Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 256: Under the disciples

The journey is difficult, the journey is difficult, and the heavy burden makes it difficult to walk.

The bag on my back and the leather bag in my hand are getting heavier and heavier. The talisman of lightness, cloud-climbing talisman, cloud-sliding talisman, magical walking talisman, armor and horse talisman, etc. have been used up. The distance between the bronze gate and Zheng Qing seems to have never changed.

A journey that never has an end in sight.

Not only that, the road underfoot seems to be getting harder and harder to walk.

Every time I took a step, my ankles would either sink into grass holes or my shoes would step into a mud puddle that appeared at some point. Every step was very hard.

"It's really a desperate race against the mountain."

When the young wizard was panting again, he pulled his feet out of the mud puddle and glanced at the blurry but clear bronze door in the distance, he couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Then he suddenly froze.

Because he thought of a similar sentence he had heard before - the ocean of desire is endless. If desire is as endless as the ocean, then it will face an abyss.

Zheng Qing was horrified and shocked.

He stopped, was silent for a moment, and dropped the two leather bags in his hands.

With a crash, the colorful and crystal-clear gems in the leather pocket fell to the ground, shining in the gray sky and casting an alluring halo.

Lifting my feet and walking forward again, I felt much more relaxed.

Not only that, when Zheng Qing looked up at the huge bronze door, he suddenly found that the distance between the door and him was getting closer - he had just seen it a few minutes ago, and there was no mistaking it.

Zheng Qing stopped again.

He took out the gray cloth bag hanging on his waist.

He took out a blue cat's eye from the bag and threw it on the grass.

The cat's eye rolled in mid-air and disappeared into the soft soil. From beginning to end, Zheng Qing didn't even look at it. Just stared intently at the tall bronze door.

The moment the cat's eye landed, Zheng Qing knew it was not an illusion - the bronze door was really closer to him. Since he didn't move, the door naturally moved.

One beautiful gem after another floated out of the gray cloth bag and landed in the wilderness.

The black grass has become soft and docile again, and the soil under my feet has become much firmer, with no more trapping quagmire. Of course, more importantly, the door is getting closer and closer to Zheng Qing.

Until the last handful of gems were left, Zheng Qing was about to throw them all away in one go, but suddenly stopped.

"Where is this?" He stuffed a light blue moonstone into a gray cloth bag.

Then a green peridot: "Who's the guy in yellow?"

A deep obsidian: "What does He want?"

A beautiful cat eye: "What can I get?"

A clear topaz: "How should I go back to school...with Zhu Si. Safely." For this problem, Zheng Qing would prepare an extra gem every time he added a prerequisite.

There were seven gems in total, and Zheng Qing felt that he would not be able to use any more, but just in case, he also picked up a few golden beans and played with them in his hands, just in case.

After all, the guy in yellow clothes doesn't look reliable enough.

After sorting it out, the young public-sponsored student no longer hesitated, looked up at the bronze gate that was just around the corner, and ran away without caring about the gems scattered on the ground under his feet.

When Zheng Qing ran towards the bronze door.

In a place extremely far away from him, in an area shrouded in endless emptiness, Mr. Wu was also walking towards a door. It's just that compared to Zheng Qing's simple and heavy bronze door, the door in front of Mr. Wu is much more ornate.

It is said to be a ‘gate’, but it is actually just the incarnation of the concept of ‘connectivity’.

Just like the "Tao" in the practical sense and the "Tao" in the philosophical sense.

Therefore, the door does not have components such as 'threshold', 'door leaf' and 'door leaf' in the popular sense. It is composed of countless spheres emitting different radiances. Each sphere of light is an entrance to a universe, and each ray of radiance is a link between self and existence.

Endless brilliance illuminates this abyss that is swallowed up by darkness.

Mr. Wu stood in front of the gate, raised his head, looked at the 'gate' built by billions of radiant spheres, and sighed: "Even for me, sometimes it is hard to imagine that you still have self-awareness now."

Countless light balls trembled because of His words, and countless lights flickered because of His words. The tremors and flashes gathered together and twisted into a thick word, full of vibrato and complicated information flow: "I think, therefore, I am here."

Mr. Wu put his hands behind his hands, looked at the lights and spheres, and nodded:

"It seems that you are very close to the last step... At this step, you have gone further than Nayako and Sabu."

The voice coming from the 'gate' gradually became clearer from the rich and complex: "All things bear the yin and embrace the yang... When you converge into one and cross the chasm, our 'divergent' path will naturally become It’s unblocked.”

"So you should thank me for keeping you from falling into a state of chaos like Azathoth."


Mr. Wu twitched the corner of his mouth, and after a while, he spoke again: "Thank you is not just a matter of words."

The infinite light ball emitting different brilliance trembled slightly, and immediately, countless pictures flashed in front of Mr. Wu - different worlds, different universes, different Sanyou Bookstores, and Mr. Wu of all ages and conditions. , a group of aggregates similar to rainbow bubbles emerged.

They formed a vaguely human-like state and saluted the gentleman respectfully.

This is a gratitude expressed across time and space, in countless dimensions and worlds.

Very solemn.

Mr. Wu sighed.

"Let's talk about something practical." He waved his hand, and all the rainbow bubbles in the countless pictures disappeared: "I don't like this kind of nonsense... I want to know about you - like Nico Lasi, Hasta, Mhisha, and even that slacker Tsatogua—what are they doing, why are they violating the agreement between the alliance and Starry Sky, and keep appearing in the school, especially in front of my students?”

"They are not my people," the voice from the door said with a hint of annoyance: "...should not cause trouble for me. Like Mhisha, who always covets my authority, why should I wipe his ass. "

"Because you exist in all 'him'. Because your tentacles extend to the endless universe and cover everything. And I am too lazy to go through the timelines... It is most convenient to find you for this kind of thing."

The endless light and sphere trembled slightly under this explanation, as if they were angry and thinking.

for a long time.

Or just a moment later.

The last words came from the gate: "They just put their hope in the future."

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