the wizard's back.

He didn't know who to trust.

The originally determined running became a little confused. But because of inertia, he was still running forward, passing one mirror after another blocking his way. Keep moving forward, but there is no end.

Suddenly, Zheng Qing remembered his previous preparations.

He took out his Dharma book while running and opened the spell he had prepared:

"The world in the mirror is in the square!"

A compass made of bronze and with a simple shape appeared in front of Zheng Qing, sliding forward with his running footsteps. The tiny pointer on the compass floated above the runes and hexagrams, trembling as if it could be blown away with one breath.

"Where is the exit?" Zheng Qing took advantage of the opportunity to recover and asked quickly.

The pointer on the compass trembled violently, as if it was electrified, and began to spin rapidly in the blink of an eye. A weak cool breeze blew onto the face of the young public-funded student, giving him a vague rusty taste.

Zheng Qing's mouth twitched.

He used a positioning spell, not an electric fan spell.

Obviously, in the mirror world, the effect of this spell is not that good - or you can also guess that the exit of this mirror maze is changing rapidly every moment, so it is difficult for the pointer to capture the real exit. Location.

He flipped through a few pages of the Dharma book randomly and found a blank page. Then he held the book in one hand, took out a quill with the other, and quickly copied another positioning spell that came to mind:

"There is a fight in Weibei, and the West is exposed!"

This spell uses the resonance of the starry sky and magic power as the principle to determine the location of the wizard. Compared with 'Ding Zhi Fang Zhong', this spell is more effective and is a spell commonly used by hunters in the New World in the wild.

Following an obscure magic wave, the cyan compass in front of Zheng Qing suddenly shattered and turned into a copper spoon. The handle of the spoon is slightly curved, and the spoon contains a bunch of light blue starlight the size of broad beans.

"Where is the exit?" Zheng Qing repeated the previous question.

The size of the starlight in the spoon immediately shrank a lot, from the size of a broad bean to the size of a soybean. The handle of the spoon slowly rotated around under the influence of starlight, but it was never fixed.

It also seems like it's not sure where the exit is.

Just when Zheng Qing felt disappointed, the little girl's crisp laughter appeared in his ears again. At the same time, the handle of the spoon seemed to have caught a clue, pointing straight in the direction of the laughter.

Zheng Qing made up his mind and strode away after the laughter.

Just like that, following the direction indicated by the handle of the spoon, Zheng Qing soon saw a light spot after passing more than ten mirrors. A point of light in a black void outside the mirror maze.

"Yes, that's the exit!"

The clear voice of the little girl sounded behind Zheng Qing, as if she was right next to him, cheering for joy.

Zheng Qing glanced back subconsciously, and there was only a mirror behind him.

Immediately, his eyes blurred, and he instantly entered another 'hive', still facing forward - as if the turning back just now was just his own illusion.

"Oh, hell!"

The little girl's somewhat irritable voice sounded in the boy's ears: "Didn't I tell you not to look back? It's hard to find the exit! If I can't find it, are you going to stay here for the rest of your life?"

Zheng Qing rarely felt a trace of guilt in his heart.

"Sorry..." the young wizard muttered, "I just want to say 'thank you' to you."

"Thank you? Why do you want to say thank you to me?" In the mirror in front of the wizard, another 'Zheng Qing' picked his ears with his fingers, asked with a surprised face, and then looked at the 'Zheng Qing's in the other mirrors shouted:

"Hey, everyone, come and see, this dummy thinks he is real and actually wants to say 'thank you'...Does he know what 'thank you' means?"

Zheng Qing was troubled as he listened to him yelling. He took out an old robe from the gray cloth bag and threw it on the mirror, covering the yelling shadow.

The world suddenly fell into silence.

"Huh? What a good idea...can you cover the other mirrors too?" The little girl's voice of surprise sounded in Zheng Qing's ears: "Just cover the six mirrors around you!"

Without saying anything, Zheng Qing rummaged through the gray cloth bag to find other clothes, large and small, and raised his hands to cover the other five mirrors.

The surrounding light suddenly dimmed a lot.

"Wow, it's finally quieter!" A bouncing voice sounded behind Zheng Qing.

Zheng Qing turned around blankly and saw no figure, only a mess of brown hair.

His eyes moved down and he saw a little girl with a round face under the shaggy brown hair. She was holding a small mirror in her hand. She was wearing a slightly worn black wizard robe. Her eyes were big and she was looking around alertly. Aim.

He looked like he would run away at any moment.

"Who are you?" The wizard blinked, with a hint of curiosity on his face, and at the same time tried his best to visualize the evil-proof talisman in his mind.

"Shh!" The little witch put her index finger up to her lips like Mr. Wu, signaling the boy to shut up. At the same time, she whispered in the same low voice as before: "Ju Si... be quiet, they can eat people!"


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