Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 222 Target, Uzzah

The invisibility cloak provided by Jiang Yu was very wide, but it was not enough to cover the figures of the two adult wizards, so the two of them stood very close under the cloak and were careful about any movements.

Although Zheng Qing felt that they were far away from the protective circle, and those creatures with brown outlines in the oak forest would definitely not be able to find traces of them, but after hearing the witch's whisper, he still followed the advice. He reduced his movements and moved closer to the witch.

With more physical contact, the awkward feeling from earlier slowly subsided.

Zheng Qing was finally able to chat with Jiang Yu in a slightly more natural state.

"Wow," the young public-funded student breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Did you see that mushroom cloud just now? It's so beautiful..."

"It feels like the explosive charm you used was a bit excessive." The witch commented pertinently.

"Safety first, safety first." The wizard patted the gray bag hanging on his waist half proudly and half show off: "Safety is the most important thing when you go out. Besides, this kind of consumables can be used anytime and anywhere. Draw some pictures.”

As he spoke, the black cat's tail behind him involuntarily swung from side to side, as if responding to his happy mood. The tip of her tail swept over Jiang Yu, and the witch tried her best to suppress the urge to pull the black cat's tail in her heart. The furry cat ears in her hair also trembled slightly because of this effort.

"The speed is a bit slow." She pulled the vines in her hands and directed the dogs to run faster. At the same time, she poked the wizard next to her with her elbow: "...You are too close."

Zheng Qing's fair face suddenly turned red.

Outside the invisibility cloak, in front of the vine reins, there seemed to be laughter coming from the coolies among the coolies. The young public-funded student felt ashamed in his heart, shook the 'reins' in his hands vigorously, and shouted in a low voice:

"Run carefully...stay away from the river!"

The jade-belt-like river slowly flowed backward beside Gouzi and the wizards. The water surface was sparkling and lifeless. When the river skirted several rolling hills and flowed to the end, Zheng Qing's vision suddenly broadened.

The small river like a jade belt merges into a broad blue river.

It was as if someone had cut a section of the sky from above the head and dropped it on this wilderness. The blue sky, white clouds, and sunshine were mixed together and flowing in the river.

On both sides of the blue river, there is traffic, small plots of farmland, and occasional dots of smoke, fences, and huts. It was as if I had entered the civilized world from the wilderness in an instant.

A little further.

On the other side of the big blue river, a small dark city can be vaguely seen.

The five edamame screamed happily and rushed straight towards the small town.

Nikita stood on the edge of a deep pit.

'Zhu Zhu', who was wearing a brand new robe and small leather shoes, was sitting on a tree stump not far from the banshee. There were several fleshy and fat Zu Ge under her feet. There were several strong Zu Ge behind her, and she looked up. Looking at the dappled sunlight leaking through the gaps in the leaves, I squinted my eyes comfortably.

This is the location of the ruins after the explosion of the protective circle that Jiang Yu assumed.

Said to be a ruin? In fact, there are not many traces left here - the violent explosion almost flattened the hilltop? Then the furious Shantak birds? Amid the screams of the leader, they all rushed towards it. The ruins spat.

Shattuck's saliva is comparable to that of the oldest green dragon, and is mixed with many highly toxic and corrosive liquids. It had been completely destroyed by the explosion and was baptized by Shattuck bird saliva. Therefore, when Nikita came from the depths of the enchanted forest, what appeared in front of her was only a pungent-smelling, A large pit several meters deep.

In such ruins, not to mention identifying the traces of magic used in the past, it is almost impossible to restore its former appearance.

The banshee stared at the deep pit with an expressionless expression and remained silent for a long time.

The flock of shattucks still hovered over the oak forest, casting a deep shadow. It's just that the leader of the flock, the largest bird, Shattuck, is not in his flock.

It was crawling under the slope, its wings spread wide, its huge horse head almost burrowed into the soil, and its two stump limbs, only as long as Mish, were tilted back at a strange angle? The wound has not yet completely healed? Green The blood soaked the rough gravel.

But there was no trace of the violent aura on this big bird.

It just spread its wings and trembled all over, silently waiting for the banshee's verdict.

"Mistake is the worst word in the world."

The banshee stared at the deep pit and commented indifferently: "A momentary mistake may cause a long period of pain and tragedy... Maybe you think a broken leg is very painful? But believe me, this world There are many things more tragic than having two broken legs."

Chief Shattuck's head was buried lower and lower, and his body was shaking more and more violently.

The banshee suddenly lost interest.

She shook her wrist, shook the mini three-headed black dragon coiled around her wrist to the ground, and casually ordered: "Your dinner."

After the black dragon left Nikita's wrist, it swelled in the wind. In an instant, it changed from the thickness of chopsticks to the thickness of a tea cup, then to the thickness of a bowl mouth, and then to the thickness of a bucket. When it landed on the ground, its body was already thicker than the thickest one in the oak forest. The old oak is even bigger.

There was no fighting, no screaming, and no struggling.

As if a dark wind blew from the deepest part of the abyss, the two heads of the three black dragons bit the wings of the leader of Shatak, and the middle head bit his neck. With just a tug, the little whale-like body was pulled away. The monster tore it to pieces.

Green blood fell like raindrops, hitting the scorched grass blades and turned-up soil, giving the edge of the oak forest a hideous color.

Nikita's eyes moved away from the pit and fell to his feet.

Under her feet, there were several old ancestors crawling. Time took away the oil on their fur and their courage, but it allowed them to accumulate enough wisdom.

Unlike that ugly big bird, the amount of gray matter under its huge head is not as big as Zu Ge's fist.

"It's your turn."

"I hope you can say something useful." The banshee stretched out her fingers, twirled her long hair around her ears, kicked away a Zugo that was closest to her, and watched the brown figure flying in the air. Sliding through a beautiful arc, my mood finally improved a little: "...otherwise I will feed you all to Xiao Hei as a midnight snack."

The three black dragons turned back, opened their mouths, and tried to show a docile smile.

Green blood dripped down its fangs and corners of its mouth, making this smile look particularly ferocious and unconvincing.

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