Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 123 Magical Biology

"Magic is not a natural ability that every living being has."

"In other words, magic is an 'unnatural' state that violates the rules of nature. Just like money in Baiding's world, they naturally have no value, but after being defined by certain special memes, they represent of endless value.”

"Similarly, money can be passed down in an orderly manner under specific relationships, and the same goes for magical abilities. They are passed on sequentially through blood, invasion, infection, and other special ways... But good and bad are interdependent, and cause and effect are predetermined. Ordinary creatures want to obtain magic. , violating the rules of nature will naturally require it to pay a corresponding price..."

Zheng Qing hesitated for a moment with the quill in his hand that was transcribing the lecture notes. He frowned and thought hard. He felt that this sentence sounded familiar. He had heard it somewhere.

After a while, he finally remembered - Xiao Xiao once said something similar to him in the first potion practice class on Monday morning, but Zheng Qing could not remember the context at that time.

He vaguely remembered that when they were discussing some issue about collecting white dew, the doctor mentioned something like paying a price for violating the laws of nature.

After all, it happened two days ago.

It was already Wednesday afternoon, and two days were enough to erase most of the bits and pieces of ordinary life, let alone just a fleeting experience in the young wizard's mind.

Zheng Qing felt that he was very powerful at being able to recall the origin of that sentence at this moment.

"The teacher looked at you."

Jiang Yu, who was sitting on the right, was keenly aware of the wizard's momentary distraction. She touched the lost wizard with her elbow and whispered, "Don't lose your focus!"

Zheng Qing immediately came back to his senses, looked at the podium, and sat upright.

The class on Wednesday afternoon was a school-wide elective course. Zheng Qing did not follow the fat man and the doctor in taking magical cosmology, nor did he follow Zhang Jixin's choice of introduction to occult science (notes), which was easier to pass. Instead, he chose magical biology.

It didn't matter whether the course was easy or not or whether the credits were good or not. What was important was that Jiang Yu also chose this course. Of course, when faced with the weird looks from others, he only needed to lift Poseidon high and he could always deal with it.

He had no intention of hiding the remaining small group of people that he couldn't handle.

The teacher on the podium nodded slightly, very satisfied with the boy's attitude.

The lecturer of magical biology is a researcher at the school. His surname is Gan and his given name is Ning. He is young and looks about the same as a senior student. Zheng Qing had seen him in Professor Monteria's laboratory. He had a very pleasant round face, and his eyes and tone were very gentle, just like the down on his face, which was so slender that it was almost transparent.

"...Give me a very common example, Goblin."

As he spoke, Professor Gan turned around, grabbed a piece of chalk and swung it on the blackboard, drawing a goblin vividly. Zheng Qing seemed to be able to smell the fishy smell emanating from the little goblin across the blackboard.

The lecturer of Magical Biology turned around and looked at the audience again. At some point, he took the pointer in his hand and tapped the goblin on the blackboard. The little thing he poked grinned:

"Goblin is a very common magical creature, widely distributed in Europe, Great Britain, Scandinavia and other regions. They are short in stature and ugly in appearance. They are good at escaping, hiding and psychedelic magic. They are very sensitive to metal and metal. Gems have extraordinary acumen...The most striking features of this creature are its long, pointed ears and red eyes."

"Some students may think that these little goblins are too common and useless, so that they are not considered magical creatures. But magic is never distinguished by 'useful' or 'useless'...useful or useless" The wizard you are targeting has nothing to do with magic, this must be remembered clearly.”

"Back to business."

"As a magical creature, Goblins have paid many prices to master the power of magic, such as their short size, ugly appearance, paranoid and twisted personality, etc."

"These costs are obvious and can be seen at a glance. There are also many hidden costs, such as allergies to sunlight, salt, and white vinegar... Well, now that we have talked about it, please take notes. I will briefly summarize a few. A traditional method used by wizards to deal with goblins."

At this point, Professor Gan paused and emphasized slightly: "...Exams in previous years often involved this kind of magical creature, so please pay attention."

The classroom immediately resounded with the clatter of turning pages and the rustle of quills falling on paper.

Zheng Qing felt that for a moment, the entire classroom seemed to be awake.

"The methods used to deal with goblins in traditional witchcraft are very simple...for example, tomato juice can burn their skin; fumigation with white vinegar can suffocate them; refined salt can make mature goblins blind, Causes larval goblins to liquefy, this liquefaction effect is similar to slugs' sensitivity to salt."

"In magical biology, you need to further learn the more fundamental reasons why similar phenomena occur. For example, tomato juice contains a large amount of light elements, which can directly contact the filamentous protrusions of the goblins through the skin. Nervous system, stimulating the system produces the same reaction as burning... Compared with ordinary creatures, the nerve cords on magical creatures are more developed and the nerve fibers are denser, so the nervous system is also more sensitive and can react to many ordinary materials. "

"Ordinary creatures, on the other hand, have a 'dull sense' due to the lack of their nervous system and will not have similar reactions. This can be regarded as a blessing in disguise..."

Hearing the words 'a blessing in disguise', Zheng Qing's consciousness unconsciously drifted further away, and the quill in his hand that was writing records also quietly slowed down.

"Are you bothering about the hunting team again?"

The witch sitting next to her was taking notes, brushing her long hair around her ears, and reminded her in a low voice without raising her head: "No matter how annoying it is, don't disturb the class."

Hunting team, this is indeed one of Zheng Qing's worries.

In addition to the fact that Lin Yan, a first-year public-funded student at Alpha College, recklessly mentioned to Zheng Qing the acquisition of the Forgiveness Hunting Team, which attracted a lot of paper cranes, there are also hunting team recruitment, clubs and student unions that need to be mentioned. Annual training plans, applications and defenses for exoneration and transfer to the official hunting team, etc., come one after another, which is very annoying.

It is true that the Forgiveness Hunting Team has no plans to recruit new members this year.

But the freshmen who had just entered the school didn't know this, and they still kept flying paper cranes for him. Being rejected once is not enough. Maybe after hearing too many chicken soup stories from the old people, many young wizards will regard Zheng Qing's rejection as some kind of test and come to visit again and again. In addition, the heavy workload of the second grade Studying, all this made Zheng Qing exhausted physically and mentally.

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