Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 107 The new function of edamame

"Sorry, not for sale."

The captain of the Forgiveness Hunting Team suppressed the anger in his heart and coldly rejected the stranger's offer: "The Forgiveness Hunting Team is not my hunting team alone."

"Ten jade coins." The white-robed wizard raised a finger.

Zheng Qing twitched the corner of his mouth and was about to refuse again. Xiao Xiao suddenly spoke and interjected: "An insincere offer... This little money can't even buy a powerful amulet. The school's subsidy to publicly funded students is... There are ten jade coins every year. Is a hunting team that has won the freshman competition only worth ten jade coins?”

"I just like the name You Zui very much." Lin Yan explained patiently: "After buying this hunting team, the original hunters will naturally be dismissed... A hunting team without hunters, ten jade coins have been Very sincere.”

"Not for sale!"

Zheng Qing interrupted his explanation impatiently and emphasized his position again. At the same time, he turned to look at Xiao Xiao: "What time is it? I don't know if the position we occupied is still there. That eight-clawed octopus has a bad temper." very!"

The implication is that if there is nothing else, they should enter the library.

Xiao Xiao pushed up his glasses, took out his pocket watch and glanced at the time: "It's three minutes to eight-thirty. Normally, Mr. Zhang will clean up the books occupying the seats around nine o'clock."

Zheng Qing was very satisfied with this answer. He turned around and looked at Lin Yan, indicating that he could give way.

The white-robed wizard lifted his sleeves, listening to the rustling sound in the sleeves, as if weighing his ability. After noticing Zheng Qing's gaze, he smiled slightly and made another offer: "Fifty jade coins!"


This time, not only Xiao Xiao took a breath, but even Zheng Qing was stunned on the spot. Several passing witches even stopped and looked at the white-robed wizard with ardent eyes, completely ignoring the red Jiuyouyuan robes they were wearing.

This is the power of money. It is said that money can communicate with the gods, which is not a lie. Even for Jiuyou and Alpha who have serious differences in philosophy, a large amount of money can temporarily smooth over the differences between the two.

Zheng Qing held the Dharma book in one hand and huddled the other hand in his sleeve. He subconsciously calculated the value of fifty jade coins.

One jade coin is equal to ten gold beans; one gold bean is equal to six silver dimes; one silver horn is equal to twenty copper cents; fifty jade coins is equivalent to sixty thousand copper cents. Looking at the entire exoneration hunting team, perhaps Only Fatty Xin can lift such a heavy thing after transforming into Big Blue.

Xiao Xiao and Zheng Qing once analyzed the asset levels of ordinary wizard families in the wizarding world. The liquid assets of a small wizard family are only about three hundred jade coins - fifty coins, which is equivalent to taking away one-sixth of a small wizard family. Funding is a decision that needs careful consideration for any family.

But now, he was easily thrown out by a new student who had just entered the school for less than a week.

The world is so unfair.

"Why do you want to buy 'Forgiveness'?" Xiao Xiao adjusted his glasses and carefully looked at the white-robed wizard: "Don't say any more stupid things like you like this name."

"I really like this name." Lin Yan raised his eyebrows in surprise: "Fifty jade coins are not a lot. Isn't it normal to be happy with it?"

Zheng Qing breathed a sigh of relief, and when he was about to refuse for the last time, the white-robed wizard raised his hand and said calmly: "If you are still not satisfied...seventy jade coins, this is my last offer. You know, this price can already buy me a spot as a seed member of the Blood Club or Cheung Kei Club.”

"I'm telling you for the last time, I won't sell it." Zheng Qing's tone was even calmer than his. As he said that, he tugged on the sleeve of the doctor's robe and motioned for the two of them to leave.

"But your shadow doesn't seem to agree with your opinion." Lin Yan suddenly pointed to the shadow at Zheng Qing's feet, and his wording still seemed very polite.

At Zheng Qing's feet, the dark shadow was reaching out and drawing out a few numbers, as if to say that as long as that price was paid, everything would be negotiable.

Young man Gu had a cold expression on his face and glanced at the shadow at his feet. The shadow quietly curled up into a ball and retracted under the boy's feet, pretending that the shadow that had just caused trouble was not it.

"It's just a brainless shadow."

The captain of the Exoneration Hunting Team sneered twice, meaning: "Just like the old saying that wizards often say - if you don't see clearly where its brain is hidden, never believe that it can think on its own. "

"So I thought it was just conveying other people's thoughts." Lin Yan replied smoothly, standing in front of Zheng Qing and Xiao Xiao, with no intention of giving way.

Seemingly sensing that the atmosphere here was slightly tense, the two followers who had been standing a little further behind Lin Yan stood up and walked over.


Zheng Qing suddenly spoke and scolded lightly.

A gray dog ​​suddenly emerged from the void and jumped in front of the two young wizards of the Forgiveness Hunting Team, sticking out its tongue happily and wagging its tail like a windmill.

The young public-funded student raised his foot, hooked the dog's belly gently but not harshly, and kicked it away from him.

“A good dog stays out of the way!”

He lowered his eyelids and stared at the dog hugging his calf and wagging its tail. His voice was stern: "You are already a mature dog. Don't block other people's way casually...go back to where you belong!" "

"Meow meow meow?"

Less than three seconds after being called out, he was expelled. Maodou looked at Zheng Qing with an innocent face. After confirming his eyes again, he disappeared in front of everyone with a pop and his tail between his legs.

Extremely well-behaved.

Zheng Qing then raised his head and looked at Lin Yan, whose face was ashen. Several witches passing by covered their mouths and laughed, and their laughter like silver bells spread far among the trees.

"let's go!"

The white-robed wizard may have noticed the red-robed men gradually gathering around him. He groaned, waved his sleeves, turned around and left with his two followers in a hurry.

The two hunters of the Forgiveness Hunting Team watched the three gloomy figures go away.

"You are causing trouble for yourself." Xiao Xiao sighed slightly, but couldn't help but smile: "We can definitely end this negotiation more politely."

"Be polite to him?" Zheng Qing rolled his eyes: "Is his face bigger than Serprano, or is his head harder than the wall of the Black Prison Castle? Why should you be polite to him?"

Xiao Xiao had seen Zheng Qing shoot Serprano half to death, and also seen Zheng Qing push down the Tianzhu and smash the walls of the Black Prison Castle. To be fair, this newly admitted student in white robe is indeed not a great figure. Big trouble.

While talking, Zheng Qing stuffed the textbook in his arms back into the gray bag, turned around and walked in the direction of the promenade around the lake.

Xiao Xiao was stunned for a few seconds before he came back to his senses and shouted behind him: "Are you under a confusion spell? The library is behind you... You are going in the wrong direction!"

Please remember the first domain name of this book: . _wap.

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