"Does anyone know of other commonly used short spells?"

On the podium, Lao Yao chewed his pipe and chewed the bluish-white smoke. After looking around for a moment with his small beetle-like eyes, he nodded to the male monitor of Astronomy Class 08-1.

"Speak bluntly!" Downton stood up and replied.

"Well, that's a pretty interesting spell too."

Old Yao turned around and knocked on the blackboard. The big word "taboo" on the blackboard immediately spit out a string of rigorously structured spells, describing in detail the spell Downton just mentioned:

"...As you intuitively understand, this spell is often used for gentle inquiries. The caster hopes to get the most truthful answer with the least harm. Compared with Veritaserum or other more coercive magic Means, this spell is still highly recommended by the Danhag Wizard Rights Protection Committee."

"So we can often hear it in wizard meetings held by the Alliance or in the daily work of the Trident Sword. Reporters from the Beta Town Post also like to use it quietly when interviewing subjects... This is not illegal, but Immoral. Anyone want to feel it?"

As he spoke, the professor took the pipe away from his mouth and looked around the entire classroom.

All the students who came into contact with his gaze quickly lowered their eyelids. Some of them were timid and wanted to stuff their heads into the desk drawer. In the entire class, perhaps only Li Meng, who had always been lawless, showed a bit of eagerness to try.

It's just that Lao Yao's eyes didn't fall on the little witch at all. He looked at the young wizards in the back row of the classroom with a smile. His eyes lingered between Zheng Qing, Nicholas and new classmate Carmen for a moment, and finally lit up Zheng Qing.

The young public-funded student stood up with a look of despair.

Professor Yao did not cast magic on the wizard immediately, but continued to explain unhurriedly:

"...Different from the extremely refined spell of 'To speak frankly', 'To speak frankly' is also a short spell, but you need to create an appropriate atmosphere when using it. This is different from the 'Guzhi' you learned last semester. Tan Xi, there are subtle differences between giving and so-and-so."

"Like now."

"Classmate Zheng Qing stood in front of me, and I asked him, 'What do you think of me as a professor?' After throwing this question, when he was thinking about it, I hit him with 'outspokenness'. You can hear the truest answer from your body..."

As he spoke, the professor tapped his fingertips on the lecture notes. Zheng Qing suddenly felt a breeze blowing on his face. A series of fantastic words came to his mind, and his mouth and tongue started working uncontrollably:

"It is said that orthodoxy is in decline, treacherous and treacherous people are causing trouble, schools are in chaos every year, and there is chaos in all directions; as a result, in the classroom, ferocious beasts teach, and in schools, they lead the beasts to eat and earn; people who eat raw materials and drink blood are menacing in the classroom, and they are extremely vicious people. …”


On the podium, Professor Yao had a dark face and interrupted the young public-sponsored student's eloquent "straight talk". He stared at Zheng Qing's pale face for a long time, finally laughed twice and explained in the dead silence:

"What I just asked from the bottom of my heart is, 'What do you think of the school's hiring of Linzhong Lake fish people as school teachers?'... It sounds like classmate Zheng Qing privately has a lot of opinions on the school's policy. It doesn't matter if you have opinions, as long as you keep it good No amount of communication can solve the problem.”

In the audience, all the young wizards finally got rid of the influence of 'taboo', and they all breathed a sigh of relief, nodding their heads in agreement with the professor's explanation.

Fatty Xin carefully turned half of his body and made a 'you are so talented' gesture towards Zheng Qing.

The young public servant stood there with a dull face, and began to think about the thirteen common formats of suicide notes in his mind. Should his savings in the Wizards United Bank be left to his parents, Poseidon, or donated to the Cat Fruit Tree.

But Lao Yao didn't give him much time to think.

"...As I emphasized before, 'Speak Out' is a restricted spell with conditional use. If any of you master this spell, you must think twice before using it."

After a brief summary, the professor looked at the young public-funded student again: "Since Zheng Qing is still standing, please say another spell related to 'taboo'."

This is definitely revenge.

Zheng Qing rolled his eyes in his heart. He bet that if he couldn't come up with a suitable spell, Lao Yao would definitely mark him down on the class assessment form and deduct points from the class.

There was a slight rustling sound from the side.

Zheng Qing glanced out of the corner of his eye and saw two very eye-catching bold words written on Xiao Xiao's open notebook.

"Taboo!" The young public-funded student shouted those two words almost immediately.

The classroom fell into silence again, but unlike the silence caused by the 'taboo' before, the silence in the classroom this time seemed a bit strange.

It was rare for Lao Yao not to smile.

He frowned, picked up the pen, turned around and wrote these two words on the blackboard.


"Don't be afraid, everyone! There's nothing you can't say." Turning around, Lao Yao encouraged him. But there was still an unsettling silence in the classroom.

"This spell contains two powerful spell words. Just like the 'Ge' and '蟟' in the 'Ge Sha Lei Zhi' mentioned last semester, they belong to the same species, but they have the effect of supporting and strengthening each other."

"Taboo, you can't say what you want to say if you go against your own will... We have just said this."

"Taboo, more serious, belongs to fear and fear; it has very strong negative attributes."

"Taboo, avoiding because of fear or fear. Just like you are now, just because of these two words, it evokes the fear in the heart and falls into silence... This is also the power of this spell."

"But there are two sides to everything."

"Since everyone avoids taboos, by extension, wouldn't there be a better effect? ​​For example, strengthening its 'avoidance' effect. Many wizard families are accustomed to combining this spell with other rituals to create a magical effect ”

"This is invisibility."


This word obviously aroused everyone's interest, even if it was still a little uneasy, there was still a noticeable fluctuation in the attention of the young wizards - especially the wizards.

"The ancients said, 'If you want to see something, it's better to go deep; if you want to keep something secret, it's better to be deep,' which clearly points out the principle on which this extended spell relies."

"Unlike traditional invisibility magic that distorts light and deceives vision, 'taboo' derived from 'taboo' achieves the invisibility effect in a more subtle way."

"After using this spell, people around you will subconsciously avoid you, thus achieving effects such as 'turning a blind eye' or 'hearing but not hearing'. Compared with simple visual interference, this power that reaches the heart is more secret. But for will For a wizard who is firm and has strong faith, this spell has no effect at all."

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