Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 216: At the foot of Kela Mountain

Perhaps because of their similar physiques, Banner and Zhang Jixin ended up in the same yard.

It was as if two meteorites had smashed into two irregular deep pits in this small courtyard.

The blue giant lay lazily at the bottom of the pit, and without even getting up, he started shouting: "Edamame? Edamame! Let others come over and grab me!"

The gray figure jumped out of the void and landed next to the blue giant's ear. He stuck out his tongue, gasped, bit his ear and tried to pull the fat man out from the bottom of the pit, making him scream.


Zhang Jixin, who was the first to get up, gestured to the fat man with a serious expression on his face: "We are separated. There are only two of us here."

One person and one dog immediately fell silent.

Zhang Jixin walked out of the pit and looked around.

This is a desolate courtyard. The atmosphere in the courtyard is a bit gloomy. I don't know if anyone lives there.

Wild roses and wisteria climbed along the stone gaps in the wall. The small vegetable garden in the yard was overgrown with weeds. Hemp ropes were tied to the well mouth, and damp wooden barrels were dumped randomly on the muddy ground.

Looking out along the stone wall of the courtyard.

In the far distance, there is a dense forest. Outside the forest are rolling hills, and the winding river shuttles between the hills like a ribbon. A large area of ​​cultivated farmland reveals fertile soil, and a few wisps of green smoke rise vaguely from the end of the field.

That's where people live.

"Where is this?" Fatty Xin climbed out of the pit and asked in a low voice.

Edamame has disappeared into the void again.

"I don't know." Zhang Jixin tightened the gloves on his hands, folded the talisman papers given by Zheng Qing, and stuffed them on the side of the gloves near the back of his hand to avoid accidentally losing them after a conflict.

He bent his thumb, pointed back, and added: "But I know that this place is at the foot of a certain mountain... If everyone is nearby, you will definitely be able to see this mountain."

The fat man looked back and finally understood why there was always a gloomy atmosphere flowing in this courtyard.

Because it is located at the foot of a big mountain.

Steep peaks reach into the sky, and lingering clouds and mist can be seen halfway up the mountain. And this courtyard, shrouded in the shadow of this mountain, is inevitably cold.

There was still no movement in the house, and the two wizards didn't want to cause more trouble. Zhang Jixin placed a golden bean under the window sill as compensation for damaging the yard, and then dragged Fatty Xin out.

Neither of them noticed that the moment they left the courtyard, a small crack opened in the originally closed window, and a thin tentacle stretched out and took in the golden bean placed on the windowsill.

The steps in front of the door seemed to have been washed away by floods, with many signs of cracks; the path under the steps was even more submerged in weeds and messy stones, making it almost impossible to find traces of the path.

"If you ask me, your golden bean is a complete waste." The fat man was very worried about Zhang Jixin's unusually generous move just now: "...Tsk, one golden bean can buy you so many chicken legs and beef jerky!"

Having said that, he quickly opened the Dharma book and threw out several spells in succession, such as 'in the middle of the fixed place', 'chirping birds', 'there are four directions in the dying place, and everything is clear'.

A locating spell, a contact spell, a spell to detect and monitor the surrounding security.

The fluctuation of magic power was fleeting, like a pebble thrown into Linzhong Lake without causing a single wave. The fat man's face turned slightly serious, and it looked particularly strange against his blue face and the gloomy atmosphere around him.

"My brother said that when you go out, you must learn to spend money to eliminate disasters." Zhang Jixin explained very seriously: "No matter how hard we are, we will inevitably lose points in the right time and place... So don't be stingy at this time."

"I understand how a poor family can get rich." The fat man answered perfunctorily while holding the Dharma book and copying spells on the blank page that had just been used.

"The contact spell didn't respond?" Zhang Jixin asked.

"As expected." Fatty Xin put away his quill, wiped the non-existent sweat on his forehead, and complained: "Originally, these tasks were all for doctors...a waste of my red ink."

While they were talking, the two of them had already followed the path to a three-way intersection at the foot of the mountain.

There is a wooden sign at the intersection.

There are three wooden arrows pointing in three directions.

An arrow pointed to where the two came from, labeled 'Old House of Krashan Engla'. The two people immediately understood that the small courtyard they just left should belong to the 'Old Engla House' marked on the arrow, and the name of the mountain behind them was, not surprisingly, Kela Mountain.

The second arrow points to the forest in the distance, labeled 'Enchanting Forest·Zugo'.

The third arrow is the widest, and the writing on it is also very clear. It can be seen that someone should maintain it regularly. The content marked on it is 'Uzzah City', and a cat's head is drawn with white chalk on the back.

"What is Zuge?" Fatty Xin pointed at the word behind the second arrow and asked curiously.

Zhang Jixin said with a straight face and an annoyed voice: "Do you think I am a doctor?"

The fat man shrugged and did not continue to stimulate his companions. Instead, he pointed to the third arrow: "Let's go here."


"Because there's a cat head drawn on it."

"...What kind of magical reason is this?"

"The reason why magic is mysterious is that it has huge possibilities and uncertainties. Possibility means that any event with a secret connection has the possibility of happening; uncertainty means that when we are not sure what will happen next, When it comes to how things will develop, just refer to the first point.”

"Which theory is this? Why haven't I heard of it?" Zhang Jixin looked puzzled: "Although my studies are average, I have still heard of the well-known theories in the wizarding world."

"I just came up with it!" Fatty Xin looked confident, and bent down to tie a horse charm on his calf: "Believe me, only people like me who have lofty goals and want to become a great wizard can have such a far-sighted and lofty position. view!"

Zhang Jixin naturally sneered at this kind of boasting.

But he also admitted that the cat head did trigger his intuition. Zheng Qing's tail and Jiang Yu's ears subconsciously appeared in his mind, and he silently approved the fat man's choice in his heart.

Of course, what finally made Zhang Jixin make up his mind was the gray figure lying under the arrow on the third road sign.

The bean-faced man faced the direction of Usa City, sticking out his tongue, and wagging his tail happily at the two young wizards.

Zhang Jixin squatted down and began to tie the armor and horse charms on his legs.

"Why do you think we ended up here?" After tying the talismans, Zhang Jixin stood up and took one last look at the deep path behind him and the tall Kara Mountain.

The fat man stretched his arms and stretched himself, making final preparations before running.

"Who knows," he replied lazily: "Maybe it's because this place is destined to us. But it might just be a matter of probability."

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