Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 119 Autumn dew is like beads

"Professor, you are in the wrong classroom!"

Li Meng, who was sitting in the first row, was the first to notice the figure entering the door. She immediately dropped the "Standard Spells" that made her dizzy, stood up very actively, and reminded with a diligent look: "This is Astronomy 08 -Class 1!”

"You're in the wrong classroom!"

The little stick figure behind the door also followed the little witch and howled: "This is 601 East of the teaching building, you don't have classes in this classroom!"

Professor Li Qihuang tilted his head, glanced at the little man behind the door, nodded slightly, and said gently in his usual soft voice: "Ah, yes, you are right."

"But ours is a charms class!"

The little witch looked surprised, and even flipped through her own class schedule unconfidently. After confirming it again and again, she raised her head again and said to herself: "'s Lao Yao's spell class!"

Jiang Yu grabbed Li Meng's robe and pulled her back to where she was sitting. At the same time, she smiled apologetically at the professor at the door.

The Potions Professor did not directly answer the little witch's question, but looked around and asked: "Does everyone know what day it is today?"

"on Monday!"

"September 7th!"

"On the seventeenth day of the seventh lunar month..."

"Yimao day!"

"Bai Lu!"

There were scattered responses in the classroom. Professor Li raised his hand and pressed it down slightly to signal everyone to be quiet, then nodded and said:

"Yes, today is white dew. The ancients said, 'The blue mist comes in before night, and the white dew forms in autumn.' In this season, the sky is not late, the air is already filled with thin green mist, and dewdrops form on the mountain grass. As the saying goes, 'Autumn dew is like pearls, the autumn moon is like a gui, the bright moon is white with dew, and time passes by.' This coincides with what the Master said, 'The deceased is like a man, and he does not give up day and night'..."

On the stage, the professor spoke with great interest.

In the audience, the students listened in confusion.

Finally, it was still Li Meng who raised her short arm and bravely interrupted the Potions Professor's interest again: "So, Professor, what does this have to do with you going to the wrong classroom?"

Even Zheng Qing couldn't help but secretly give the little witch a thumbs up under the table.

Professor Li was stunned, as if he felt that he had said it so clearly and there were still people who didn't understand. He sighed slightly disappointedly: "Bailu is a very precious day, especially for making potions... Everyone still remembers last year's Dragon Boat Festival Festival? This is also a similar day. There is water at noon on the Dragon Boat Festival, and there are white dew drops, white dew frost, etc., which are all worth collecting... So I specially communicated with Professor Yao and changed a class with him. , his Charms class has been moved to Thursday morning, and we will have Potions class first."

"No! I haven't finished my Potions homework yet! There are still three days left!"

"Ah... didn't Lao Yao say he wanted to answer our questions? It's a shame I made so many preparations!"

"In other words, I have to keep the solutions to 'taboo' in my mind for another four days? God, Merlin, how can this world be so cruel..."

There was a chaotic wailing in the audience, and in contrast, there were also people there who were ecstatic:

"That's great! I have three extra days to make up my homework! I just said that yesterday's line chart showed that my luck has been so strong recently. How could I be unlucky just because I didn't finish my homework?"

Zheng Qing counted with his fingers. Last year's White Dew coincided with the end of the first week of school and it was a weekend. No wonder he didn't remember that the Potions class professor changed classes last year.

Wait, speaking of potions.

Halfway through the calculation, the young public-sponsored student suddenly recalled that on the morning of Bailu last year, Xiao Xiao mixed him a cup of anti-hangover medicine, using a base of child urine to trick him into suffocating. Zheng Qing, who was furious, rewarded him with a watermelon head. The wizard had two dark circles under his eyes.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but grind his teeth, looked at Dr. Xiao's empty seat again, and muttered to himself: "Has this guy figured something out...otherwise, how could he seek good fortune and avoid misfortune to such an extent."

Professor Li looked at the chaotic scene in the classroom with a smile and did not stop him. It was not until the students realized it and calmed down that he spoke again: "In this class, I will take you to the Baicao Garden to collect 'White Dew' ”

As he said that, he glanced at his pocket watch and nodded: "There are still twenty minutes until class. Please put away your Dharma books and "Standard Potion" and bring your eyes, ears and hands... Do you still remember the requirements for entering the Herb Garden? ?”

"First, listen to the teacher's instructions; second, don't move; third, listen to the teacher's instructions and don't move!" Immediately, the students' uniform answers came from the hall, followed by a burst of laughter.

The professor smiled, glanced at several figures - including Li Meng and Fatty Xin - and emphasized with a hint of meaning: "Yes, you must be calm and don't move when you enter the garden. Especially Bailu is a very It is a substance that is easily volatile and easily contaminated. I don’t want everyone’s hard work to go to waste today, nor do I want someone to faint in the garden, or not be able to earn a job for a month.”

Fatty Xin folded his arms and sat in his seat, looking around with dignity, fearing that others would forget who the guy who couldn't hold a job in a month was.

On the contrary, Li Meng, who had fainted in the garden, had an unhappy look on her face, and obviously didn't like others mentioning her embarrassment.

After giving a few brief instructions on what to pay attention to, Professor Li walked straight out of the classroom. The young wizards from Astronomy Class 08-1 whispered to each other in twos and threes and followed the professor.

Zheng Qing took one last look at the empty seats of Xiao Xiao and Zhang Jixin.

"What should we do with them? Let's wait for a while, or let them fly paper cranes?" He was a little hesitant. It would take a long time to find someone for ordinary paper cranes. If the distance is farther or the location is more secret, the school bell may be called. The two companions still couldn't receive the paper crane.

But I don’t know how long I have to wait.

"What are they doing? Didn't the doctor go to do morning classes with you?" Fatty Xin stared at the breakfast paper bag that Zheng Qing had not finished eating, and was thinking about whether to grab a bun from it.

"The doctor went to the library to help occupy seats." Zheng Qing stuffed the paper bag to the fat man very cheerfully: "There are still two meat buns, I can hold them up, and give them to you... As for Brother Xin, it is most likely his brother to find them again. he."

The fat man took the bun and glanced at Zheng Qing in surprise, as if he was a little surprised by the generosity of the young public-funded student today. But then, when he saw the wizard holding milk tea in his hand, sipping it happily, he felt so much malice that the two oily meat buns in the paper bag no longer smelled good.

"Just fly the paper crane!"

The fat wizard stuffed the bun into his mouth angrily - it is shameful to waste food, and food can heal the scars in the heart - and muttered at the same time: "One of them is Lei Zhe's biological brother, and the other has almost perfect scores in all medical examinations." Boss, even if you’re late, even if you miss a period or two, what will happen?”

"Do you think everyone is like you, carrying a probation sentence on their backs, so that they don't even dare to skip a class?"

Zheng Qing took a sip of milk tea, squinted his eyes, felt the silky smoothness and sweetness flowing on his tongue, and pretended not to hear the fat man's deliberately heartbreaking words.

Please remember the first domain name of this book: . _wap.

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