Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 239 The Greatest Justice (Thanks to ZeYiii for the reward~)

Faceless is the murderer of the little white cat.

Jiang Yu has been hunting the murderer for almost a year. To this end, she spent a lot of spare time in the library, consulting various information, and even used directional deformation potion to transform into a little white cat in an attempt to Tempting the murderer to appear.

But there has been no result.

It wasn't until Liu Feifei's pet snake was exposed and the identity of the Faceless Demon was confirmed by the school that Jiang Yu found the real target. But since then, this cunning faceless demon has disappeared like fallen leaves in the forest. Although it leaves traces everywhere, it is always hard to catch its tail.

This time, Jiang Yu agreed to come to Dreamland. On the one hand, she was invited by Zheng Qing, and on the other hand, the news brought by Maodou also moved her heart. Because Maodou said that the faceless demon might have appeared in the dreamland.

Five blazing fireballs were wrapped in the witch's anger, and with scalding wind, they hit the little banshee sitting on the chair.

The little banshee stared blankly at the fireballs, her scarlet eyes looking at the red fireballs, seemingly not reacting at all.

But the lack of reaction does not mean that you are in danger.

When the five fireballs were about to fall and explode, a huge blue-black claw appeared out of thin air, pinched the five fireballs in the center of its claws like five glass balls, and gave it a heavy squeeze.

The fireball shattered under the pressure, and the hot white fire slurry overflowed from between the claws, demonstrating the power of the magic just now, and also demonstrating the terrifying degree of the two banshees in front of him - Zheng Qing thought to himself, even if he uses a rune gun , facing the sudden and violent attack just now, he couldn't handle it with such ease.

After the giant blue-black claw crushed the fireball, it turned into a blue-black breath and disappeared into the air.

"Scared me to death!" The little banshee patted her chest and shouted frightened words, but her eyes were as cold as ever, with a hint of ridicule in the scarlet color.

Ta, tap, tap.

Crisp but heavy footsteps, accompanied by ups and downs of magic power, came from behind Zheng Qing. The wizard turned around and saw Jiang Yu holding the Dharma book in one hand and the jade talisman in the other, walking forward step by step.

He and Xiao Xiao immediately exchanged glances and carefully changed their positions to adapt to the battle formation after the witch moved.

"It's you, kill Xiaobai." The witch looked at the little banshee steadily.

"Who is Xiaobai?" the little banshee asked pretending to be stupid.

Jiang Yu lowered his eyelids, remained silent for a moment, and replied: "The little white cat that died in front of Linzhong Lake last year."

"Oh, it." The little banshee said to the witch politely: "That was an accident... I was playing with it, but it accidentally saw my face. The captain said that you can't be seen when performing tasks. Anyone who sees my face will die. Well, by the way, your cat ears are beautiful."

Its tone is sincere.

The wording is also very common.

But just beyond that ordinaryness, there is a kind of dullness - the kind of dullness that regards life as nothing and has no respect for life and death. Zheng Qing prefers to call it 'cruel'.

"You even dug out its eyes." The cat ears in the witch's hair were pulled flat to both sides. She clenched the Dharma book in her hand, her voice trembling: "It's still so small! Only a little bit... a little bit... "

The little banshee scratched her hair and spread her hands: "The eyes can reveal too much information, and there are so many powerful diviners in the school... I don't want to fail to complete the task and be thrown into the pot by the captain."

Jiang Yu took a deep breath, and the magic book in her hand suddenly surged with surging magic power. However, the next moment, this magic power was interrupted by the little banshee's voice:

"Looking at your posture, do you want to kill me?!"

"You're giving yourself so many reasons, why don't you want to kill me?" The little banshee said, suddenly holding her stomach, pointing a finger at the witch opposite, and laughing crazily: "Hahahaha... what are you giving the cat?" Stop saying nice things like revenge and justice for wizards!”

"Do you think you are avenging a cat? No, you just pity the hypocritical thoughts in your heart and maintain the order of your own existence! You use your morality to judge the group that does not belong to you, just like a group of sheep Judgment Wolf!"

"Don't Jiuyou College pride itself on being the most fair and equal college? Aren't you students of Jiuyou? Do you dare to judge this matter with a fair and equal mentality?"

"As long as wizards and monsters still belong to two different moral systems, you will never be truly fair. So, if you want to kill me or other monsters, just do it directly."

"Don't always climb to the peak of your morality, crown yourself with the title of justice, and dictate to us! For us, fairness means the law of the jungle and the strong, and living is the greatest justice!"

"I'm just enforcing our justice!"

"This world is the world of all life! It is not the world of wizards!"

"If you want to kill me, then go ahead!"

The little banshee's excited and shrill voice echoed throughout the hall of the tavern, but there were only a few listeners. Most of the guests in the tavern, when those five fireballs erupted, dispersed in a rush, crowded, screamed, and fled outside, even the waiters in the store were no exception.

The butterfly door at the entrance of the tavern was squeezed, the left leaf completely fell off and fell to the floor, and half of the right door's hinges were still hanging on the wall. The breeze rushed into the tavern, making the half door creak, and the screams of the little banshee became more and more harsh.


Jiang Yu took a step forward amidst the little banshee's shouts, and stepped heavily on the floor. The green hair on the back of her head was rising in the wind, and the magic power surged all over her body became more intense.

"Kill you! It has nothing to do with morality!"

The witch gritted her teeth and raised her head. Her eyes were not shaken by the banshee's words at all. Instead, she became more determined: "Pay back your debts and kill for life! You deserve to die not because you are a monster, but because you killed my cat!" "


The jade pendant she had been holding in her hand suddenly shattered, and the cyan magic power surged. Following Jiang Yu's finger, it turned into a giant cyan dragon, bared its teeth and claws, and rushed towards the little banshee a few meters away:

"...So, go to hell!"

"Ah ah ah... demon... devil... die... open!!! Boom!!!"

Almost at the moment when the giant cyan dragon took shape, a shout came from far to near, from the street outside the tavern into the hall, shaking everyone's eardrums.

Then when the giant green dragon left Jiang Yu's fingertips and crashed into the little banshee.

A red figure slammed through the wall of the Menis Tavern and broke into the venue where the confrontation was taking place. The violent impact scattered bricks, stones and wood, but it did not slow down the red figure at all.

Like a cannonball, he slammed into the jaw of the giant blue dragon.

The giant dragon screamed, jumped up, crashed through the ceiling, turned into a stream of light and disappeared into the gorgeous air.

Leave a roomful of people behind.


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