Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 89 The Leaves of the Myrtle Tree

"have no idea."

In response to Zhu Si's criticism, Zheng Qing shook his head honestly.

Sir, he did not say that you cannot break the mirror in the mirror world. The young public-funded student didn't realize how dangerous it was to break the mirror just now.

At best, it's just a little troublesome.

"The ignorant are fearless." The little witch commented very sharply: "The lack of formal wizarding family education is the result... Even if you enter the First University, there will always be deficiencies in your common sense."

This sounds a bit 'alpha'.

Zheng Qing shook his head slightly and tried to change the topic back to what the two of them were talking about before: "You just said you have been here for two or three months?...Do you still remember what year it was when you came here?"

This should be a simple question.

Zhu Si thinks so too.

"Does this need to be said?" The little witch looked disdainful and opened her mouth to tell the wizard the answer. But after opening her mouth, her face clearly showed a trace of confusion and confusion, and her mouth was like a goldfish in a rut.

Open, close.

Open again, close again.

After a moment, the little witch replied stiffly: "Are you really stupid to ask me such a simple question?"

"So, you don't remember, right?" the wizard confirmed.

The little witch answered with silence.

At this point, Zheng Qing determined that the timeline of the mirror world should be in chaos. But whether it is "one day in the mirror and one year in the world" or "one year in the mirror and one day in the world", or other situations, there are too few clues at present and it is not clear yet.

This loss of control over the status quo makes the young public-funded students a little anxious. And at this moment, from the depths of the maze in the mirror, there was a faint sound of laughter as clear as silver bells.

Zheng Qing glanced at Zhu Si suspiciously.

"It's so annoying." The little witch must have heard those laughter, and immediately covered her ears and lamented.

"That laughter..." Zheng Qing hesitated - he always thought that those laughters were made by Zhu Si to attract his attention. But now it seems that the situation is a little more complicated.

"Oh, I laughed before." The girl waved her hands indifferently and muttered: "The mirror can save those illusory memories. You can't get rid of them for the rest of your life... It sounds good, but it's actually very bad, just like Curse of eternal don't show your feelings to the mirror will be taken advantage of by the fairies in the mirror."

His tone was full of the vicissitudes of someone who had been through the past.

It sounds very difficult.

"Have those laughter always been there?" Zheng Qing asked sympathetically.

"No." Zhu Si stretched out his hand and pulled up the red rope around his neck, with a dry leaf hanging on it: "While it is still effective, I can't hear those sounds..."

Speaking of this, she couldn't hide the sad expression on her face: "...but after staying here for a long time, the leaves slowly dried up, and those annoying sounds kept appearing."

Zheng Qing stared at the leaf, feeling a little familiar.

The leaves are shaped like mulberry leaves, green in color, with serrated edges. There are black textures on the leaves, and some dry hairs can be vaguely seen.

"Is this... the leaf of the myrtle tree?" the wizard hesitated for a moment and asked.

The little witch carefully stuffed the dry leaf back into her collar and raised her head proudly: "It's true! I'm the only one in the whole school who has this kind of leaf... It can protect you and prevent you from getting lost in the mirror world! "

Zheng Qing couldn't bear to attack the little witch's pride.

But it’s not hard to understand either.

Because the Myrtlewood is a magical plant that grows in a harsh environment. Half a century ago, there was no way to grow it on Phuket Island. Therefore, at that time, every Myrtlewood leaf was precious.

But now, with the improvement of magic planting technology, this magical plant that emits red light all year round and has a wide range of uses can be seen in many places in the wizarding world. After Li Meng fainted in Baicao Garden last semester, Professor Li Qihuang She once used the leaves of the myrtle tree to prepare a medicinal juice to help her relieve her nightmare.

The most famous effect of the myrtle leaf is not to relieve dizziness, but to "wear it without being confused", which means that if you wear it directly on the body, you can get rid of confusion. It is an excellent talisman for defense against illusions and illusions.

"If you are talking about the leaves of the myrtle tree..." The wizard hesitated for a moment, then reached out and took out a paper bag from the gray cloth bag. Inside the bag was a neat stack of neatly stuffed, tied tightly with a thin thread. Myrtlewood leaves.

This was a reward that classmate Xiao Xiao received during her work-study program in Baicao Garden. Considering that Li Meng had a tendency to faint at any time, Zheng Qing begged some from the doctor and carried it with him, just in case.

Didn't expect to find a use here.

Zhu Si gradually opened his mouth wide with a shocked expression on his face.

"You didn't even put a film on it!" the little witch lamented, her tone full of distress for the 'prodigal son' who wasted things: "With this rough storage method, it can't even stay fresh for a month!"

As he said this, Zheng Qing's eyes flashed, and the bunch of myrtle leaves appeared in the little witch's hands.

He didn't see how she took it away at all.

"Wow," the wizard took a step back slightly, covered his gray cloth bag, and comforted the little witch a little: "In our time, wizards have found a way to cultivate myrtle trees on a large scale... Myrtle trees The leaves of wood are not so precious."

The so-called 'coating' is to attach a layer of protective magic to the leaves to maintain their freshness and magical effect. There are two common methods: 'concoction coating' and 'rune coating'.

Zhu Si used his hands skillfully to create strings of golden runes on the leaves of the myrtle tree. Soon, a thin but strong 'film' appeared on the surface of the originally wilted leaves, and the leaves of the Myrtlewood, which had lost much of their vitality after being stored in paper bags for a long time, began to emit a misty red light again.

"Huh... I can last a long time again!" The little witch breathed a sigh of relief, wiped the non-existent sweat stains on her forehead, and happily put away the pile of leaves.

Zheng Qing coughed softly.

The little witch's hand that was stuffing it into her pocket froze slightly.

She tilted her head and glanced at the wizard quietly.

"I will send you out soon, you won't need it." At this point, she seemed to find some confidence to take away the leaves, and waved her short arm vigorously: "These leaves... Just think of it as the cost of sending you on your way!”

This sounds a bit strange.

Zheng Qing was not sure whether the little witch noticed the ambiguity.

At the same time, the wizard also felt a little toothache - he didn't mind giving those leaves to Jusi. I just find the little witch's somewhat "familiar" and "enthusiastic" behavior very interesting.

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