Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 98 Priorities

Prophecy, a prediction or assertion of what will happen in the future.

Diviners often hide their conclusions based on inspiration and calculation, only revealing them to a few key people, trying to obtain maximum benefits while minimizing interference with destiny.

In just the past week, Zheng Qing heard two prophecies in succession.

Quan Ke came to worship the wandering fishman tribe in Wei City and told him that the threat came from the depths of the starry sky. All things withered in evil and the world trembled.

The husband told Zheng Qing in his dream that everything will happen in the second May.

"The second May," Xiao Xiao calculated with his fingers and nodded thoughtfully: "There is a leap month this year, and early June is indeed the second May."

"So, do you plan to listen to the prophecy and go to the mirror world to save Zhu Si on the first weekend of early June?" Fatty Xin took out a dirty handkerchief and blew his nose hard, his eye circles a little red.

Of all the listeners, he was the most emotional.

Perhaps this has something to do with his status as a reporter - he often interviews others, and he always needs to have extraordinary empathy so as not to become insensitive to the trivial worries of the world.

"I think it's too late for us to save him now!" Lin Guo was the youngest and most impulsive.

"You can't even save your sheep, so don't cause trouble." Zhang Jixin rudely dismissed Lin Guo's idea of ​​rushing into the mirror world, and at the same time warned others: "The dangers of the mirror world are as long as you have some common sense. Everyone knows... Who doesn't know that you are not allowed to look in the mirror at twelve o'clock in the middle of the night? If we run into the world of the mirror without preparation, it will be a question whether we can escape unscathed, let alone save others. "

"Look ahead and look behind." Lan Que glanced at him and stood behind Lin Guo.

Zhang Jixin's face suddenly turned purple.

"Am I that kind of person?" he shouted, his fingers clicking.

"No, of course not." Zheng Qing smiled bitterly, stood between him and Lan Que, and repeatedly comforted: "On the special admission flight last year, you were the first freshman to stand up against Nikita... If this counts If you are timid, then there will be no bold people in the world.”

"Lanque didn't say that the elder is timid." Dylan's faint voice sounded above the head of the young public-funded student. He hung upside down on the beam of the pavilion, looking quite comfortable: "Or, that word is what you just said to the elder in your heart. evaluation of?"

"Shut up!" Zheng Qing raised his head, annoyed that Dylan was causing trouble.

Mr. Vampire Werewolf showed an aggrieved expression, raised his hand to his mouth and made a zipper motion.

"So, what are your plans?" Although Xiao Xiao is short, he has a high authority in the hunting team. As soon as he opened his mouth, everyone including Fatty Xin and Zhang Jixin shut their mouths and looked at Zheng Qing.

Zheng Qing took a deep breath.

He raised his hand and drew a big circle, as if he wanted to include the entire school.

"The demons are dancing wildly." He gestured and said in an emphatic tone: "Just like now... the prophesied 'guests' from the depths of the starry sky, Lin Guo's lost black goat, the faceless demon disguised as Liu Feifei's pet, the trapped Zhu Si in the mirror, the conflict between Jiuyou Academy and the Alpha Academy, the commotion among the murlocs, and even the incident that the school secretly stirred up in the black prison...everything, the demons are dancing wildly."

"Isn't the school capable of stopping all this?" He seemed to be asking himself, and also seemed to be asking everyone.

Everyone shook their heads in unison.

"Yes." Zheng Qing nodded with satisfaction: "The school has the most powerful force in the wizarding world, with countless skilled diviners, and a law enforcement force comparable to the three-pronged sword... I don't think the school will threaten students. Safety matters are turned a blind eye.”

"So." The young public-sponsored student stretched out his palm, and then pulled his fingers back one by one: "We have to hand over to the school what we can give to the school... We don't need to worry about what we don't need to worry about... For example, between colleges The conflict, the faceless demon, or the guests from the depths of the starry sky.”

"Things that have something to do with us and that the school is unwilling to deal with are the focus of our next work."

"Ling Guo lost his sheep and Zhu Si." Xiao Xiao said.

"Yes, there are only these two." Zheng Qing nodded.

Fatty Xin rubbed his chin: "If we listen to the prophecy, then Zhu Si's matter will still be half a month away... Then the only thing we have left now is to help Lin Guo find sheep?"

"After thinking about it this way, it's very refreshing." Zhang Jixin was obviously relieved. Near the end of the semester, in addition to the heavy academic work, he also had to help his brother run for the chairmanship of the Divine Will. He was so busy all day long that the time he could spend with the Exoneration Hunting Team was very limited.

"To be precise, it's half a piece." Zheng Qing thought about the prophecy related to Lin Guo's black goat and the goat milk incident that broke out in the school during this period, and he became a little depressed: "'s not enough for us to find the sheep alone. We must let others The school working committee is moving.”

"That's too difficult." Xiao Xiao shook his head: "If you want those bureaucracies to move faster, even Merlin's spell won't work... They have their own rules."

The hunting team training ended, it was almost three o'clock in the afternoon.

Zheng Qing did not go to the library to review his homework as usual. Instead, he dragged Xiao Xiao and Fatty Xin for a walk on the pedestrian street.

He bought a new box and filled it with various snacks, candies, magic toys that children liked, magic materials and several new robes.

"Are you possessed by a hamster spirit?" Xiao Xiao has been staring at Zheng Qing's actions since just now, wondering: "Do these things require a special trip to the pedestrian street?"

"You never know when something will be useful." Zheng Qing sighed heavily.

He bought these things for Zhu Si.

Even if the possibility of her using it the next time he sees the little witch is low, the boy can't help but want to do something.

This would give him some peace of mind.

"You can stuff more beef jerky and have various flavors. Soda biscuits are easy to break, but Ara sticks are much harder. Also, yogurt has a short shelf life, so dry milk tablets are more suitable." Fatty Xin continued to give Advice: "Trust me, I'm a better expert when it comes to picking and preserving snacks."

Zheng Qing humbly accepted the above suggestions.

"Have you noticed that the Wandering Bar is closed today?" Xiao Xiao's attention shifted from Zheng Qing's box to more important things: "The Wandering Wizard is out?"

Zheng Qing glanced at the wandering bar at the end of the street.

In the past, weekends were the time when Wandering Bar had its strongest performance and the largest number of customers. But today, for some unknown reason, a big sign was hung at the door of Wandering Bar with the four characters "Closed for Business" written on it.

The big toad that usually squats at the door to collect the number plates has also turned into a stone sculpture, with dull eyes and a closed mouth. But I don’t know where to go to play.

Many young wizards from the First University came to take advantage of the excitement and returned disappointed. Many of them had bad tempers and even cursed and cursed in a low voice for the Wandering Bar to be closed today.

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