Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 225 Two little girls

"Are you going to get in the car or not?"

Seeing several wizards chatting like cats next to their pumpkin cart, the driver of the pumpkin cart finally got angry, and the beard on the corner of his mouth curled up: "Don't think that a small dried fish can keep me here for a long time!"

The ancestors pulling the cart clapped their chests vigorously to show their strong approval of the cart driver.

"I'm sorry." As a witch, Jiang Yu could always ease the atmosphere at the right time. She gave the coachman a slight salute and smiled apologetically.

The squinted eyes of the tabby cat coachman suddenly widened, revealing crystal clear yellow-brown eyes. Because when the witch lowered her head slightly, the pair of white kitten ears in her hair swayed slightly - to the cat, this subtle difference was as clear as fireflies in the dark night.

"Oh, it's not your fault, ma'am."

The tabby cat turned over, jumped out of the car, pulled the wide brim of his hat with one paw, and stretched out the other friendly paw towards the witch, as if he wanted to help her get into the car. His eyes were filled with fascination, and his voice returned to its previous sticky tone: "For an elegant and noble guest like you, I can wait in the snow all night."

A thick black tail stopped in front of the tabby cat.

"Is it snowing in Usa City too?" Zheng Qing looked at the driver of the pumpkin cart with a smile.

The tabby cat's eyes followed the black cat tail to the dark red wizard's robe, and then along the robe, he saw the face of a wizard who seemed to be smiling but not smiling.

Its beard immediately drooped.

"Destination!" The cat stretched out its paws in front of Zheng Qing and said in a stiff tone, "Pay the fare in advance!"

"Please take us to Usa City Museum, thank you." Xiao Xiao stuffed two dried, oily, almost translucent small fish into the belt between the brim of the cat's hat.

"You need to add an extra piece of shredded squid, dried mackerel." The tabby cat shook its beard, touched the brim of its hat, then sniffed its paws, and said in a slightly gentler tone: "...The sewer of Shorthair Street exploded and is under construction. , not many pumpkin cars are willing to pass by at this time."

The ancestors continued to beat their chests in agreement.

They don't mind being here all day flapping their chests as long as they're not made to work.

"You can take Berman Street from Main Street. There's no traffic there." Xiao Xiao suggested - during his stay in Ursa City, he had already figured out the direction of the streets in the entire small town.

"There's a Paw Parade on Burman Street." The coachman touched the brim of his hat again, then sniffed the paw, snorted in boredom, and still refused to move.

Paw Paw Parade? It sounds like something interesting, Zheng Qing thought regretfully, but it's a pity that he doesn't have much time.

"If you know the way, we can go there by ourselves." The young public-funded student took out a few talismans from the gray cloth bag and raised them in front of his companions: "I also have a few armor and horse talismans... and also a cloud-climbing talisman."

"You can save yourself a lot of trouble by riding the pumpkin cart."

Xiao Xiao shook his head, put away the notebook in his hand, and took a closer look at the tabby cat:

“You can go from Main Street to Burman Street, then from Burman to Sphinx Street, then to Abyssinian Street, then from Abyssinian to Tochini, and finally to Osey Street …Then just put us next to the market under the temple.”

The tabby cat finally put down its paw on the brim of the hat.

"Are you going to take my job?" It meowed angrily and swung the whip in its hand: "You can't do it! Because you don't have a tail! ... Get up quickly, you lazy bugs!"

The grandfathers who were lying on the ground were frightened by the sound of whips being thrown and quickly got up and pretended to pull the cart hard.

"I don't have a tail, but my companion does." Xiao Xiao tried to pull Zheng Qing's tail out from under his robe, but was stopped by the young public-funded student, who then forced him into the pumpkin cart.

"Stop causing trouble, the mission comes first!" Zheng Qing growled in a low voice.

Jiang Yu stood aside, laughing so hard that his cat ears drooped.


Crisp laughter echoed in the empty wilderness.

Nikita's black robe hung in the grass. The owner of the robe suddenly changed from a tall succubus to a short little girl, about six or seven years old, with one eye scarlet and the other The eyes are dark and clear in black and white.

Three black dragons slipped into the grass nest at some point, squinting their six eyes, and their cunning eyes revealed surprise and uneasiness.

Just as uneasy as it was, there was Faceless.

A few minutes ago, this tribute team from the Zuge tribe was walking peacefully in the wilderness. Their goal is the small city in the distance occupied by cats, Uzza.

The elders of Zugo walked at the front of the team, serving as guides; Nikita walked quietly in the center of the team, with a flock of dark cloud-like Shattuck birds above her head, and a group of Guge giants dotted far behind her, with arms on her arms. Wrapping around the three-headed black dragon.

Faceless was beside Nikita. He was originally sitting on the carriage carried by the Zuges, humming to the gentle breeze and taking a sip of fermented tree sap, a specialty of the Enchanted Forest, from time to time. It felt very comfortable.

But suddenly, Nikita, who was walking in the middle of the team, stopped, then lowered his head, and his whole body began to tremble violently. Her figure also twisted and deformed with the trembling, and began to slowly shrink.

In just a short time, the banshee disappeared from this world.

And in her robe, there appeared a little girl that Faceless had never seen before.

A little girl who loves to laugh.

"My name is Zhou Zhou," the little witch pulled on her loose robe, stumbled towards Wu Mian, waving her little arms, her face full of excitement: "What's your name?"

The ancestors carrying Qingyu trembled all over and lay down on the grass.

Wu Mian also fell down.

"My name is... Zhu Zhu." It touched its newly painted face, hesitated, and replied.

"Are you a monster?" Zhou Zhou opened his eyes wide, full of curiosity.

"So... right?" Faceless asked, a little unsure, "Who are you? Where has Nikita gone? Did she escape? Captain Misty will eat her!"

Hearing the words Captain Misty, Zhou Zhou immediately shuddered.

"No, no, the eldest sister didn't run away." She waved her hands vigorously and hurriedly explained: "She was just a little tired, so she fell asleep...and then I ran out secretly. Don't tell the captain."

"...Secretly? Where were you hiding before? Why have I never seen you?"

"I've been staying in big sister's dream!" Zhou Zhou wrinkled her little nose, with pride on her face: "She hides me in her dream and often plays with me. Sometimes when the weather outside is nice, she even lets me I came out to see the sun..."

Speaking of this, she suddenly hesitated and turned around to look around: "But where is this..."

Then she looked down at her body and jumped up in surprise. The hem of the super long robe immediately pulled her back, causing her to scream in pain.

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