Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 108 A dog came to the cat fruit tree

Cat fruit tree.

On the throne.

The black cat looked sadly at the textbooks and homework that took up one third of the throne room, and then looked at the little white cat lying lazily between the homework books, and vaguely understood what she meant.

I didn’t go to class today, so I need to catch up on my homework!

But he asked for leave today, why do he still have to do homework? The black cat thought so, trying to explain to the little white cat what the 'king's dignity' is. Can't do homework' and other concepts.

The little white cat just glanced at him and told the black cat to put all the various thoughts in his mind away.

"I want to go on a patrol first," the black cat finally chose a compromise, coughed twice, and explained: "I haven't been here for a few days. I need to look around to see if other cats have any troubles that need to be solved... "

The little white cat ignored him and just turned over, making its body even flatter.

The black cat looked at her wagging tail, guessing that she agreed?

But this is my place. The black cat looked at this picture with envy, turned around and jumped to other branches unhappily, and began to patrol his territory.

It was said to be a patrol, but in fact there was no trouble that the black cat needed to solve.

Along the way, the biggest thing Zheng Qing encountered was the fight between two cats over a little mouse wearing a yellow vest. The little mouse was played with by four cat paws until it was dying. It seemed that it had already breathed its last. The black cat He had to forcibly snatch the mouse away from the two cats and throw it into the cat fruit tree to ensure that his group of cats would not conflict with the underground rat clan.

Otherwise, most cats are napping, licking their fur, shaking their ears, and being in a daze.

Zheng Qing unexpectedly discovered that after not coming for a few days, there seemed to be more cats on the cat fruit tree than usual.

In addition to those clean pet cats, there are also a few more 'wild cat fruits' on the tree - the biggest difference between them and pet cats is that they have fierce eyes, slightly messy fur, and most of them are civet cats.

The smell of wild cats is also a bit strong. They are used to marking new territory by urinating and smelling it. Black cats have to spend a lot of time cleaning up the marks left by those wild cats.

This tree is, and can only be, its own territory.

Other cats can only be used as fruit.

No, not just cats.

The black cat raised his neck and looked at it carefully for a while, finally knowing where the disharmonious feeling he had noticed from the beginning came from. He noticed that a dog had slipped into the group of cats at some point.

He squatted on the shortest branch of the cat fruit tree.

It has short legs and yellow and white fur, and its face looks like it was punched flat. When it held its paws and looked at the black cat with an innocent expression, it really looked like a cat. If you don't look carefully, it can easily be fooled.

Noticing the black cat's appraising gaze, the dog smiled ingratiatingly and flicked its tail.

Hoo ho ho.

The black cat grinned. Can you pretend to be more realistic? That cat will wag its tail like you do?

There were several cat fruits hanging on the left and right of the dog, but they turned a blind eye to the 'foreign race' so close to them. This made the black cat very curious. I don't know how this dog got the identity of a cat.

According to the practice of cat groups, all new black cats must be inspected one by one. He walked in small square steps, leisurely wandered in front of the new cat fruits, raised his paws, and let them lick them.

This is accepted.

After walking around and collecting all the 'new cat fruits', the black cat finally came to the dog.

He was a little hesitant to raise his paw and hand it to the dog's mouth.

The dog held his paws, blinked, and meowed softly, making the black cat recoil. As a wizard, he had reason to suspect that the dog was possessed by a cat demon.

"Evil amulet!"

A piece of bright yellow talisman flew out of the gray cloth bag and stuck heavily to the center of the dog's forehead. The dog settled down for a few seconds, meowed again, and waggled its tail more vigorously.

The talisman emitted green smoke and slowly released its magic power, but it had no effect on the dog at all.

Evil amulets only work against evil spirits.

This means that this dog is relatively ‘clean’.

"If you insist that you are a cat," the Lord of the Cat Fruit Tree watched the talisman slowly burn out, and finally nodded reluctantly: "Then you must act like a cat. You must not stick out your tongue and pant like a dog!"

"Meow~" The dog barked softly again.

The black cat trembled and quickly jumped in the direction of his throne.

It's just a bit of a beep.

Can't there be a few normal animals these days?

Having said that, the black cat doing homework on the tree seems not qualified to complain about the abnormality of other animals. When the black cat squats on the throne and directs the quill to write on the parchment, this thought subconsciously slides through his mind. Thoughts - Compared to myself, that dog has a little bit of a problem with its self-perception.

The evening wind blew through the treetops and rolled up the parchment.

The black cat raised a paw and held down the parchment that was about to move. Because I was distracted for a while, I lost control of my quill, and the words on the paper were a little less interesting.

The black cat carefully glanced at the little white cat beside him, lest she rush over and tear up his paper and rewrite it.

Fortunately, the little white cat's attention was not on his paper.

The little white cat was lying beside the black cat, staring at the tip of the black cat's tail swaying slowly in the night wind. The white cat's little claws seemed to stretch and shrink, as if she wanted to grab the swaying tail tip. Perhaps out of the reserve of a mother cat, she finally did not stretch out her claws.

The black cat caught a glimpse of her little action.

Intent on teasing her, she suddenly raised her tail, and the little white cat's head really suddenly raised up along the trajectory of the tail tip. The black cat's tail raised higher and higher, and the little white cat's head also raised higher and higher, almost pulling her body to stand up.

Then the black cat shook the tip of its tail.

The little white cat suddenly stretched out its claws to grab the jumping little thing - this is the nature of cats, and it is not affected by human will. The tip of the black cat's tail swayed left and right, and the little white cat's head and claws also swayed left and right.

This is the principle of the "cat teaser", and the black cat smiled in his heart.

Suddenly, two familiar voices came from under the tree. The little white cat, who was fighting with the black cat's tail, suddenly came to his senses, retracted his claws, and returned to his previous cold and reserved appearance.

The black cat sighed in disappointment in his heart, and looked under the tree with his head.

It was Li Meng and Xiao Xiao.

I don't know how these two guys got together.

"... I heard that there is a civet cat living in your dormitory. You are so lucky." Li Meng's slightly envious voice came from afar, as if he was discussing Tuantuan with Xiao Xiao: "Have you named it? Do you want me to help?"

You help? The black cat on the tree sneered in his heart. Ha, you named your pigeon "Xiaobai", and you want to name Tuantuan? I'm afraid that Tuantuan will scratch you and make you bleed.

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