"The professor made an appointment with me to meet at noon today..."

"What am I asking you about?!"

"...Professor Monteria asked me..."

"The professor is busy. You know the rules. If you have anything to say, hurry up and the professor will help you deal with it when he has time. If nothing happens, I will go back to do the experiment... There is no one in front of the stage now!"

The words were spoken fast and rushed, but after hearing this, Zheng Qing could probably guess where the anger in the heart of the wizard in front of him came from. The mood of a wizard who is interrupted while doing an experiment is generally similar to that of a wizard who is interrupted when sleeping.

He didn't dare to talk anymore and took out the test tube from his pocket:

"I want to ask the professor to help test the blood inside..."

Before he finished speaking, Zheng Qing felt his eyes blur. When he looked again, he saw that the test tube in his hand had been in the hands of the wizard.

"Be careful!" the young public-funded student exclaimed, "That blood is a bit weird..."

"Who would send normal blood here? We have seen even weirder blood." The black-robed wizard sounded a little disdainful, but his face became a little more solemn. He could easily feel the pressure coming from the 'amber' in the test tube: "...Is it banned by the great wizard? Well, from the Qingqiu clan?"

Zheng Qing was in awe.

"Yes." He replied honestly.

Being able to make so many judgments in such a short period of time, this black robe is probably the best even among registered wizards.

"The source of this blood must be legal." The black-robed wizard reminded cautiously: "Although the Qingqiu clan has a relatively low profile in the alliance, they have always been one of the most powerful clans in the Moon Parliament..."

Zheng Qing immediately realized that the other party might have misunderstood something.

"Absolutely formal!" The young public-funded student answered in the affirmative.

"That's good... we will notify you directly when the results come out. There is nothing else to do." The black-robed wizard simply nodded to the boy, stuffed the test tube into his robe pocket, and then without waiting for Zheng Qing's reaction, he turned back his hand. The door slammed shut.

Crisp and neat.

The young wizard who looked straight at him was stunned.

The knocker beast on the small bronze door gave him a rare sigh.

"Look away, young man." The knocker beast comforted him in a voice full of vicissitudes of life: "I have been guarding the door for so many years, and today this child's temper is quite mild... There is a researcher with a really bad temper. If someone disturbs him, Experiments can really cast curses on others.”

Zheng Qing took a gentle breath.

"He won't throw away my test tube." He muttered worriedly.

"That's not the case." The Knocker Beast raised its head with great effort and chewed the knocker loudly: "Although these children have a bad temper, they keep their word... and will not deliberately do anything bad."

Zheng Qing lingered at the door for a long time, and finally did not dare to knock again, but left unhappy.

The whole process lasted less than half an hour.

This was much faster than he expected.

It seemed that he didn't need Fatty Xin's help in handing in his Magic Text homework.

Facts have proved that Knocker Beast's words are quite reliable.

After the magic text class in the afternoon, Professor Emma had just left the classroom when a blue paper crane flew out of the window, landed on Zheng Qing's shoulder, and pecked his ear viciously.

"Hiss," the wizard turned his face to avoid the attack of the paper crane, pinched its wings, rubbed his ears, and complained: "Whose paper crane is so rude?!"

It's a pity that Zhihe couldn't speak and didn't answer his question.

Zheng Qing unfolded the letter paper. On the header was a line of scrawled curly fonts, 'Test report on test tube sample No. 0602.

Zheng Qing suddenly realized.

It turned out that the results of the dog's blood test came out.

This speed far exceeded his expectation, and he was already planning to get the test report by the weekend.

The text of the test report is so densely packed with numbers and symbols that those who look at it will feel dizzy. The young wizard's eyes passed over the content he couldn't understand and slid straight to the back of the letter - until there, he could read the content inside.

Finally, there is a conclusion.

“After testing, 99% of the information reflected in the relevant samples belongs to ordinary dogs, of which about 31% are pugs, 17% British bulldogs, and 9% Yorkshire terriers. , 3% of Bordeaux dogs, and the remaining about 40% have high information confounding, and more samples need to be provided for repeated comparative testing.”

"About one percent of the test information reflects the characteristics of magical creatures. It has been confirmed to be related to the alien god Mhisha. It is a non-dominant inheritance from a distant generation, but it was activated for special reasons."

The simple conclusion ended here, with no beginning or end, leaving Zheng Qing confused.

He turned over the letter.

The back is empty, with only the vaguely revealed magical patterns on the back of the paper, and no further explanation.

"What are you looking at so seriously?" Fatty Xin's greasy breath came from his side, making Zheng Qing feel like he was suffocating.

"Stay away!" He pushed the fat man away and stuffed the letter in his hand: "I asked Professor Monteria's laboratory to help test the dog's blood... The results came out, but I can't see Very understanding. Can you understand?"

"The test report from the Monteria laboratory?"

"Did you catch that dog?"

Fatty and Xiao Xiao spoke at the same time, but Fatty was interested in the legendary laboratory report involving taboo experiments, while Xiao Xiao was curious about when Zheng Qing got the dog's blood sample.

Zheng Qing had no way to tell them that it was Su Shijun who helped - otherwise he would be beaten to death.

"...I used a little trick, you know, that dog is very interested in me," the young public-funded student answered vaguely, and then immediately jumped to another topic: "Just in time, I have a question to ask you, Doctor, do you know the name Mhisha? He seems to be an alien god as well."

Sure enough, Xiao Xiao's attention was immediately attracted by the name: "Msisha?"

He put one hand on his black-shell notebook and rubbed it a few times, with a hint of realization on his face: "Mhisiha... no wonder, no wonder... that is to say, that puppy has the blood of Mhisiha, Right."

Zheng Qing raised his eyebrows in surprise.

Because the report is still in Fatty's hands, the doctor hasn't read its contents yet.

"How do you know!" He asked impatiently: "Is that guy famous? Does he have many descendants? Could he be like Tsathoggua or Nicholas, who wants to come to this world with the help of believers? "

"On the contrary." Xiao Xiao adjusted his glasses and denied: "Msisha is notoriously cold and has almost no believers. Even wizards rarely know... He prefers to find fault with other foreign gods. Rather than playing around with us ants. But that doesn’t mean he’s not famous. Maybe you’ve heard of his other name, Fenrir.”

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