Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 135 Chaos within chaos

Old Yao is an old monster.

Zheng Qing knew about this, and he believed that the school's senior officials, including the president, vice president, and other senior professors, should also know this secret.

But the reason why a secret is a secret is that it is not suitable for everyone to know.

Such as ordinary faculty and staff.

Such as school students.

Another example is parents of out-of-school students and staff of certain organizations in the Wizarding Alliance.

First University employing a big monster as a professor is already a shocking thing. If this big monster also becomes the dean of one of the four colleges of First University, it will not be scary, but will be creepy and will make people feel uncomfortable. People have doubts about this world and their entire life.

Zheng Qing could completely imagine how chaotic the entire First University would be tomorrow morning because of this report.

He didn't know if it was an illusion, but he even felt that while he was in a daze, a large-scale conflict between students had broken out outside the window, with flames shooting into the sky and curses flying everywhere.

The two sides in the conflict are naturally the Alpha who wants to 'support justice' and 'defeat the demon' and the red robes who work hard to protect their dean. Perhaps there are also figures of Linzhong Lake murlocs, Silent Forest centaurs, and even North District wizards.

The young public-funded student couldn't help but turn his head and glance out the window.

There was a faint trace of moonlight in the dark night, and the darkness used its usual calmness and serenity to tell the young wizard that the images that had just appeared in his mind were all illusions.

It is different from the intense inner activities of wizards.

After hearing Dylan's earth-shattering news, dormitory 403 fell into dead silence.

The fat cat that was lying on the fat man's head raised his head at some point, and his narrowed eyes flashed with surprise; the elves vibrated their wings and floated silently in the room, hesitating whether to give Dylan a warm cup. of blood wine.

After a long time, Fatty was the first to speak out.

"Let me touch it."

He used to touch his head, but he touched his chubby body. After stroking the cat twice, the fat wizard calmed down and asked: "If you heard me correctly, you mean that the Beta Town Post posted an extra number, Do you think our old Yao is a monster?"

He emphasized the words 'Beta Town Post', 'off-line' and 'we' with great emphasis.

Dylan nodded cautiously.

"Ha! It's really the most ridiculous thing in the world!"

The fat wizard was furious, with a frightening blue look on his face, and he cursed unabashedly: "I told you earlier that those guys at the Beta Town Post were obsessed with ghosts, and all they wanted to do was make big news. Criticize Jiuyou Academy...but no matter how hard you go, you should abide by some professional ethics!"

"A big monster?! Why didn't they say that all the students of Jiuyou Academy are ghosts in red robes? Why didn't they say that Baicao Garden was the back garden of the Withered Land? Why didn't they say that the Siren King was hiding somewhere in the academy? A corner?”

Fatty Xin's tone was irritable, and he waved his arms fiercely. His figure gradually grew larger with each question, and his head gradually reached the ceiling. The fat cat that originally lay on top of his head like a soft leather hat has now turned into an inconspicuous cat skin plaster.

Dylan's entire body was enveloped in the huge figure of the fat wizard.

He took two steps back, waved his hands feebly, and defended in a low voice: "I didn't believe what the newspaper said... No, as soon as I learned about the extra content, I rushed back to tell you. ...This is indeed a rumor, right!”

Although he felt that he had inadvertently stepped into some terrible quagmire, at the end of his self-defense, Mr. Vampire Werewolf still couldn't help but want to get a positive answer.

Naturally, the emotional Xin would not give him a good look.

So Dylan turned his attention to the other two roommates in dormitory 403 for help - contrary to his expectation, Xiao Xiao and Zheng Qing did not show similar anger to Xin. Instead, one frowned and the other showed no expression.

This made him stunned for a moment.

"It's indeed a rumor, right?" Mr. Vampire Werewolf repeated his confusion uneasily.

Zheng Qing did not say anything.

Xiao Xiao adjusted his glasses, coughed slightly, and said vaguely: "Maybe... where is the extra number? Bring it over and let me have a look. What does it say?"

Dylan shook his head and did not immediately realize the profound meaning of the doctor's words: "There were only dozens of newspapers in total, and they were sold out as soon as they were taken out. I still leaned next to others and read part of the content...'Maybe. 'What means?"

When he said the last sentence, Mr. Vampire Werewolf's face and voice changed at the same time.

Similar to him, Fatty Xin also looked at Xiao Xiao in astonishment and rubbed his ears vigorously, as if he wanted to confirm whether there was something wrong with his hearing.

"Perhaps means that this matter may be true or it may be false. It depends on the depth of your knowledge of the world." Dr. Xiao Da explained in a relaxed tone, completely unaware of the two The roommate had an ugly look on his face.

His words made the atmosphere in the entire dormitory suddenly become heavy.

The giant blue man was like a deflated rubber ball. Together with his body shape, his aura shrank at a speed visible to the naked eye. He even shrank even smaller than his original size, so that the ball could not lie on his head. Forced to jump onto the desk.


The fat cat complained in a high voice.

If he heard such complaints in normal times, Fatty Xin would have to spend one or two braised chicken legs and bribe Fat Cat to avoid being scratched in the face when he went to bed at night.

But now, he doesn't have this intention.

The fat wizard was holding on to the desk, breathing heavily. His face turned blue, then white, then blue, as if he was having a heart attack.

The elves timely brought the warm honey water to the fat wizard and watched him drink three large cups in one go. After his complexion slowly improved, he quietly flew back to Zheng Qing's head.

"Have you known this for a long time?" Xin looked at his two companions with a hoarse voice. With his intelligence and professional sensitivity, it was not difficult to read something from their reactions.

Zheng Qing still didn't say anything, he just frowned, folded his arms, and thought about something seriously. Xiao Xiao glanced at Xin and opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something, but in the end he shook his head and said nothing.

Sometimes, not talking can express more meaning than talking at all.

The fat man suddenly turned pale.

Dylan also felt like he was going crazy.

"Old Yao? Old demon?!"

He waved his arms - like the Big Blue a moment ago - and shouted loudly: "Yao Xiaomi? The dean of Jiuyou College? Your counselor? The guy who likes to smoke a pipe? Didn't he just become a legendary wizard? Can anyone tell me what happened?"

No one can give him a clear explanation in this confusing situation, even if they know the truth.

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