Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 236 See you again

"I'm glad you guys discovered this little game."

The owner of Menis did not know when he appeared behind the two young wizards again, and said with a smile: "Many guests have seen the cat's body and touched the cat's fur, but few people can witness these two things at the same time. The effect of the superposition of these states...the greatness and charm of life are fully demonstrated in this state."

While talking, the tavern waiter came to the table carrying a dinner plate.

On the plate were steaming golden-brown roasted meats, surrounded by crispy onion slices.

The host of Menes took the plate on behalf of the guest, brought it to the two young wizards, and made a gesture of inviting guests.

The witch forked a small piece of barbecue, and Xiao Xiao forked a small piece of onion.

He held up the onion, looked at the cat, and then at the lively crowd around him, and suddenly sighed: "I heard someone say something before, life is like an onion..."

"Spicy yet sweet?" Zheng Qing's muffled voice came from across the box: "Excuse me, can any of you feed this cat on my behalf? I also want to see what it looks like... and then eat a piece of onion."

The witch and the master of Menes both laughed immediately.

Xiao Xiao waved his fork, smiled, and then said: "Wait a moment, I just wanted to say that life is like an onion, many things are repeated boringly... Each piece is similar to the previous one. In fact, every piece of our life is like an onion. We feel the greatness of life and the mystery of magic every moment, but we always ignore them.”

"It's an interesting statement." Jiang Yu forked another piece of meat and commented: "But I still prefer meat. The onion taste is a bit strong. It's very rude."

"I have heard another saying," the owner of Menis put the plate of barbecue back on the table, folding his hands with a smile on his face: "Life is like an onion, the more you peel it, the more tears you shed. The more..."

Before he finished speaking, a gray figure followed the gap under the spring butterfly door, jumped into the tavern, and appeared at the dining table. It was seen by the three young wizards and the master of Menes.

Maodou shook his tail at the tavern owner in a friendly manner.

"Wow," Master Menis looked at the uninvited guest and raised his eyebrows slightly: "If I'm not mistaken, this is a gray puppy?"

Zheng Qing moved his eyes away and stared intently at a yellowed oil painting hanging on the wall of the tavern. In the painting, a golden kitten squatted on a plate with octopus. There was a copper pot next to the plate. , was sizzling and steaming - he pretended not to see the edamame coming.

Jiang Yu lowered his head, stared at the barbecue on the plate, raised his fork, and thought carefully about which piece to poke.

Xiao Xiao's face turned red.

"It seems like this puppy knows you?" The owner of Menis took a step back, and the smile on his face disappeared: "You just used the phrase 'Zugs and dogs are not allowed; cats are free'. You should return it." Remember."

"I can explain." Xiao Xiao cleared his throat and glanced at Maodou: "When a person looks like a human, but does something worse than an animal, we will think that he is not a human; similarly, when he is an animal, If it meows like a cat, eats and acts like a cat, then it is a cat...even if it has the face of a dog.”

Maodou seemed to know that Xiao Xiao was talking about it, so he opened his mouth cooperatively and meowed twice.

Master Menes thought for a few seconds.

"Cats don't wag their tails to please other people." He pointed at Edamame's dangling tail and said.

Xiao Xiao raised the fork in his hand.

"I heard that in some places, if a man considers himself a woman, then in a legal sense, he is considered a woman." At this point, he adjusted his glasses and glanced at the man behind Zheng Qing. With a tail, he continued: "Just like my two companions were not recognized as cats, it should not be recognized as a dog."

Maodou meowed twice loudly.

Master Menes looked at it seriously and fell silent.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Zheng Qing finally looked away from the oil painting on the wall and looked at the gray-skinned dog squatting at the table: "Modou, what did you do just now?"

The dog meowed twice.

It means that he went to lead the way for the elder and the fat man. On his way back, he saw two uninvited guests, so he ran back quickly and reported the news to several young wizards.

"They have already entered the city?" Zheng Qing pulled his hand out of the hole in the wooden box and his face became a little more serious. Originally, he thought that the huge team would stay at the gate of Uzzah City for a long time, but he did not expect that the two banshees would go straight into the city.

Thinking of Zhu Si's scarlet eyes, the wizard's mood became heavy again, and the relaxation and pleasure he felt when he was petting the cat disappeared without a trace.

Maodou meowed twice more.

This means that the two banshees have not only entered the city, but are also on their way to the Menis Cat Tavern.

Before the meow ended, the butterfly door in front of the tavern was pushed open forcefully.

With the three ancestors in front and the two banshees behind, Shi Shiran walked in.

Several tavern waiters rushed over.

"Zuge is not welcome here!"

One of the tallest waiters said loudly, which immediately caused a mess of cheers and responses in the hall. It's obvious that those little brown fur things don't have a very good reputation in this city.

The three-headed ancestors looked back in fear and took a few steps back, as if they wanted to exit the tavern.

The little banshee walking behind them raised her foot and kicked the nearest Zug on the butt, knocking it several somersaults and rolling into the depths of the tavern, knocking over several chairs one after another.

Screams and the sound of tables and chairs being pushed and pulled sounded in the hall almost simultaneously. During this time, the guests who are drinking and consuming in the pub are often very angry. They roll up their sleeves one after another, exposing their strong muscles. Some of the impatient guys even pick up the wine bottle on the table or the chair next to them. , whirring, threatening and cursing from his mouth.

The kicked Zuge immediately lay flat on the floor and pretended to be dead.

Its two companions beat their chests hard, jumped under the chair nearest to them, hugged the chair legs tightly, and refused to let go of their claws.

"Zuge is not welcome here!" Another more experienced waiter signaled his companions to appease the somewhat irritable guests. At the same time, he changed a more gentle tone and said to the two banshees: "If they are your servants , please ask them to wait outside the store.”

"It won't take long." The little banshee waved her hand in an old-fashioned way, and after a brief glance around the store, she saw that there were indeed many black-haired customers in the store. She nodded with satisfaction and took out the simple picture in her arms: "We are just here to ask. Ask, have you ever seen these guys?”

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