Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 243 The Illusion of Control

People always overestimate the degree of control they have over things and ignore the impact of other uncontrollable factors such as opportunity and luck. But in fact, a large factor that determines the success or failure of things is included in opportunity or luck. .

This bias in judgment is called the ‘illusion of control’ in psychology.

Right now, Nikita had this illusion.

She mistakenly thought that she controlled the situation on the field, thinking that with her strength as a top registered wizard, she could easily crush the young hunters in front of her.

But reality gave her a hard blow.

A really hard blow.

The talisman bullet with a trace of blood falling on the nine-fold mantra protective barrier she summoned effortlessly broke through the layers of barriers, as if someone was poking a soap bubble with the tip of a needle.

On the translucent golden barrier, continuous and smooth bullet holes appeared one after another.

Every time a bullet hole appears, the barrier that looks like a hill and is translucent like topaz is like a train traveling at full speed hitting a piece of glass, and the glass shatters.

Fine amber light spots fell from the air like raindrops, flying one after another, giving the dim tavern a charming and dreamlike color.

Nine layers of barriers.

Nine hills.

Nine showers of light.

It only slightly slowed down the speed of the speeding rune bullet, and the blood color surrounding the rune bullet became a little lighter.

The banshee's fingers trembled slightly, and several pale bone fragments flew out from her fingers to meet the rune bullet. These bone fragments were the 'ingredients' she secretly secreted while making soup for the captain in the Misty's kitchen. It was said that they were fragments from a certain great wizard's ribs, but in that kitchen, they were just a bunch of oddballs. There are a few bones that can be used as knives in the fresh flesh and blood.

There is nothing peculiar about these bones except that they are very hard and difficult to cook.

There are no mysterious magic patterns on the bones, and there is no coveted magic substance in the bones. Unless a bit of bone meal is needed to prepare some potions with special uses for lichs, Nikita will not take the huge risk from the captain. The adults picked up these pieces of undercooked bones from the soup bowl.

Right now, the hardest things she could find in her mind were these few bones.

The pale bone fragments slid silently through the air, like a few flying tarot cards, and collided head-on with the rapidly flying talisman bullet. The sharp edge of the bone sliced ​​into the sharp bullet, and time seemed to stand still for a moment.

Everyone in the tavern saw that moment.

——It seems that there is no need to think about how to grind them into bone meal.

This thought suddenly came to Nikita's mind.

The bone fragments collided with the talisman bullets, and gray-white bone powder scattered and fell down. The blood energy lingering on the rune bullets became darker and darker, and the speed of the rune bullets also became slower.

The banshee shook off the black bracelet from her wrist.

"Shit!" Zhang Jixin only had time to curse in a low voice, and Maodou glanced at him dissatisfied.

Zheng Qing's face was pale, he was leaning on a dining table, barely keeping his eyes open, watching the bracelet fall to the ground - the rune gun he used now was all imagined in his mind, so he used to use the rune gun to fire blood rune bullets Finally, the feedback received by the rune gun will be absorbed by his consciousness at this moment.

Even though those blood energy and runes were all from his hand, the powerful 'recoil' of the blood rune bullets still made the wizard almost faint.

The black bracelet immediately touched the banshee's white wrist. After hesitating in mid-air for half a second, she stretched her body and turned into a small black snake as thick as a chopstick.

Facing the light rain and the flying bone powder, the little snake swelled up in the wind. In an instant, it swelled from the thickness of chopsticks to the thickness of a bucket. After landing, it made a loud noise, shaking the whole tavern.

Even after it landed, its thick body still continued to grow. In just a moment, the huge black figure filled almost half of the tavern hall.

The dark scales shone with a dark luster, and the bone-corrosive breath breathed out from the pale fangs.

But the most eye-catching thing is its three heads raised high.

This is a three-headed black dragon.

hold head high! ! !

The black dragon roared, lowered its head on the left side, and the short but hard horn of the dragon fiercely met the slow-moving talisman bullet. The blood talisman bullet hit the dragon's horn slowly but resolutely.


The horn of the dragon shattered into pieces, and green blood mixed with the painful roar of the black dragon splashed everywhere. But after experiencing successive sniping attacks, the blood rune bullet finally ran out of blood, got stuck between the black dragon's skull, and stopped moving forward.

Zhu Zhu, who had been squatting on the chair from beginning to end, breathed a heavy sigh of relief. His calves softened and he collapsed on the chair.

Nikita's face turned pale and he looked at the young wizards.

"Brilliant defiance."

She stood in the black dragon's curled body, raised her hand and patted the thick scales on the black dragon's body soothingly. Her voice was as calm and confident as before: "A year ago, you would only tremble under my sight. After a year, you can already do some kind of resistance... I like to invest in goals with growth value. "

"Well, my previous proposal is still valid... I hope you will make the final choice before this little guy goes berserk."

The 'little guy' Nikita calls is actually not small at all. It is the huge three-headed black dragon.

At this moment, the black dragon, whose head was almost blown off by a rune bomb, was dragging his bloody left head and looking at the delicious blood food in the room with a ferocious expression.

Its injured head was staring at Fatty Lan, who had the fattest flesh, the right head was staring at Zhang Jixin, who had the chewiest flesh, and the largest head in the middle was pointed at Zheng Qing, with a fierce and fierce look at the corner of his mouth. Greedy smile - Among all the people, Zheng Qing is currently in the worst condition and has the weakest resistance.

Jiang Yu stood next to the wizard, holding several pieces of cyan jade in his hands, his lips turning white due to nervousness.

Zheng Qing's eyes wandered between the black dragon and the banshee, measuring the difference in combat power between the two sides in his heart. Nikita is naturally a top registered wizard, which has been confirmed by the Wizards Alliance; even if the Faceless Demon is a little bit worse, it won't be too far behind; and the black dragon that looks the most ferocious, looking at its size, Zheng Qing strongly suspected that it was infinitely close to the level of a great wizard.

With their combat strength intact, facing Nikita alone, the Sin Hunting Team still had some confidence in winning.

But now, he was almost half disabled because of that talisman bomb, Zhang Jixin and Fatty Xin were almost vomited blood by Nikita's previous punch, and the opponent added a powerful three-headed black dragon.

One is ebbing and the other is ebbing, and the continued head-to-head battle plan is obviously out of date.

He took a deep breath, turned his head slightly, and glanced at Xiao Xiao.

Xiao Xiao nodded and made a vague gesture to him.

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