Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 176 Yan Returns

A blazing fire bomb passed through the hall with a low sound of wind.

From the slanting ground, three or five crystal-clear ice spears roared out and pierced the fire bomb heavily.

The collision of ice and fire, the instant gasification and explosion, set off a violent airflow in mid-air, spreading in all directions. But soon, this violent air flow was overwhelmed by the more powerful aura surging around him.

And the leader of this hunting team, the sturdy wizard, stood in the center of what seemed like an eighteenth-level storm.

Under his feet, the usually soft plush carpets now stretched out life-seeking ropes, trying hard to tie down this arrogant tyrannosaurus, but with little success.

Bang, bang, bang!

The sound of the rope breaking was mixed with the roar of the rune cannon in the dwarf's arms, and seemed very faint. But no matter how weak they were, those ropes still caused some obstacles to the leader of the hunting team, making every step he moved feel like he was in a quagmire, extremely laborious.

"Change the magazine!" the dwarf yelled, "buy me some time!"

Before he finished speaking, the roar of the talisman cannon stopped abruptly.

A few skinny old lichs took advantage of the time when the barrage dissipated to jump quickly between the coffee table and the sofa, just like a group of old mountain monkeys.

In an instant, they broke through the defensive barrier of the hunting team and rushed in front of several young hunters.

Then they tore off the loose robes on their bodies, revealing their skinny bodies.

"Quack, quack, quack!"

The strange laughter of the old lichs was as ugly as crows, and their eyes when they looked at the young hunter were full of greed, like a hungry tiger looking at a lost lamb, or a pack of wolves surrounding an injured doe.

call! call! call!

The several old lichs that rushed up all opened their mouths, and the howling wind swept through the entire hall, sweeping away the cold ice spears, the flaming magma, and the faint thunder balls. Swallow it into your stomach.

With abundant magic power pouring into the body, the skinny old lich suddenly expanded like water-filled balloons, and the wrinkled old skin stretched out and became smooth and strong again. They were naked to the upper body, their muscles were as strong as iron, and their bodies were as huge as mountains. Their open palms were like the sharp claws of an eagle, with cold light emanating from them as they grabbed at the young wizards in the field.


Several rays of sword light bloomed in the cold light of the sharp claws, and they struck out in no particular order. Unexpectedly, the old lich summoned several rock shields to block the sword light.

The broken sand and gravel are like waves hitting the rocks, carrying huge kinetic energy and scattering in all directions. The lichs who rushed into the hunting formation were blocked by the flying sand and gravel, and couldn't help but squint their eyes.

At that moment.

A fist emitting a faint black light had rushed out of the turbid and turbulent air, and hit the faces of the old lichs head-on.

It seemed like just a punch, but it appeared in front of all the lichs at the same time.

A lich who broke into the hunting formation watched helplessly as the aura lingering around his fist became darker and larger, until finally, it covered the entire world like a curtain. Although it is inside the house, it still gives it a feeling of the sun and moon dimming and the world turning upside down.

It screamed, desperately gathering strength, and stacked its hands to face the falling fist.

"Bantian Seal!"

The deep roar of the strong wizard reached its eardrums at this time, but it was too late.

That punch fell, like a mountain being pulled up by a prehistoric giant and then smashed downwards. The moment the Lich took it with his hands, a dull thunder sounded in the field.

After the thunder comes the heavy rain.


The Lich's fists, arms, shoulders, and joints from top to bottom crackled and exploded. The shattered flesh and blood was wrapped in the black fist, and the speed did not slow down at all. It hit the old lich's chest hard, and a series of blasts sounded like a series of cannons again.

boom! boom! boom!

Several broken flesh-skin bags flew out from the hunting array and stuck heavily against the dirty wall. In the image hanging on the wall, a group of demons with red eyes flashing were laughing, swarming up and dragging the broken 'leather bags' into the heavy portrait.

It was only at this moment that the gravel chopped up by another young hunter slowly fell to the ground.

The dust has settled.

The leader of the hunting team's strong upper body was exposed.

"Bah!" He spat heavily on the ground: "A group of old immortals dare to compete with me with their fists... Have you never heard of boxing?!"

On the carpet, a small head emerged from under the cloak that had been discarded by the hunting team leader, revealing the head of a little witch.

She opened her big round eyes and looked around. Although her body was still trembling, her voice was much braver than her body: "Do you still want to fight? Do you still want to fight?!"

"Hit me!" The leader of the hunting team looked unlucky and turned around to yell: "Originally I just wanted to catch that old ghost Ulrich off guard, but I didn't expect to hit the iron plate... Get ready to run away!"

"Okay!" The little girl suddenly became happy.

"It's just..." The hunting team leader tightened the gloves on his hands and looked at the black wall at the end of the room with bright eyes: "It's not easy to come here, I have to do something."

The desiccated heads adorning the black walls seemed to hear his voice.

Swaying slightly in the chill.

Sir Ulrich opened his eyes with a confused expression.

It turned its head and glanced at the captain of the Mist.

The captain lowered his head, seeming to be thinking about Yaosheng's philosophy, without any intention of looking into the eyes of the old lich. The old lich moved his gaze to the side and fell on the little banshee next to him. Nikita seemed to have found out something, and a flattering smile immediately appeared on his face.

Sir Ulrich shook his head and looked away.

Whether it was the talisman cannons fired randomly by the dwarves, the violent thunder spells of the witches, the flash of the young hunter's sword, or the moon-shattering punch of the hunting team captain just now, which turned the hall into a pot of porridge, Sir Ulrich was not there. in his eyes.

In other words, everything in front of them was not in the sight of the two great demons.

In their view, behind any chance is a series of necessity. The reckless hunting team in front of them was nothing more than a small insect that interfered with their vision. If they choose to appear here, there must be a bigger black hand hiding behind them.

The target of that black hand may be Captain Misty, or it may be Jazz himself.

The fight was lively in the house.

The eyes of the great demons have already transcended this chaos and landed on a deeper place.

However, no matter how many times Sir Ulrich's huge spiritual thoughts swept through the withered land, no matter how many times his skinny fingers pinched off hundreds of counters, there was still deathly silence behind these young hunters.

It was not as dangerous as it imagined, with a heavy siege from the Wizards Alliance and some big wizards teaming up to kill it. And it didn't realize that Captain Mist or the other great monsters from the four seas had anything to do with this matter.

Is it really just a coincidence?

At this moment, a gentle buzzing sounded in the old lich's ears:

"Secret Skill·Yan Hui!"

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