Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 194 In front of the museum

Different from the library, the First University Museum of Magical History is located deep in the Silent Forest. It has its own separate area like the school's research institute or hunting ground.

Just after eight o'clock in the evening, Zheng Qing and Xiao Xiao appeared in a forest clearing not far from the museum.

This is not Zheng Qing’s first contact with the school’s Magic History Museum.

Not long ago, when Mr. Wu was teaching him, he took him to a certain exhibition hall of the Museum of Magical History for a short stay. The bison, the burning rack and the weird ape-man combination in the exhibition hall left a deep impression on the young wizard.

But it was the first time for Zheng Qing to enter this museum from the main entrance.

So it was not until the front entrance of the museum that the young public-funded student realized that this place was not like Shushan Museum. There was a glass door installed in the front hall, and you could enter by swiping your ID card at the door.

"You mean, it's closing time now and we can't get in?" Zheng Qing stared at the sparkling water in front of the museum, looked back at Xiao Xiao, and was quite speechless.

He originally thought that after arriving at the museum, Dr. Xiao Da would lead the way and everyone could just go in. Unexpectedly, before he could see the shadow of the museum gate, he was blocked by this unexpected small lake.

This is a small lake about a mile long and wide, with many thick weeping willows scattered along the shore.

The lake was gurgling, and except for the sparkling water and the golden full moon reflected on the lake, no movement could be seen. The shore of the lake was submerged by lush aquatic plants and thick weeping willows. Zheng Qing could not find where the lake water came from and where it went, but he could vaguely see the target he was looking for.

The black main entrance of the First University Museum of Magical History is sleeping on the other side of this small lake.

"It's you who can't get in, not including me."

Xiao Xiao corrected Zheng Qing's inappropriate wording and introduced the current situation: "Normally... I mean if you visit this museum during working hours during the day, you won't be able to see the lake. During the day In front of the museum is a screen wall with a lake, water, moon, and various water magical creatures in the lake. At night, when the moonlight falls, the screen wall will turn into the lake, forming the outermost layer of the museum. guard."

Zheng Qing raised his head and glanced at the blurry white moon shadow hidden behind the clouds in mid-air, and then looked down at the clear and golden full moon on the lake.

"Everyone knows that something is wrong in this lake." The young public student complained: "The two moons in the sky and the moon in the lake are different... Which silverfish would be stupid enough to step on such a trap!"

"So the purpose of this lake is to make uninvited guests retreat in spite of difficulties." Xiao Xiao took out a stack of access cards from his pocket, took one out and threw it to Zheng Qing: "But we are not beetles... …We are serious guests.”

Zheng Qing took a card in surprise.

It is a temporary work permit for museum staff, allowing the card holder to enter and leave the museum freely without any time limit.

"Can I also use this kind of work permit?" Zheng Qing turned over and looked at the milky white card in his hand. Apart from 'First University Museum of Magical History' and 'Temporary Pass', there were no other keywords on it. There are no magic anti-counterfeiting measures for the cardholder's identity information: "...where did you 'borrow' it from?"

He emphasized the word 'borrow' very hard.

Xiao Xiao adjusted his glasses: "Didn't I tell you this afternoon? The museum borrowed some people from the library to help us a few days ago, and these temporary passes are what we use. I said hello to my colleagues and said that there were friends who wanted to stay in the I visited some museums and borrowed a few... This kind of thing is very common. "

"Did they think you were dating your girlfriend?" Zheng Qing said with a smile.

"...Although these work passes are anonymous, not just anyone can use them." Xiao Xiao did not answer Zheng Qing's joke and reminded with a straight face:

"Didn't I ask you to bring your student card before you come? Only current students with positive credits can use these work passes... This is a bit lazy but very effective screening method. Maybe the school feels that even if a current student wants to enter the museum Wandering around won’t cause any big trouble.”

While they were talking, rustling footsteps came from behind the two of them.

Xiao Xiao immediately shut up and winked at Zheng Qing.

Zheng Qing took out the thick and bulging Dharma book from the gray cloth bag, opened the title page, and activated the formation of the binding spell. The light green magical light flickered in the gloomy night, and soon a tall figure appeared in the sight of the two wizards.

It's Jiang Yu.

She wore a large cloak, and underneath was a tight-fitting hunting suit made of small dragon skin. She wore long boots, many scattered magic accessories hung around her waist, and she also held an open book of magic in her hand.

Zheng Qing breathed a sigh of relief quietly.

The two of them put away their Dharma books almost at the same time.

"You came quite early." The young public-funded student came forward with a smile and waved to the witch: "Where is Li Meng? Is she willing to stay in the dormitory? That stuffed bear can't control her."

"I left Mengmeng with me at the Qingqiu Mansion. Councilor Su is willing to help take care of me for the night." The witch answered lightly, and at the same time took out her pocket watch and checked the time: "...and it's not too early, didn't you say eight Do you want to meet before half past one? It’s already a quarter past eight.”

The smile on Zheng Qing's face froze.

He almost forgot that Jiang Yu already knew about his relationship with Su Shijun. But even so, when did the two of them have such a close relationship?

The wizard glanced at the witch suspiciously, trying to find any clues in her expression.

But tonight the moonlight was dim, and the witch had her usual cold expression. Zheng Qing stared at it for a long time, while Xiao Xiao coughed dryly, but he didn't find any clues.

"Ahem," Xiao Xiao coughed twice, interrupting the rather impolite 'staring' of the young public-funded student, waved to Jiang Yu enthusiastically, and handed her a temporary work permit: "Have you brought your student card? We have to use both cards to get in."

Jiang Yu nodded, took the temporary work permit, and looked at it silently.

At about the same time as the witch's front and rear feet, footsteps of different sizes were heard in the forest again. The three of them looked back, and soon, two sturdy figures approached the shore in the dark.

It's Fatty Xin and Zhang Jixin.

"Why did you two come later than the girls?" Zheng Qingji approached his two companions and complained softly while giving them the opportunity to pass.

"You can't blame me," Fatty Xin had no idea of ​​'keeping a low profile' and immediately shouted: "It's Zhang Jixin's brother. There was a support club in the evening and he was detained for a long time. I went to find him and carried the dishes for a long time. !”

The sleeping water birds by the lake were awakened by the wizard's voice and began to quack.

Zheng Qing glared at the fat man fiercely.

the other side.

Zhang Jixin's face turned red, he took the card with a shudder, and asked in a rough voice: "We can't take a shortcut. We came from the Huanfu Corridor and walked through several pavilions... So we can go in directly now? Hey, Why is Sister Yu here too?"

He happily greeted Jiang Yu.

"Everyone else is inconvenienced tonight. We asked the monitor to help." Zheng Qing roughly pushed Zhang Jixin toward the lake and explained concisely.

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