Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 172: The Crowd of Mayflies

The Yellow Land, 2009, early June.

Although it is called a dry and yellow land, it is full of green and vitality. Palms and cacti are separated by a jagged rock. Tulips and larches cling to each other for warmth. There are also hibiscus and eryngium growing in the sand, tamarisk and camel thorn growing in puddles. Epiphyllum blooms in the bright sun. , the hostas smile towards the sun, and the pitcher plants and sundews spit out sweet honey to feed the passing ants and aphids.

A small white rabbit hugged a pig's trotters and passed by a group of grazing wild wolves. Its mouth was full of grease stains left after chewing bones. Not far away, its partner, a graceful fawn, was dirtying its hooves with a grizzly bear's scolding. The grizzly bear held his head and enjoyed the deer's hooves obediently, not daring to say anything.

After Nikita landed with the captain, he saw such a nostalgic scene.

Yes, a nostalgic scene.

When she was a serious wizard, it was hard to imagine that lichs would live in such a fairy-tale environment. In her imagination, the lichs should live in a land of ice and snow, with a desert of dead bones beneath their feet, and a forest of innocent souls and flesh in front of them.

Eight Thestrals pulled a large pumpkin cart and flew across the wilderness. In their ears, they could only hear the sound of wind and the sound of golden bells coming from the grass.

The pumpkin cart finally stopped outside a small three-story white tower.

This is the mage tower of the lichs.

There are many stalls scattered in the open space outside the tower. The stall owners are all lichs from the tower, old or young. Most of them are wearing black robes. The goods they sell are not much different from those sold by ordinary black wizards in the market. , such as ghost flags, binlings, dominoes, painted skins, bloody playing cards, stained nooses, shrunken heads, dead nails, glorious hands, etc.

Here, the blood of wizards is packed in cans according to age and gender, and the corpse oil is also made into candles of different colors according to the level of cultivation. At first glance, except for the slightly sinister atmosphere in the stall, there is not much blood flowing.

Nikita lowered his eyebrows and followed Captain Misty towards the mage tower.

There was no lack of scrutinizing eyes behind her.

Many old lichs looked at the banshee's neck with malicious eyes, as if considering where it would be easier to strike. This depressing atmosphere gave her a chilling feeling.

The first floor of the mage tower is wide and empty, and is a huge classroom.

Floor-to-ceiling windows surround the surroundings, each of which is more than ten meters high. The huge mural hanging between the windows is said to be made of giant skin, but Nikita knows that this is just a rumor. It's not that the base of those murals is not human skin, it's just that it's not giant skin, but spliced ​​out of ordinary wizard skin.

Giant skin is too hard to be kneaded into scrolls.

Far away from the door, there is a huge blackboard and a huge podium.

Between the door and the podium, there were rows of terraced seats, thousands of them in total, and they were so packed that it seemed like all the young lichs from the whole world had gathered here.

An old wizard sat behind the podium and in front of the blackboard, giving lessons to these lichs about their future.

He was very big, like a giant. Even though he was just sitting cross-legged behind the podium, his back was stretched to the ceiling, which forced him to lower his head and his gray beard fell to the ground.

His deep voice echoed throughout the classroom:

"...After three years of sleeping in the mud and three years of struggling in the water, the mayflies can finally emerge and fly into the sky, but they can only fly for half an hour. That is the most glorious and brilliant moment in their lives."

"The first mayflies to appear will be immediately snatched away by birds, bats, and any predators that covet their flesh and blood. But because there are so many mayflies, soon there will be so many mayflies that the birds can't inflict damage on them. Any shock."

"At this time, they will calmly find the safest and most comfortable place and start to reproduce. They will shed the last layer of skin on their bodies, their originally transparent wings will flash with a bright, faint blue color, and their abdomens will pull out A slender, beautiful tail...the two most important concepts in this story are 'accumulation' and 'balance'."

"The predators are too powerful for any mayfly to resist; there are too many mayflies for any predator to completely eliminate them. But without six years of accumulation, it would be difficult for the mayflies to fly into the sky and form a 'mayfly' Everyone', come to protect your own safety..."

"The crowd of ephemera is such a good word, hehe."

Captain Misty's deep laughter resounded in the classroom, interrupting the old lich's lecture, and at the same time making the tall floor-to-ceiling windows around him tremble:

"...But you only told these children that mayflies can win against crowds, but you didn't tell them that after they metamorphose into flying insects, mayflies have no mouth, no stomach, and cannot eat or digest any food. Their brilliant For half an hour, they rely entirely on the energy they accumulated while foraging at the bottom of the river as larvae... That energy is only enough for them to soar in the air for half an hour. "

The young lichs on the seats wanted to angrily scold the rude guest at first, but soon, everyone lost the ability to speak under the pressure of the sea monster. They could only hold the Dharma books and try their best to keep the spiritual platform clear.


On the podium, the old wizard slapped the lecture notes in his hand hard, and a heavy sound wave rippled from the podium, hitting Captain Misty's laughter heavily.

The floor-to-ceiling windows finally ended their mission and turned into ashes under the confrontation between the two big men, revealing the dark and empty void outside the windows. The murals between the floor-to-ceiling windows are like tree crowns in the wind and rain, swaying left and right, barely able to support themselves.

The young lichs gasped and took this rare opportunity to turn into clouds of smoke, disappear between the seats, and flee. This is not something they can interfere with.

Nikita had the same idea as the young lichs, but she couldn't leave.

Because the captain was still standing in front of her.

The captain had not spoken yet.

She could only hide under the captain's figure, folding her arms, shrinking, and tightly clenching the cloth strap tied around her wrist. She cursed herself a hundred times in her heart, why she kept thinking about getting off the ship.

How safe it is to stay on board!

Until the young lichs in the classroom left one after another.

The old lich on the podium slowly raised his head, revealing a wrinkled face. For this action, His figure shrunk slightly, but the momentum all over his body became thicker and heavier. The entire space seemed to be trembling under the weight of His body, and there was a faint crisp sound like glass cracking in the air:

"Tell me why you're here, Misty."

"I just want to help you expand the number of mayflies," Captain Mist showed rare slickness when no one else was around: "...Isn't it true that more and more wizards will fall under the glory of the true ancestor? Is it your responsibility?"

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