Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 230 The Holy Water of Lourdes

"Just now..." Zheng Qing's anxious and vague words were interrupted by another voice beside him. "Yes, that's right." Xiao Xiao interrupted the wizard's words with a calm and clear voice: "Thanks to the great elder Toatal, we just saw everything in the dreamland." "Don't talk! Drink it!" The witch brought the ampoule closer and turned to look at Xiao Xiao, her voice a little annoyed: "Don't talk to him!" Xiao Xiao shrugged his shoulders, his expression a little innocent. Several golden stars have overflowed from the transparent liquid and disappeared in the air. Zheng Qing's expression became more and more anxious. He turned his head away from the ampoule, eager to tell everyone what he saw and heard: "I saw..."

"The team led by the demons approaching Wusa City?" Xiao Xiao interrupted Zheng Qing again and added: "Yes, we saw it too. If we are lucky, we may get a bounty from the Witch Alliance...if we are capable enough. I said it because I don't want him to speak, you have to understand."

The last sentence was said to Jiang Yu.

The witch naturally understood this.

She frowned, pinched Zheng Qing's cheek, turned to her side, and almost stuffed the glass bottle into Zheng Qing's mouth, shouting angrily: "Can you shut up first! Drink it!!"

Zheng Qing was frightened by the witch's anger, and obediently opened his mouth and drank the transparent liquid that was still emitting white light. The golden starlight shattered in his mouth, with a little sweetness. Like a grain of millet that was cooked thoroughly.

The witch's expression eased a little.

Zheng Qing smacked his lips. He could clearly feel a gentle and healing force spreading in his body as the liquid soaked him. From the stomach to the internal organs, then flowing along the blood vessels, spreading to the end of the capillaries. He could even feel that many mixed breaths were being driven by that force, penetrating from the skin.

The dizziness in the head, the fatigue in the body, and the confusion in the mind were all smoothed out by this force.

A refreshing feeling from the inside out made him deeply understand the meaning of the four words "refreshed" - as if he had come out of a mud pit and taken a hot bath, which made him feel refreshed.

"What is this?" The young student asked subconsciously.

"Holy water of Lourdes," Xiao Xiao answered him. The doctor raised an ampoule in his hand and explained, "It is produced by the great wizard Bernadette. It is the best healing agent in the Pyrenees, but it is more famous for its unparalleled cleaning effect on the pollution from the depths of the starry sky."

"Starry sky... pollution?" Zheng Qing repeated the word belatedly.

"You saw the huge Enamel Wheel in the 'real vision', right?" Xiao Xiao looked at Zheng Qing with an inquiring look. After receiving the affirmative look, he nodded: "The figure in front of the Enamel Wheel is a certain existence in the depths of the starry sky, or a combination of certain existences. They have been spying on the dreamland, and many times, they can also bring down very powerful power in this world. That Enamel Wheel is the manifestation of their power, and the runes on the Enamel Wheel are full of their 'concepts'."

"Any wizard - I mean ordinary wizards below the level of great wizards - anyone, as long as Seeing those runes, the spirit will be polluted by those beings in the depths of the starry sky. Mildly, it will affect your understanding of magic and make you dull; slightly more serious, it will make you insane and turn you crazy; the most serious, and most terrible, will make you degenerate. "

"And when we see those runes, we have already begun to be infected by their power. At this time, what we need most is a holy water from Lourdes..."

"Degenerate..." Zheng Qing murmured, repeating the word, and the scarlet eyes and the small figure suddenly appeared in his mind.

Then he raised his head in panic and looked at his two companions.

"It's Zhu Si!" He was hoarse, his eyes were a little desperate, but more panicked: "The little girl sitting on the light sedan is Zhu Si!"

Jiang Yu exclaimed softly, looking at the wizard with a bit of pity.

Everyone knows the meaning of degenerate.

And everyone also knows what the little girl means to Zheng Qing.

"She is Zhu Si?" Xiao Xiao looked serious, and looked in the direction of the Sky River thoughtfully: "... In other words, you only saw Zhu Si?"

The doctor's words made Zheng Qing a little confused, and the panic in his heart also subsided a little.

"What do you mean?" He murmured-Zhu Si fell, this thought made him weak all over, and even forgot where he was now.

"Who is next to Zhu Si?" Xiao Xiao asked back.

"Next to Zhu Si," Zheng Qing frowned, trying to recall the shaking pictures before, but all he could remember was a pair of clear, scarlet eyes. After a long while, he sighed helplessly: "...It should be a demon."

"Nikita." Xiao Xiao said a shocking name.

"Nikita!" Zheng Qing was a little surprised, but this surprise was not enough to make up for the powerlessness in his heart: "The one on the plane? Isn't she wanted? How dare she..."

At this point, the voice of the young public student stopped abruptly.

He then remembered that they were now in a fantasy dreamland - a world that did not exist in reality and was a fusion of fantasy and dream. They only entered this world by chance through certain channels.

If they can come in, the demons will naturally have their own ways to enter this world.

Several sudden meows sounded in the wizard's ears, interrupting the discussion among several young wizards and Zheng Qing's memories.

The wizard raised his head and saw a familiar gray figure.

"Edamame?" He cheered up a little. Since entering Usa City, the dog has disappeared from time to time. Seeing it at this moment makes people feel a little at ease.

"Meow meow!"

Maodou wagged his tail at him and reported his mission to his master.

"The elder and the fat man are here too?" Zheng Qing finally heard some good news and forced a smile: "Where are they and how long until they come?"

"Meow!" the gray-skinned dog replied, continuing to meow.

Zhang Jixin and Fatty were less than an hour away from them.

Zheng Qing looked in the direction pointed by Maodou's tail and realized that he was no longer in the tall and bright Usa Temple.

Great Elder Atal and the hairless cat on crutches were also missing.

He, Jiang Yu, and Xiao Xiao were in an alleyway paved with cobblestones. He sat on a long emerald green wooden chair, while Xiao Xiao and Jiang Yu stood in the open space beside him.

Among the surrounding low walls and bushes, there were many hairballs squatting or sitting, all looking at these strange wizards curiously.

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