Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 149 Greatness and Mediocrity (Part 1)

Everyone has great ideas, and these ideas often originate from a sudden inspiration. The difference is that after some people have this idea slip through their minds, they will forget it in a blink of an eye and start to reconsider what to eat for lunch; while some people will catch this idea and forget to eat, then think carefully, and finally pay All practices.

Greatness and mediocrity, that’s where the difference lies.

As the saying goes, "Some people eat to live, and some people live to eat." People who live to eat will always throw away many things, such as greatness; people who eat to live will often throw away many things, such as mediocrity.

Kolma is one of those people who eats to live.

Every day when she opens her eyes, her mind is filled with the big and small troubles of the wizards in the North District. For example, the hunting team entering the Silent Forest is injured and needs compensation; for example, someone suffers backlash when using a cursed frog to cast magic; When casting the weak leg spell, he mistakenly hit a sensitive part of a certain wizard, causing the other wizard to stop lifting. To be honest, many various magical accidents left this former top student of the first university dumbfounded and amazed.

She never thought that the magic that she thought was easy to learn would become so difficult in the hands of the wizards of the North District. This added a lot of difficulties to her to further expand the Wizards of the North District and promote the recognition of the Wizards of the North District within the alliance.

In order to solve this problem, Kolma thought of two ways.

The first way is to seek help from First University. She hopes that First University can accept these wizards who use frogs to cast spells and give them some places to enter the school.

With the help of some 'anti-discrimination' and 'equal opportunity' wizarding groups, this work has made some progress, but the progress is extremely slow. At least, in this fall of 2009, one of the new students admitted to the four colleges of the First University There are no quotas for the North District.

Another way is ‘education and training’. Kolma expanded the teaching scale of the 'Kini Cabin' and increased the original weekly round-table teaching to a night class held every day. In addition to being a part-time professor of the night class herself, she also asked old friends from the previous school to help, and occasionally Come to night school for a few classes other than 'Applied Magic'.

For example, ‘blood heraldry’.

This is a course that is not very useful, but is very popular among occult enthusiasts. It can greatly expand the horizons of wizards in the North District, allowing them to see the vast and fascinating world beyond the silent forest and bloody prey.

Another example is ‘Baiting Studies’.

In this course, many North District wizards learned for the first time that outside the world, there is a group of people who are weaker than the magicians and cannot even perform magic. They use fire and electricity as power and also develop brilliant magic powers. civilization. Of course, in Kolma's view, the greater role of this course is to boost the confidence of the wizards in the North District.

Sometimes, seeing people who are worse off than yourself can really make people feel more positive.

Among all these 'temporary courses', the one that the great sage of the North District cares about and values ​​the most is the 'philosophy of magic'. This course is a compulsory course in the four colleges of First University, and the teacher teaching the course is a senior wizard in the school.

But for many wizards in the North District, magical philosophy can neither teach them advanced magical skills nor teach them how to control magic to prevent backlash. The courses are boring, the content is obscure, and the voice of the old wizard giving the lecture is drowsy. ——In short, if it weren’t for Korma’s strict order that every wizard in the North District must listen to magic philosophy, no one would be willing to sit in a closed classroom and spread their thoughts.

They would rather squat by the puddle and help pair up the frogs they feed!

At the very least, looking at the tadpoles swaying in the muddy water can give them feedback that they are accumulating magic power. Instead of sitting in the classroom and falling asleep after a class, with nothing else to gain except the concept of humiliation in your mind.

This evening, there is another session on Magical Philosophy.

After finishing her chores, Kolma quietly came to the newly built classroom behind the Sakura Tavern. She stood behind the classroom door and secretly looked at the North District wizards who were in class in the room, just like her professor did at First University a long time ago.

On the podium, the old wizard hired by Kolma with a high salary was squinting his cloudy eyes, holding a heavy parchment in his hand, and reading the contradiction analysis method under the dimensional theory according to the script:

"...The world view of dimensional theory believes that any complex contradiction cannot overcome itself, and it can only be overcome through the next contradiction...The essence of the universe is a chaotic body in which all things move alternately with contradictions."

"How do you understand this sentence?"

"That is to say, the next contradiction can be said to be a way to overcome the original contradiction, but rather than overcoming it, it is better to say that it is no longer necessary to overcome it because of the development process of the time dimension... In other words, the way to overcome a contradiction is Let this contradiction not have to be overcome.”

"How do you understand this sentence?"

"To use a simple analogy, that is, if we raise a dimension to solve a problem in the two-dimensional world and solve it in a three-dimensional world; or if we lower a dimension in a three-dimensional world, we can simplify it into a two-dimensional and easier-to-understand way to solve it. ...Does it sound confusing? That’s right. The worldview of dimensional theory is like a ball of twine that is intertwined. If you keep cutting it, it will remain chaotic~”

The old wizard on the podium read the lecture notes like a opera, which made the already confused North District wizards in the audience even more confused and their eyes widened.

Kolma, standing outside the classroom, frowned slightly.

For the first time, she had doubts about the jade coins she spent - not because of the old wizard's bad habit of speaking - but because of the contradiction analysis method under the dimensional theory. In her mind, it was not a difficult theory, but the old wizard The rigid repetition of lecture notes makes this theory even more difficult to understand.

In the witch's impression, the professor who taught her this magic theory was Lao Yao.

At that time, Lao Yao just gave a very simple example, which helped many people quickly understand the relevant concepts - many years ago, the popular method of casting spells in the wizarding world was wands. At that time, the two largest wand manufacturers in Europe were Great Britain's Austrian The Levanders' and the German Grigovitches, two ancient magical families competed in all aspects of wand production.

From the cultivation of wand materials to the selection of wand core materials; from store opening locations to respective market access restrictions; from price to high quality; etc., the smoke-free war between the two families has lasted for hundreds of years, and it can be seen that It never ends.

So what finally ended the war?

More sophisticated wandmaking?


A more powerful international wand manufacturer?


Kolma remembered clearly that when the professor on the podium said this, he raised the Dharma book in his hand and told everyone with a smile: "...the conflict between Ollivander and Grigovitch was finally ended. It’s a book from outside the realm of magic wands… This is the dimensionality reduction attack mentioned in the contradiction analysis method under the dimensional theory.”

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