Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 146 Guests at Qingqiu Mansion (Part 1)

"What's up?"

Jiang Yu skillfully picked up the little fox's tail, wrapped it around his wrist a few times, and asked the wizard in a low voice: "Do you want to ask for leave? Lao Yao is not here, just report here... There is nothing important at the class meeting today."

The sound of Fatty Xin's pretentious coughing came from the side.

Downton looked grim on the other side. On the one hand, he couldn't say that there was anything wrong with what squad leader Jiang said; but on the other hand, he felt that it was a bit inappropriate for him as the squad leader to let this unhealthy trend go.

It's just too difficult.

Zheng Qing's mind was full of questions at the moment, so he naturally didn't care about the fat wizard's mischief or the embarrassment of the Tang squad leader, but he had to react to the witch's words:

"No, it's nothing... Just go back after the class meeting later. Maybe it has something to do with Shadow."

As he spoke, he tapped his foot lightly.

Jiang Yu lowered her head and looked at the faint shadow at Zheng Qing's feet, with a hint of surprise on her face. The fact that the wizard needs to cut his shadow again is not a secret among the companions of the Exoneration Hunting Team. When it comes to such remote magic, it is normal for some unexpected things to happen, so she did not doubt it.

So, the awards continued.

Only this time, there was a little fox on the podium, and classmate Li Meng became lively again, pointing at Poseidon from time to time to remind the students in the audience that she was not wrong about this before.

Zheng Qing had a fake smile on his face, drifting with the flow, but his mind kept spinning crazily - the so-called 'related to the shadow' was just a possibility he came up with at the last minute. He could not rule out that Su Shijun's search for him was actually related to the shadow. , but the possibility is very small. But this excuse is the easiest to come up with and convince your companions.

As for other reasons, Zheng Qing thought about it but couldn't figure it out - except for Shadow and Poseidon, he had almost no contact with Qingqiu Mansion.

There is a high probability that Shadow will be fine. If something happens to Shadow, the first person to come to him will definitely not be Su Shijun, but the relevant departments of the school.

As for Poseidon.

Zheng Qing lowered his eyelids and looked at the little fox looking around in his arms, feeling a little worried.

When it comes to Poseidon, there are a lot of questions, such as Poseidon's identity, Poseidon's education, and Poseidon's living expenses.

Zheng Qing basically doesn't need to worry about the little fox's living expenses, because the school will take care of the pets of public-funded students for free, and the little fox spends most of the week at Qingqiu Mansion, and Su Shijun has never asked him for related expenses.

Is it because the little fox has grown up and the cost has increased?

The young public-funded student looked down at the little fox in his arms and weighed it carefully. It was indeed much heavier and bigger than last year. In addition, the amulet tied around its neck, the white vest embroidered with charms on its body, and the fragrant essential oil smeared on its body all give people a feeling of great value.

Thinking that he might have to pay the fee himself, the wizard became a little panicked and subconsciously began to count the few jade coins in his pocket.

Or maybe the little fox got into some serious trouble and the 'parents' need to step in? For example, the little rabbit it beat on the pedestrian street had a rich background and had a great wizard at home?

As soon as the idea came into Zheng Qing's mind, he shook his head vigorously and rejected the idea. Although the little fox is a bit naughty, he is similar to Li Meng and is not ignorant. Furthermore, even if it causes any trouble, as a member of the Yuexia Parliament and a researcher at First University, Beauty Su has a hundred ways to solve it.

Moreover, if Poseidon really caused any trouble, Su Shijun would never let him wander out to report the news.

This problem lasted until the end of the class meeting.

Zheng Qing did not bring other companions to the Qingqiu Mansion. He just asked Xiao Xiao to help pack up the textbooks and homework in the library, and then left alone with the little fox in his arms.

"Cousin, do you want to go too?"

Li Meng held Jiang Yu's arm and stood at the door of the classroom. Looking at the wizard's retreating figure, she whispered to the side: "No doubt, Zheng Zha must have cheated... If you're embarrassed, I'll keep an eye on you." How about it? I've been practicing the invisibility spell very well recently. When I was playing hide-and-seek with Su Ya, she wouldn't be able to find her even if I hid under her nose! Don't worry, even if I'm discovered, I'll just go and play with Su Ya and I won't betray you! your!"

The little witch slapped her chest so hard.

Jiang Yu did not doubt that she could do what she said above, nor did she doubt that Zheng Qing was really doing something ulterior.

But when she thought of Su Shijun's words she heard in Lao Yao's office, and of the little fox Zheng Qing held in his arms just now, for some reason, the witch always felt inexplicably anxious in her heart.

"Have you previewed the content of tomorrow's class?" She said with a straight face and angrily denied Li Meng's plan: "Are you familiar with the thirteen uses of 'taboo'? You know how to play, play, play every day! You He’s no longer a child… Who swore he was a college student in the first place?”

"Aren't I helping you?" the little witch sighed: "It's not okay for you to keep doing it like this. Of course, I don't mean that you want to betray me... Hey, I don't mean anything else... Stop talking, I don't said!"

She tilted her head, carefully protecting her twisted ears, and while begging for mercy in a low voice, she followed her step by step towards the library as her cousin grabbed her.

For some reason, she suddenly thought of Su Ya at this moment.

The little fox girl's ears are on the top of her head. If she had ears like hers, wouldn't she have to stand on tiptoes and tilt her head if her cousin pinched her?

Always tilting your head like this is bad for your cervical spine.

Zheng Qing didn't know that his departure would make a little witch think about fox ears and cervical vertebrae.

When he came to No. 54 Courtyard in the West District of Beta Town with the little fox in his arms and full of sorrow, the sky had completely darkened, and the light of magic was slowly rising, helping the moonlight to illuminate the block.

As a recognized 'upper-class community' in the wizarding world, the street lamps on both sides of the road in the West District will naturally not be covered with 'unstable', 'unclean' and 'unpretty' light sources like light bugs. The owners of this community have enough With their financial resources, they carve an almost constant '咒比小星' on every street lamp.

One, two, three, rows of similar-sized, clear-colored light balls hung quietly on both sides of the street, illuminating the street as if it were daytime.

Su Ya was standing barefoot in the stream outside the fence of Qingqiu Mansion, bending down to look for something in the water. Her loose robe and tail were rolled up around her waist, revealing a section of her white calves.

Poseidon chirped twice and greeted the little fox girl happily.

The little fox girl shook her ears and ignored the little fox.

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