Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 114: School caliber (Happy New Year’s Day!)

"Recently, some students reported that the price of the prey caught on the trial ground was too low when the school repurchased it. Therefore, they suspected that the staff of the logistics department had done something wrong, so they repeatedly complained to the school... Some of them were from our class. Classmate?"

Professor Yao was holding his pipe in one hand and pressing it on the lecture table with the other, looking around as if a big cat standing on a cliff was gazing at its territory.

The young wizards in the hall looked around one after another with curious expressions on their faces. Just by looking at their expressions, it was impossible to tell who had secretly reported to the school inspection department.

Zheng Qing raised his eyebrows.

He had really never heard of this. Because the Forgiveness Hunting Team has its own store, DK, and its own sales channels, including last year’s winter hunt, this year’s defense against the Black Tide, and adventures in Dreamland and Black Prison, all hunting team members’ harvests will be handed over to DK. deal with.

One is to eliminate the school, the biggest 'middleman', and the profit will be higher; the other is to enrich the products of 'Ding Ding Financial and Pesticide Company' so that the shelves will not look so empty.

For this reason, Hu Wu, who was responsible for looking after the store, complained to the boss more than once that the hunting harvest was too mixed, making DK look like a small grocery store, which seriously affected the taste of the store.

After a moment of silence, a slight buzzing sound sounded in the classroom, as if a swarm of bees had crept into the herb garden.

"Is there such a thing?" Zheng Qing poked Fatty Xin on the back with his writing brush: "To be honest, you should be most interested in this kind of thing. Why have I never heard you mention it?"


The fat wizard took a slight breath and shrank forward, avoiding the brush. His face was full of annoyance: "There are so many news in the editorial office every day, do I have to report every one of them to you? Don't you? Didn’t you tell everyone what was written in your pink paper crane?”

Zheng Qing immediately forgot the question he had just asked, suddenly turned around and looked at Dr. Xiao, squinting his eyes with a fierce look. He was the only one around when this happened, so he must have tipped off the fat man.

"You really didn't say it." Xiao Xiao quickly took out a turtle shell and showed the mottled and ancient defensive runes on its shell to his tablemates. At the same time, he explained in a low voice quickly: "No one knows anyway. , Even if I tell it, what does it matter?"

There seems to be nothing wrong with this.

But most of the time, rumors don’t require conclusive ‘knowledge’ in order to hatch. Especially when Zheng Qing was very strong in destroying evidence before, it gave people the feeling that something must have happened because he was trying to cover it up.

Seeing Xiao Xiao's innocent look, Zheng Qing became even more frustrated.

But before he could figure out how to deal with the traitors in the team, Lao Yao interrupted this opportunity.

Boom, boom!

On the podium, the professor grabbed his pipe and slammed the table twice to stop the buzz that was gradually spreading under the stage. At the same time, he raised his voice slightly:

"It doesn't matter. According to the school's requirements, I will briefly explain this matter to you here... Since I want to explain this matter, I need to first tell you about the special nature of this trial ground. Well, Some students should already know that the venue chosen for the second-year trial was originally a different world belonging to the Black Prison."

As he spoke, the professor's eyes swept over the corner where the wizards and wizards were, without any pause, but Zheng Qing was very sure that Lao Yao must have glanced at him more.

"...In addition, at the end of last semester, the war that took place in the Black Prison was no longer a big secret to many people in this school. Some students may not know the details, while others may know the distorted details. In order to avoid spreading rumors, I will briefly tell you about that war."

After hearing this, everyone was no longer sleepy.

For these young wizards, there is no more exciting event than a battle with a monster.

Especially the narrator is Lao Yao - a legendary wizard who participated in the Battle of Black Prison and served as the dean of Jiuyou College, and is rumored to be promoted to vice-principal - the Battle of Black Prison he talked about must be better than what is spread on the streets. Rumors are more authoritative.

Even the several Exoneration Hunters who were in the dark prison at that time were now cheering up and wanted to hear the 'school's side', which was very necessary for them to deal with other people's inquiries in the future.

"... As we all know, the Black Prison is a prison where monsters are imprisoned. But unlike the ordinary prison of Danhag, the Black Prison is built in a dark world without the sun, moon and starlight... I know, I know you want to say this has nothing to do with you It’s different from what I saw in the trial field, don’t worry, I’ll talk about that later.”

Lao Yao raised his hand and made a quiet gesture, stopping several classmates who were leaning forward as if they wanted to interrupt his explanation. Then he put the pipe into his mouth, and after two clicks to satisfy his cravings, he spoke again:

"In short, the school has imprisoned many demons in the Black Prison, and some of them are famous in the entire wizarding world, such as the dark beast Behemoth - which is more famously known as the 'Behemoth'; such as the great lich Sujiad, There are more undead under its command than any of you have ever seen alive; for example, the Hundred-Faced Witch, Fukatsu Ryoko of Resentment, when she gets close to you, you have already lost yourself, and so on. There are many monsters that ordinary people don’t know about but are very famous among high-level wizards, such as the black sheep Ebon and the power god Illyros.”

"These imprisoned big demons cooperated with the demon army outside the black prison, broke the barrier of the black prison world, rushed into the black prison, and wanted to take away these prisoners."

"Of course the school doesn't allow it."

"So a fierce battle broke out between the two sides outside the Black Prison Castle - the core node where the school monitors the Black Prison world."

"The reason why it is called a 'battle' is because the scope of this war is relatively small. It is only limited to the Black Prison World. Even if there is some extension, it will only add shackles to the timeline and cause and effect line of the upstream and downstream of the world. above."

"The battle process is very boring and lackluster. You can look through the history books to describe the previous battles between wizards and monsters. They are very similar. It's just that the names have been changed one after another."

"The outcome of the war can only be regarded as a mutual victory."

"The demon left corpses all over the ground, but took away some prisoners who were originally held in the dark prison; the wizards suffered very few casualties and successfully defended the dark prison. But this is not a victory."

"I won't brag like the Beta Town Post did, saying that after the wizards fought bravely, they drove out the demons who broke into the Black Prison. What is the Black Prison? It is a place where demons are imprisoned! They were broken into by a group of demons. Go and get out alive, is this a victory? This is a defeat for all wizards!"

Please remember the first domain name of this book: . _wap.

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