Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 92 Po Wang appears on the scene

Zhu Si did not accept the inkstone in the end.

She selected from the pile of supplies that Zheng Qing had dumped on the ground for a long time, and finally only got a pack of cinnabar, a few stacks of yellow paper, a bundle of quills, and the 2008 edition of "Into the First University."

"Okay!" She nodded with satisfaction: "These... can be used for a long time."

"Don't you get some more books?" Zheng Qing pointed to the extracurricular readings he borrowed from the library: "For example, this book "Mastering One Hundred Spells in Three Minutes" contains many ingenious little magics, and Although the content of this book "Principles of Rune Construction" by Mankiw is boring, it is very systematic and will definitely help you a lot! "

"No, no need." Zhu Si patted his pocket with a proud look on his face: "When I left, I took away all the books on my mother's bookshelf... I haven't finished reading them until now. I feel like I can still read a few more century!"

"Where's the food? I'll give you all these snacks." Zheng Qing looked a little worried and decided to take matters into his own hands. He took all the beef jerky, chicken feet with pickled peppers, Arab stick biscuits and a few pieces of chocolate that he got from Fatty Xin. Pushing it in front of the little witch: "You don't have these anymore, right?"

"Too much, too much." Zhu Si bit his finger, his eyes glued to the pieces of chocolate, but there was an embarrassed look on his face: "Just a little is enough."

For the first time, Zheng Qing regretted that there were not enough chocolate candies in the bag.

He flipped through it again and brought the medicinal mints and snake oil to the little witch.

"Just think that I sold it to you," Zheng Qing couldn't help but said, forcing it on him: "When you go out in the future, just give me more gold."

"Gold?" The little witch's eyes lit up: "I have gold!"

She opened the pocket of her worn robe and poured out a large amount of stuff.

Deflated gold pots, cracked silverware, colorful gems, and heavy golden beans were rolling around. Mithril and copper essences with various heraldry were scattered among them, and there were even a few fist-sized luminous pearls—— Zheng Qing felt as if he had arrived at a giant dragon's lair.

"This... these, what are these?" The wizard pointed at the dazzling wealth in front of him and asked, "These... are all yours? Why do you have so much gold!"

"Earn it!" the little witch replied confidently.


"You can make money if you stay in the mirror world longer... As you walk, you can see a pile of bones lying behind a certain mirror. You just need to squat next to them and recite the Houtu Jing several times. ""Rebirth Spell", after those bones disappear, these things will be left on the ground. Magic rules, equal exchange!"

At this point, the little witch waved her hands with a look of disgust: "It's just that these things are neither edible nor usable. Apart from being more beautiful, they probably make some noise when thrown out and help me distract those mirror monsters." attention."

This is really an ironic thing.

In the real world outside, in order to make more gold and save more resources, wizards either deceive or defraud, or work tirelessly, working hard all day without rest.

And in this illusory mirror world, the place where you bow your head is full of these stupid things.

Perhaps this is why the world in the mirror attracts confused souls more easily than the real world. Zheng Qing suddenly understood the reason why his husband asked him to come to this world.

He shook his head to get rid of these reveries.

Zhu Si picked out a few beautiful gems and a few luminous pearls from the dazzling pile of wealth and stuffed them back into his pocket, then waved his hand: "The rest are all yours!"

This time, it was Zheng Qing who bit the finger.

"Too many." He scratched his head with a wry smile and picked up a golden bean: "It's more than enough to exchange for what I gave you... You gave too much."

"The extra money can be used as advance payment!" The little witch showed a shrewdness that was beyond her age: "Next time you come here, buy more delicious and fun things... If there is more, you can bring more The leaves of the beech tree are the commission."

As she spoke, she grabbed a few pieces of mithril from the pile of treasures and stuffed them into the wizard's arms. At the same time, she patted his arm in an unusually mature manner: "When you get a commission, you have to work hard!"

Zheng Qing took a deep breath, no longer hesitated, and swept everything on the ground into his gray cloth bag. But there was too much gold. After he filled the gray cloth bag, there was still a gilt silver pot with a rosette dragon beast left outside.

He had to carry the silver pot in his hand.

"How should I get out?" the wizard asked urgently.

He wanted to get out as quickly as possible and get back as soon as possible.

Zhu Si already had a piece of mint candy in his mouth and was squinting his eyes happily. After hearing the boy's question, he waved his hand and said indifferently: "It's very simple. First, get out of the maze. Just go out when you see the exit... Remember Do not look back."

Zheng Qing had a trace of suspicion on his face.

Zhu Si immediately sensed his doubts.

"Don't think it's easy!" She poked the wizard's arm angrily: "Without my help, you can't get out of this maze of mirrors... Eight or nine out of ten people will be trapped and die in this maze. inside."

"Then why can you find the exit?"

"Because I'm smart!" The little witch put her hands on her hips and looked proud.

Immediately, her face became stern and her expression became serious: "You have already missed an opportunity to step out of the mirror world. This is the second and best opportunity. Only three things can happen. If you don't do it the second time, If you want to go out and try a third time, you will have to wait a long, long time. If you can’t get out three times, you will never get out.”

This warning made the wizard break into a cold sweat.

The subsequent development was just as Zhu Si described, and the process was very simple.

She directed Zheng Qing through the 'honeycomb' made up of mirrors, and over the obstacles made up of mirrors. No matter how funny her command was - such as lying on the ground and crawling over a mirror, or gushing like a maggot. The bones surged through a certain beehive, and there were also cases where he had just passed through a beehive but immediately turned back and passed through it again.

Zheng Qingdu followed the instructions without any doubt.

Soon we reached the edge of the maze.

"Okay, you have to walk the rest of the way by yourself, remember the last thing..." The little witch's voice whispered in Zheng Qing's ear, and her voice became weaker and weaker until it became inaudible - since Zheng Qing withdrew After putting those clothes on the mirror, she disappeared from the boy's sight again, and no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't find any trace of her.

Zheng Qing took a deep breath and looked at the disk-sized white halo deep in the darkness.

Zhu Si said, that is the exit of the mirror world.

He took a step forward.

"That's right!" Zhu Si's annoyed voice came from behind: "Look, did you pull this thing off? It looks very precious..."

Zheng Qing lowered his head and touched the bulging gray cloth bag around his waist.

"It's for you!" He waved his hand back and took the second step without looking back.

Zhu Si said 'Oh', paused for a moment, and then shouted again: "I thought about it, you might as well lend me Mankiw's "Principles of Rune Construction"... There are too many mirror monsters here, learn more knowledge It’s still good. I just looked through it and there’s no such book in the bag.”

Zheng Qing staggered and almost turned around.

But he firmly remembered the little witch's hint and continued to move forward, while loudly replying: "That book is from the school library. I'll buy you a new one next time! Don't worry, I'll be back soon!"

Just like that, after walking for more than ten meters and getting closer and closer to the white halo, a scream came from behind Leng Buding.

It was Zhu Si’s scream!

The screams were also mixed with the roars of many wild beasts and the weird laughter.

Zheng Qing's right leg that he had just raised was hanging in the air and did not fall down for a long time.


"Wow wow..."

"Don't come back, run quickly, and remember to break a few mirrors for me when you get out!!"

"Go away, you monsters...go away!"

"Mom...I miss mom..."

Zhu Si's cries and screams became more and more distant, as if he was being dragged into the depths of the mirror world by an unknown monster. The wizard bit his lip hard until his mouth was filled with blood, and a layer of blood appeared between his eyes.

"wait for me."

He answered in his heart, then stepped down hard with his right leg, and rushed towards the white halo without looking back.


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