Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 127 Zai Xia Bao Yu

The practical content of the final exam in Potions and Alchemy was limited, and Zheng Qing and others quickly completed the planned homework. The whole process took less than two hours.

But after coming out of the laboratory, Zheng Qing clearly felt that something was wrong with the light outside.

"Why is it so dark outside?"

The young public-funded student leaned his neck and glanced out of the window on one side of the corridor. Because the test bed that Banner occupied for everyone was in the basement and had no windows, they didn't know what was happening outside.

Xiao Xiao took out his pocket watch and took a look at the time.

"It's not yet nine o'clock in the's the right time," he confirmed.


A dazzling bolt of lightning illuminated the dark window edge, and also answered the confusion of several young wizards. Zheng Qing quickened his pace and came to the front desk at the library exit.

The howling wind, accompanied by the long-lost coolness, passed through the tall glass doors, blowing on the bodies of the young wizards, and finally stopped in front of a thin layer of magic barrier.

The rumble of thunder sounded behind everyone, and in between the thunder there was the sound of raindrops hitting the glass, puddles and treetops.

Amidst the commotion, several tentacles of the librarian were grabbing quills of different colors and seals of different sizes, dealing with matters regarding students leaving the library.

Soon it was Zheng Qing's turn.

"It's raining outside." He was running out of words, trying to lighten the dull atmosphere around him.

Mr. Octopus's dark eyes seemed to glance at him, and then a stream of ink came out of his mouth. The ink was rendered and condensed in the air, and finally condensed into a line of letters: "Zai Xia Bao Yu (It's raining heavily)..."

The fat man said before that the librarian has a bad temper and only speaks letters, which seems to be true. The young public-funded student thought to himself, trying to spell out the letters.

After reading and pondering for a few seconds, Zheng Qing finally bowed his hand to the librarian: "I'm sorry...I thought you were an octopus, but I didn't expect you to be an abalone..."

This is really just a slip of the tongue. Zheng Qing didn't know what he was thinking in his head at that time, but he couldn't help but said this slightly teasing sentence.

Several gasping sounds came from the side, and Zheng Qing could vaguely distinguish among them Fatty Xin and Xiao Xiao. There seemed to be a faint voice of admiration. He didn't know if that was his illusion.

Behind the tall wooden desk.

The translucent octopus skin darkens at a rate visible to the naked eye.


The tentacles pinched off a fiery red quill.

Seeing that the situation was not going well, the wizard dropped the books he was borrowing and ran away. However, the octopus flicked its tentacles, dropped the broken quill in his hand, reached out and grabbed the young wizard's robe by the collar.

Then it was hung in mid-air and knocked randomly.

Zheng Qing's head was covered with bruises.

The wizards and wizards passing by all laughed behind their backs, but no one protested against this octopus's obvious violation of human rights. Just like the scene Zheng Qing saw when he entered the library before.

What a cold and indifferent world, Zheng Qing lamented in his heart while holding his head and screaming.

During the whole process, Xiao Xiao and Fatty Xin stood aside with their textbooks in their sleeves, watching with gusto. It wasn't until the young public-funded student was thrown out of the glass door of the library by Mr. Octopus that they trotted to the wizard and helped him up.

Before Zheng Qing could say anything, the two of them complained.

"Why are you provoking it?"

"Deserve it!"

"Just looking for trouble..."

"Why do you have to be so mean when you know you're going to get beaten?"

"No, this isn't a bitch...hiss," Zheng Qing rubbed the big bump on his forehead that was knocked out by the eight-clawed octopus, and hissed, much like the fish-man who was talking: "You think I'm provoking that octopus?" ...In fact, what I challenge is this stubborn and conservative history!”

"Hey, that sounds pretty." Fatty Xin chuckled: "You are honored to be beaten together."

"Knowing that I can't do anything, I am Sir Alonso Quijano who rushes towards the windmill with a knight's lance! To break through the shackles of history! To break the dark tradition!"

The two companions looked blankly and did not comment on the righteous words of the public-funded student.

At this moment, Jiang Yu dragged Li Meng, a child, out of the library. Li Meng was carrying her small pink schoolbag, and Jiang Yu was holding a few reference books in her arms.

She immediately saw the ring of meat on Zheng Qing's head.

"Have you converted to Sakyamuni?" the witch asked in a brisk tone.

Fatty Xin lowered his head and chuckled.

Zheng Qing had a dark face, pretending not to hear the witch's question, and asked: "Why did you leave the library so early?"

"Aren't you outside too?" Li Meng shouted.

"We didn't get a seat."

"Neither did we!"

Zheng Qing sighed a little disappointedly - he was just thinking about whether Jiang Yu and the others could borrow her place in the library for a while if they went out temporarily.

Now, this hope is gone.

It looked like they could only go back to the dormitory to review their homework - he doubted that he would waste another day of precious time. When studying in the dormitory, the magic of beds and pillows is always beyond imagination.

"If you don't mind, you can go to the study room with us." Jiang Yu noticed the wizard's expression, hesitated, and invited: "Liu Feifei is the chief student. There is an independent study room for girls. She said there are Some empty seats…”

"Is it just for girls? Can boys go in too?"

"As long as you get an invitation... Nicholas and Liu Feifei are inside now."

Before Zheng Qing had time to think about it, Fatty Xin patted his chest and agreed. Xiao Xiao silently raised his hand to express his agreement.

While following the witches towards the study room, Zheng Qing quietly whispered in the doctor's ear: "Even the chief student has an independent study room, and the teacher must have one too... You didn't ask Mr. Sima, borrow it Come to her office?"

Xiao Xiao adjusted his glasses and glanced at the publicly funded students.

"You should call Mr. Sima, or Lecturer Sima." He corrected and asked at the same time: "There are people coming and going in the office. Are you sure you want to go there to review your homework?"

Zheng Qing waved his hands repeatedly.

Just kidding, he was just looking for a reason to make fun of him, and he didn't want to get close to the professors' territory at all. What's more, there is a high possibility of meeting Professor Yao who has just returned in the office building.

Just thinking about it makes my head tingle.

"You two, stop whispering and come closer!" Fatty Xin shouted from a few steps away: "Don't you know that the rain-proof spell requires magic power? Don't tire me out!"

Big raindrops fell on the transparent shield above the heads of the group and trickled down to both sides. There was also the same film under the feet, which isolated the soles of the young wizard's shoes from the mud and water.

Li Meng walked among the group of people with a contented look on his face. From time to time, he poked the protective cover around him with his fingers to feel the cool summer rain.

Xiao Xiao shrugged at Zheng Qing, walked a few steps quickly, and kept up with the team.

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