Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 96: Those who know do not be confused

When they said the last sentence, the two of them had already circled back to the front of the floor-length mirror.

The gentleman stopped and reached out to tap on the mirror.

A little light bloomed from the endless darkness, the starry sky was receding, the world was spinning, and in just a moment, the mirror reflected hundreds of millions of years of world history.

Volcanoes, glaciers, cyanobacteria, trilobites, dinosaurs, erect apes, caves, stone tools, shells, bronze, jade, pyramids, the Great Wall, legions with spears, knights all over the mountains and plains, candlelight and shadows in the palace, laughter and curses in the marketplace , criss-crossing alleys, sailing boats among the angry sea waves, twisting gears, overflowing steam, behind the lightning flashes, busy traffic, rockets breaking through the atmosphere, and then a starry sky again.

It's like a cycle.

It seemed like just a moment, and it seemed like a long, long time passed.

Countless ordinary but extraordinary pictures were clearly reflected in Zheng Qing's eyes, making him hold his breath involuntarily.

The sir's voice sounded from an extremely distant place, directly shaking his heart:

"...All extraordinary things are born in the ordinary. Don't be fooled by the ordinary and chaos in front of you."

"It's like a foreign general was assassinated, a few old people were infected with cold, a few locusts crawled out of the soil after a heavy rain, the stock market suddenly melted down, a big earthquake happened on the other side of the earth...etc. These are extraordinary. The things are so far away from you that there is almost no change in your ordinary and ordinary life.”

"Until the storm stirred up by the butterfly's wings blows on your head."

"You sit on the shore, watching the stormy waves, holding a diary in your hand, recording today's boring and dull life. You think this kind of ordinaryness is eternal."

"Until the next big wave comes and sweeps you under."

"You finally transcended the ordinary..."

"It was just a momentary thing."

"Remember what happened when there was heavy snow last winter? You were also on the shore of Linzhong Lake."

"That was a major event worthy of being recorded in the history of wizards, but the entire wizarding world remained as peaceful as ever. And for you, there was only heavy snow and a cool lip in Lake Linzhong that day..."

Zheng Qing frowned and thought carefully about every word his husband said. He didn't feel embarrassed or blushed at all because of the last example he gave.

"What do you mean," he weighed his words and answered very carefully, "do you hope that I can pay attention to the small and ordinary things around me?"

"No," the gentleman shook his head: "I just want to tell you, don't be fooled by what you see in front of you."

"He who knows does not confuse." Zheng Qing repeated the four words that his teacher said before, just like all good students who perform well in class.

The gentleman smiled and repeated the same thing: "He who knows does not get confused."

"Then how should I be a 'knower'?" Zheng Qing asked a specific question.

"This requires a long period of study and rich accumulation." The teacher did not give a specific method, but he gave two examples: "You can start from two small angles...such as yourself, such as First University. "


"What do you think of the forbidden curse seed in your body?"

"I..." Zheng Qing was a little stuck for a moment - the headache, the demon's coveting, the Moon Council's covetousness, that seed brought Zheng Qing too many troubles. But at the same time, that seed gave him great courage in many things.

"Somewhere between like it and dislike it." The wizard finally gave this answer.

"Like it or not?" The gentleman shook his head: "These two words are too superficial. To be precise, you don't hate that power, on the contrary, you like it very much. But because you don't know enough about it, you feel afraid. "


Zheng Qing chewed on the last words given by his husband, and unexpectedly found that they fit his mood very well. Fear of the trouble this power will bring, fear of not being able to control this power and causing trouble to others.

"I just...just..." He murmured, not knowing where to start.

"This is nothing to be ashamed of," the gentleman said with relief: "Control of the unknown is the eternal pursuit of mankind. At this level, you are just an ordinary wizard."

The dissection of the self is always very difficult.

"What about First University?" Zheng Qing switched to another 'small angle' mentioned by his husband and tried to make the topic lighter: "How do you think those conflicts in the school should be dealt with?"

"How to deal with it?" The gentleman stretched out his hand and gestured, as if drawing a big circle: "What you see is the conflict between the colleges. What I see is everyone sitting together, drinking tea and chatting."

"Before the establishment of the four colleges, more wizards died every year in battles of faith than in hunting grounds or even in wars with demons."

"Now, the dean of Jiuyou is sitting here, the dean of Alpha is sitting there, and the people from Atlas and Xingkong are also sitting down... Each party uses their own means and their own needs to take their own actions, and the result is The big result is still sitting together.”

“Seize the main contradiction and the main direction of the contradiction.”

"As long as the goal is the same, Jiuyou will not harm Alpha, and Alpha will not harm Jiuyou. They have the same enemy, the demon; they also have the same pursuit, the new world."

"Occasionally, Jiuyou will criticize Alpha, and Alpha will refute Jiuyou. This kind of battle of beliefs is within the controllable range. This kind of argument is allowed, and it cannot be done without fighting."

Zheng Qing's eyes lit up.

There is a feeling of enlightenment in my heart.

The problem that had troubled him for a long time found its solution in a few words. Yes, in the final analysis, the conflict between Jiuyou and Alpha is only an internal matter within First University.

Thinking of this, Zheng Qing immediately thought of the rumors circulating in the school.

"Sir, which one do you think, Vice Principal Shi Hui or Vice Principal Ruoyu, can become our new principal?" Many students in the school have discussed this issue.

No one can convince dissenters.

" principal?" The gentleman blinked, seemingly caught off guard.

"Hypothesis, just a hypothesis." The boy said happily, then glanced left and right, and said in a low voice: "Everyone actually knows that the principal has not been in the school for a long time, and the dummy was used in the last opening ceremony..."

The husband looked at the boy carefully.

"I think today's class was a failure." He commented.

Zheng Qing felt a little baffled.

The gentleman sighed and did not explain his comment. Instead, he answered the boy's question seriously:

"Evaluating the ability to run a school depends on how he handles uncertainty, rather than how he handles certainty. From this perspective, Ms. Shi Hui and even Professor Yao are more qualified than Sir Ruoyu.

But the school is not a country, and the principal is not a politician. It is true that we need to refer to political skills to a certain extent to handle affairs, but more importantly, we need a gentleman who can teach and educate people.

Therefore, next semester, Ms. Shi Hui should gradually withdraw from the day-to-day management of First University... She will join the Wizards' Alliance and serve as the new speaker of the Grand Wizards' Conference. Professor Yao will replace Ms. Shi Hui and become your new vice president. "

The information contained in these words is very rich.

The wizard's eyes lit up at this.

"Then will Mr. Ruoyu become our new principal?" Zheng Qing asked, already thinking about whether to break the news to Fatty Xin - but he doubted whether Fatty Xin would have the guts to publish this source in the school newspaper. Unknown news.

"Ruoyu? No, no, he is only suitable to be the vice principal."

The gentleman shook his head and said in a very kind tone: "If you lack flexibility in handling affairs and are too gentle with the Moon Council, you will not be able to hold the position of president of the First University."

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