Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 192 My husband

The mirror that Zheng Qing was talking about was not the mirror that one used to look at one's reflection when dressing up.

It was not the mirror that Dylan had enchanted and could give dressing advice to the person looking in the mirror in a shrill voice. The mirror that Zheng Qing was talking about was the world in the mirror.

When Maodou reported the hunting situation to him and mentioned that the two demons disappeared in the depths of the mirror world, the young student on public funds had a strong feeling that the time had come.

It was time to bring Zhu Si back to the real world from the mirror world.

It was time to catch the faceless demon and let Jiang Yu let go of his worries.

When two unrelated lines intersect, that intersection is the key to solving the problem. In the prophecy that Mr. Wu told him in class before, the so-called "threads of fate intertwined together" should be this meaning.

"Are you going to enter the mirror world?"

Jiang Yu immediately understood the unfinished meaning of the wizard's words. His supportive tone loosened a little, and a trace of uneasiness appeared on his face: "The mirror world is a very dangerous place. It is neither an illusion nor a reality... Even registered wizards are in danger of getting lost there. It is a bit too early for us to go there now."

Unlike wizards who came from ordinary families, as a child of a wizard family, Jiang Yu is very clear about the dangers of magic taboos such as the mirror world and the depths of the starry sky.

Although her dissuasion to Zheng Qing was straightforward, it was also tactful.

Not pointing at the wizard's nose and saying, "You, a freshman, broke into the mirror world, I'm afraid you are looking for death" was already very polite.

Zheng Qing stroked the red rope on his wrist, lowered his eyelids, stared at the leaf of the mirage wood tied at the end of the red rope, and replied: "I have been to the mirror world and know the dangers there... But I have a friend there, she can help."

Only a few hunters from the Forgiveness Hunting Team who were training together at the time knew a little about Zhu Si's affairs.

Zheng Qing briefly described his last experience in the mirror world - he did not mention Mr. Wu, nor did he say why he appeared in the mirror world, just saying it was an accident.

Accidentally entered the mirror world and accidentally met a little witch. Watching her wearing a tattered robe, groping alone in the dark, looking at her almost empty food picture book, and only one match left.

The study room was quiet.

Whether it was Gouzi or Li Meng, even the stuffed bear, they all looked up and listened to the wizard's calm narration. This matter has been suppressed in his heart for a long time. Although he usually acts like nothing happened, every late at night, when he dreams of returning to the mirror world, he can always hear the screams coming from behind when he finally left the mirror.

He can only comfort himself that it was a trick of the mirror monsters, and Zhu Si must still be hiding in a corner of the mirror, continuing to look for her mother.

But the reason why comfort is comfort is because reality is too cruel.

It was so cruel that people would choose to bury their heads in the sand like ostriches, and then lie to themselves that it was okay, it was okay.

Zheng Qing was not an ostrich.

All the young wizards present were not ostriches either.

Jiang Yu opened his arms, as if he wanted to give him a comforting hug, but then realized that something was wrong, and immediately put away one arm and patted the wizard's back with the other hand.

"Let's go together," she whispered, "This is not just your business."

Zheng Qing pulled the corner of his mouth and showed an ugly smile. He knew what the witch wanted to express-he was not alone, and neither Zhu Si nor the Faceless Demon was his alone.

"How are you going to go?" Xiao Xiao coughed lightly, pushing the topic forward a step further.

Zheng Qing put away the ugly smile on his face.

"...There should be a way to enter and exit the mirror world in the library." He answered uncertainly: "As far as I know, any mirror is connected to the mirror world, so after finding the magic ritual to enter the mirror world, find another mirror, it should be fine..."

"Naive." Xiao Xiao shook his head: "The books describing similar magic rituals are all in the deepest part of the library, strictly guarded by Mr. Octopus... The school will not allow those dangerous magic knowledge to spread everywhere."

Zheng Qing was stunned and turned to look at Jiang Yu.

The witch raised her hands and made a gesture of surrender.

"It is even more impossible for the elders at home to tell us about those dangerous magic rituals," she smiled bitterly: "I know that the mirror is dangerous because when I was a child, the elders always liked to scare people with the terrible consequences of those rituals."

Zheng Qing glanced at the other companions.

"I don't know either." Liu Feifei blushed a little and lowered her head.

"Maybe we can ask the wandering wizard, he must have a way." Nicholas used the authentic thinking of the people of Beta Town to solve this problem-illegal magic activities must be solved by guys suspected of being black wizards.

Zheng Qing shook his head.

Since he knew his life experience, he has been very wary of those wizards such as wandering wizards and the Moon Council. He does not intend to have any dealings with them easily.

"Hey, why didn't you look at me?" Li Meng, who was sitting on the floor, shouted with some displeasure.

Zheng Qing was forced to lower his head and glanced at her.

Then the little witch sighed and shook her head: "How can I know something that my cousin doesn't know... Li Neng doesn't know either. Can your dog take you in?"

The plush bear nodded solemnly as the little witch said, and then, like Li Meng, raised his paw and touched Maodou's dog head.

Maodou pulled his ears back comfortably.


It replied softly, meaning that it could only lead the way, but could not lead people into the world between illusion and reality.

"How did you get in last time?" Fatty Xin showed the sensitivity that a reporter should have.

"It was in a dream," Zheng Qing was a little helpless, but still carefully described the situation to several companions: "...In my dream, I went to a pavilion, which should be a pavilion somewhere in the school, called Mirror Pavilion. , and then there is a mirror in that pavilion, that mirror..."

Zheng Qing recalled for a moment and finally shook his head: "...that mirror has no name."

"Actually, I have always been curious. When you are in a dream, how do you know that you are not dreaming, but entering the mirror world?" Xiao Xiao adjusted his glasses and added with emphasis: "I mean, how do you know that you are not dreaming, but entering the mirror world?" Do you know that you are entering the 'real mirror world' and not just some of your delusions? "

Zheng Qing blinked.

If he relied solely on himself, of course he wouldn't be able to tell the difference between the real world in the mirror and his delusions.

"Someone told me in a dream." He replied seriously: "A very reliable person... Jiang Yu has also met him. He is my husband."

There was a hint of surprise on the witch's face.

It shouldn't be difficult for a gentleman who can reshape Zheng Qing's body to freely travel between dreams and the mirror world.

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