Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 79 Meaningless things

Brass is a mild metal commonly used in various magical experiments. Intaglio carving is also a commonly used seal carving technique and is widely used in talismans, magic circles and even alchemy.

The letter ‘M’ on the copper plate is even more featureless and is a common font widely circulated in the wizarding world. From yesterday's issue of the Beta Town Post to the latest edition of the Encyclopedia of Sanwei Bookstore, you can see it everywhere.

In short, just relying on the half-baked forensic skills of several young wizards, it is completely impossible to determine which wizard laboratory this copper piece came from - even whether it really came from the wizard laboratory, several people are not sure. .

Weird spines were flowing in the hands of several young wizards. They threw all the detection magic they knew on it, but no clear reaction was detected.

The one-eyed crow also pecked at the bone, but found nothing except that the bone was brittle and weak.

"So, it eats its own kind to compensate for the lack of Qi and blood in its body?"

Xiao Xiao squeezed hard and cracked the newly pulled out spine, thinking thoughtfully: "...This means that it is a mutation that is not mature and stable enough."

Fatty Xin threw away his silk gloves and knife at some point. He held a clipboard in his arms and a green quill in his hand. He suddenly looked up at his companions and said, "The first thing you think of when you see 'M' is What is it?”


Zheng Qing's first reaction was a letter he had received a long time ago. The big 'M·K·S' on the envelope caused him great trouble for a period of time: "The full name of Serprano is not Mike King Soprano?"

"Interesting idea."

The fat wizard glanced at the young public-sponsored student with vacant eyes: "Everyone knows that you don't like him, but the probation you are carrying is not entirely his fault... In this case, you made such a pointless suggestion to him. The accusation is very unconvincing.”

Zheng Qing shrugged and did not bother.

He also knew that his first reaction was a bit abrupt. After all, Serprano is still a student at First University. Even if he becomes the successor 'Augustus' this semester, he does not have the strength to prepare such a dangerous experiment.

But Fatty wanted the first reaction, and he didn't say it had to be a reasonable and correct reaction. Zheng Qing naturally said whatever came to his mind. In comparison, Jiang Yu's answer was more reasonable.

"The official crew members of the Mist also have the 'M' symbol on them!"

As a member of a wizarding family, Jiang Yu knew a lot about the secret information in the wizarding world, and immediately came up with a relatively reliable explanation: "It's just that the 'M' they used is not in the formal format, but the handwriting of Captain Mist with a little flourish. body font.”

“The font has little impact.”

Fatty Xin shook the quill in his hand and analyzed: "The demons have motives, purposes, and the strength to conduct such dangerous and cruel experiments... Even if they are not really them, they can only make this shit when reporting Put the basin on their heads."

This is the "political correctness" of news reporting. Xin, who has been working at the school newspaper for a year, already knows this well. Because this kind of report will not affect the relevant departments' continued pursuit of the truth, but it can also maintain social stability, promote conceptual unity among wizards, and strengthen the concept of "evil" in terms of demons. It has all the benefits and no harm.

After the analysis, Xin moved his eyes and was about to look at Xiao Xiao, but suddenly stopped again.

Because the little witch in Jiang Yu's arms also raised her hand - when the one-eyed crow told the origin of the two-headed ogre, the little witch quietly woke up.

Maybe she would actually wake up earlier.

But as a college student, her self-esteem made her prefer to close her eyes and pretend to be dizzy rather than open them. And she was impatient. After listening for a long time, she finally couldn't help but wanted to express her opinions.

Fatty Xin blinked with a gentle expression, not surprised at all. Similarly, several other young wizards looked at the little witch seriously, without making any fuss, "Are you awake?" ’ ‘Is it better? ’ and that kind of nonsense. That would most likely make this girl faint again.

The fat wizard tapped the raised little arm with his quill: "Well... what do you think?"

"Cat... cat fruit tree?" Li Meng curled up in Jiang Yu's arms, her face still a little pale, and she weakly raised her hand, trying to express her opinion.

If Zheng Qing's first reaction was abrupt and Jiang Yu's first reaction was reasonable to a certain extent, the answer given by Li Meng, who had just woken up, made everyone roll their eyes.

The fat man covered his mouth and coughed twice, as if he was choking on his own saliva. Zheng Qing covered his face with his robe sleeves and blew his nose loudly.

Jiang Yu kept her expression calm throughout, but her slightly drooped eyelids and trembling eyelashes also expressed her attitude.

Maybe I realize that my words are a bit whimsical.

Li Meng hurriedly stood up and explained: "I ordered a plaque on the cat fruit tree that is almost exactly the same as this bronze medal, but it is several times larger!"

Zheng Qing tried hard to suppress the urge to roll his eyes, and held up three fingers to explain to the little witch: "I solemnly swear that the sign on the cat fruit tree has nothing to do with this matter... I asked the petting zoo guard to help me with that sign. Order it, that M is the pinyin abbreviation of cat... The cats in my tree are very well-behaved!”

Jiang Yu coughed quietly.

The boy immediately changed his mind: "I mean, the cats in that tree are serious cats!"

"Oh, I don't know if he is serious or not, but Li Meng's suspicion is very reasonable. I must record it." Fatty Xin glanced at several people, his eyes showing a bit of narrowness.

Zheng Qing pretended not to see this guy who wanted to be beaten, and turned to look at Xiao Xiao: "Doctor, what do you think?"

As a diviner of the Exoneration Hunting Team and a recognized doctor, Xiao Xiao's views have always been taken seriously by everyone. When Zheng Qing asked, everyone immediately looked at the short boy.

Xiao Xiao did not answer immediately. He stood up, dropped the silk gloves in his hands, stretched, then pushed up his glasses and replied slowly:

"Only Merlin knows the answer to this kind of thing... Just like the curse that caused this ogre tribe to suffer heavy casualties, there are many possibilities. Maybe it is the resurgence of the ancient plague hidden deep in the world; maybe it is the arrival of the demon that brings extraterritorial poison. strains have mutated... We can make all kinds of speculations, but just like Fleischmann and Pons observed cold fusion by electrolyzing heavy water on a palladium electrode, various speculations may be meaningless unless we. Does anyone have a relative named Stark?"

Fatty Xin burst out laughing.

He was the only one who understood Xiao Xiao's long-winded jokes.

Apart from knowing that Merlin was a great wizard and Stark was a famous alchemist, Zheng Qing did not understand many of the words in the doctor's above-mentioned words.

But it didn't stop him from understanding the meaning of this cold joke.

Their speculations make no sense.

Unless someone can prove their hypothesis.

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