Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 263: Choice (Part 2)

Zheng Qing exploded once.

In a magical sense.

With that self-destruction, he destroyed a small world and also killed two projections falling from the depths of the starry sky. Full of power. After returning from Mr. Wu's little teapot, Zheng Qing had quietly tried many times in private to find the feeling of 'self-explosion'.

Of course, he is not the kind of pessimistic and world-weary person who seeks death and survival just because a forbidden curse is hung on his body.

He just wanted to be safe.

What if an alien god doesn't respect martial ethics, bullies the small, and suddenly appears in front of him; what if the radicals of the Dark Council or the Moon Council bully the weak and steal him away secretly, and want to slice him up for study; what if he Suddenly encountered a powerful enemy that could not be resisted.

Such as now.

So if he mastered the method of 'self-destruction', at least he would not be helpless to fight back.

But no matter how hard he tried to poop, his cheeks turned purple, and the magic power in his body boiled like boiling water, he still couldn't find the feeling he had in the small world.

But just like the key you are looking for when you go out, you can't find it no matter what, but when you have almost given up, it will appear in your field of vision inadvertently.

Zheng Qing saw this ‘key’ now.

The feeling of ‘self-explosion’ that I had been searching for many times suddenly came across unexpectedly. The two punches that Nikita hit him hard were like a catalyst, giving him a sudden feeling and impulse that he would explode at any time.

The headache and stomachache were hitting each other up and down, causing the young wizard to hold his head and curl up on the ground, trying to bury himself in the soil. But from the corner of his eye, he still saw the banshee cautiously retreating.

Zheng Qing couldn't help laughing.

Just like some people will laugh abnormally after crying to the extreme. At this moment, his whole body was surrounded by severe pain, but there was a hearty feeling of relief in his heart, which made him laugh out loud.

He struggled to raise his head, with a twisted smile on his face. He raised the back of his hand and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth. The red light in his eyes flickered as he looked at Nikita.

"You... seem... a little scared, hey, hey, hey..." Zheng Qing gasped and looked at the banshee with bared teeth, his tone full of ridicule.

Nikita stared at him warily, calculating quickly with her fingers, silently divining where the crisis would come from.

The results of the divination are not optimistic.

According to the divination results, if she continues to attack the wizard, her next attack will be the moment she dies. Even if she disappeared from the wizard's sight immediately, she would still suffer irreversible damage.

The divination was a bit vague, but the witch could tell that it was related to a powerful magic.

There is nothing worse than an irresistible spell.

"There may be a misunderstanding between us." Nikita stopped calculating and was silent for a moment, with a charming smile on his face. He lifted up the corner of his robe and sat cross-legged in front of the wizard. His tone was very sincere: "I was just impulsive. So I looked a little bit more irritable... You know, girls can't control their hands when they are angry..."

As she said that, she pretended to pat the back of her hand, making an expression of hatred for steel.

A touch of tender white flashed under the corner of the robe, and the banshee gently pulled the collar on her chest, revealing a charming scene. Any wizard faced with such temptation would probably hesitate for a few seconds.

Zheng Qing is no exception.

He had just been prepared to fight to the death with the banshee, but it might as well be that the other party suddenly made such a move. But the surprise was only for a moment. Zheng Qing had already made up his mind and would not let her leave.

The worst case scenario is that I go back to a blank place to stay for a while, and then let my husband cook a meal again.

The string in the sea of ​​consciousness becomes tighter and tighter.

The smile on Nikita's face became more and more forced, and the footsteps of death continued to approach. She even smelled the smell full of death, which was like a noose around her neck, constantly tightening.

Intuition was beating wildly in her mind, telling her to think of a solution quickly.

"I surrender!"

The banshee raised her hands and shouted quickly: "I can go back to school with you! Go to Danhag! Even go to the black prison! Isn't the school's reward for the demons for captives higher?! I have a wanted order! The value of captives higher!"

Zheng Qing hesitated for half a second, then shook his head laboriously.

He had no confidence that he could bring this cunning monster back to school safely.

"Thomas!" Nikita said in a panic, not even knowing what she was saying: "You know Thomas, right? He will help me! I never threw away the scarf he gave me! He was also the first University!"

Zheng Qing's breathing stagnated slightly.

Some rumors that he had heard on campus floated through his mind - for example, Assistant Professor Thomas remained single because his lover had an accident, and he firmly believed that he could save fallen souls.

It turns out that the fallen soul is Nikita.

Thomas was the one who led Zheng Qing into the wizarding world and helped him a lot in school. For Thomas' former lover, Zheng Qing didn't mind doing a small favor as much as he could.

But that doesn't include letting her go.

The wizard twitched his lips apologetically: "You still have about one minute."

Nikita gave him a desperate look.

She was at her wits end.

The long struggle to survive gave her a high level of attainment in the four words "observation of words and emotions". She can easily understand the professor's pointers in class, and can also easily detect the hidden meaning behind Captain Misty's words. Therefore, Zheng Qing's expression and eyes were almost defenseless to her.

It was precisely because of this that she saw the determination, calmness and determination in the young wizard's eyes.

That was a determination that no words could shake.

"Although I thought that such a day would come, I didn't expect that it would come so soon." Nikita finally gave up the struggle, the smile on his face disappeared, he looked at Zheng Qing with complicated eyes, and sighed softly: "What if I didn't get on that plane...can we live in peace now?"

Zheng Qing rolled his eyes and did not answer.

He has already felt that the magnificent power rushing out from the bottom of his consciousness is spreading upward step by step. Soon he will be completely submerged.

Even though he had died once, he still didn't like the feeling of drowning.

So now he was in no mood to talk to Nikita.

"That son of a bitch, Destiny," the banshee lowered her eyelids, murmured, and cursed in a low voice: "You should be caught and imprisoned in a pig cage..."

"Huh? Why are you here?"

A sudden voice suddenly sounded in their ears.

Zheng Qing turned around and saw a little girl riding a small purple spider that had just come out from behind a large oak tree.

The familiar face shocked the wizard.

It's Zhu Si.

But then, he realized that the person coming was the incarnation of the faceless demon, Zhu Zhu, not the little witch.

He raised his eyebrows, inexplicably wanting to sing a few lines:

"This is really...there is a way to heaven if you don't take it, but there is no door to hell so you can come to it on your own, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh..."

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