Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 158 Gathering

At 8:30 pm, Zheng Qing packed up his books in advance and left the library.

Xiao Xiao goes with him.

The hunting ground Zhang Jixin applied for is located on the edge of the Silent Forest, close to the Silent River. When they arrived at the hunting ground, the sky had completely darkened. The trees in the forest in the distance were dark, and they could vaguely see them swaying slightly under the moonlight, as if A group of ghosts dancing under the moon.

The sound of gurgling water from the silent river came in the night wind, adding a bit of coolness.

Originally, there were several light balls of different sizes in front of the two young wizards, swaying and jumping lightly, illuminating them. This is the ‘咒比小星’ summoned by Zheng Qing.

But for a moment, the young public-funded student suddenly put away the Dharma book in his hand, and several light balls suddenly shattered and turned into a few tiny light spots, floating in the lush grass like a group of tired fireflies.


The apologetic diviner felt a little confused. He took out his magic book and planned to cast a lighting spell again: "We haven't entered the hunting ground yet...Aren't you afraid that there are a few red chain snakes hidden in the grass in front?"

Although being bitten by a red chain snake will waste an antidote, it is not wise to spend money and endure unnecessary pain because of a trouble that does not need to be faced.

Hearing Xiao Xiao's question, Zheng Qing did not immediately explain. He just held him down when he was about to open the Dharma book, and said in a low voice and hastily: "Let the Red Chain Snake go to hell!... You didn't say she was coming. ?”

Before he finished speaking, a flash of light appeared from behind the trees not far ahead, and then a group of slender mushrooms lined up in a neat line and jumped in front of the two wizards.

Xiao Xiao adjusted his glasses, and he recognized that this was another kind of luminous mushroom summoned by the lighting spell "The Moon is Feiwei". Because the ink used when copying this spell needs to be mixed with mycelium powder from glowing mushrooms, which is slightly more expensive, it is not widely spread in schools. Only some wizards from aristocratic families still retain this habit.

Soon, he realized there was no need to continue guessing. Immediately behind the slender, glowing mushrooms, a familiar figure appeared.

It's Jiang Yu.

"Do I need to say more?"

The apologetic diviner turned to look at his captain, quite speechless: "She is a member of the hunting team, it's not like you don't know... Lanque just entered the school hospital in the afternoon, and Dylan has a spell class in the evening. She is here to make up for it. The hunter’s position is just right.”

The reckless man from Starry Sky Academy is just unreliable.

Zheng Qing murmured in his heart, but a warm smile overflowed on his face. He threw away the short wizard beside him and actively greeted him: "You came so early! Didn't you make the appointment at nine o'clock? Doctor, didn't you? Notified?"

As he said that, he turned to look at Xiao Xiao, with a bit of anger on his face.

Xiao Xiao rolled his eyes silently in the night.

"No, no, the doctor's notice has arrived."

Jiang Yu walked past the group of swaying slender mushrooms with a smile, and explained in a brisk tone: "It's just that I wanted to come early to get familiar with the venue... After all, this is my first time to participate in your training."

"Everyone will see your performance in the Black Prison and the Proving Grounds. There won't be any problems." Zheng Qing looked more confident than her.

The witch pursed her lips and smiled without arguing.

She did not wear her usual loose red robe tonight, but instead wore a slightly tight light purple hunting suit. It was made of an unknown leather material. It looked soft and tough, and outlined her beautiful figure.

The surface of the hunting suit seems to be covered with a layer of gray, giving it a soothing, elegant and slightly calm feeling. In addition, she also did some manipulations to her hair. Her hair, which was usually loose or simply tied into a ponytail, was gathered up and hidden in a pleated peaked cap of the same color as the hunting suit. There were no logos or patterns on it. ——But the wizard bets that there must be some unknown protective magic fixed on that hat.

"Where are the others? Are they all here?" Zheng Qing looked away, looked at Xiao Xiao, cleared his throat, and tried to show a bit of the majesty of the hunting team leader: "Before the training begins, we should have a unified understanding."

The apologetic diviner looked at his captain with undisguised suspicion. He wasn't the only one to do this. Zheng Qing felt that the little mushroom figures swaying at his feet were also staring at him eagerly, which made the wizard's face turn slightly red. Fortunately, the night was thick and others could not see clearly.

"This is really interesting." The short wizard turned back, glanced into the quiet forest behind him, and muttered: "You just said that the agreed time was nine o'clock... isn't it already time?"

The witch put her hands behind her back and pretended to look down at the little mushroom man at her feet. Palm-sized rays of sunlight emerged from the heads of these mushroom creatures, floating like bubbles in the air, then shattered, scattering a small piece of golden light, which reflected her figure even more. Slender.

The young public-funded student was at a loss for what to do and didn't know how to answer the doctor's rhetorical question.

There was silence at the entrance of the hunting ground. Only a few brave oil flies hid in the grass and screamed fearlessly, making the atmosphere here less suffocating.

After a few minutes of silence, just when Zheng Qing was hesitating to talk to the witch about classmate Li Meng's homework or Poseidon's fur care, a burst of rapid and heavy footsteps came from the depths of the night.

Bang, bang, bang, bang!

Like a charging brontosaurus.

A moment later, the figures of Fatty Xin and Zhang Jixin running wildly appeared within the glowing range of the mushroom villain. The two of them were still wearing their usual hospital robes, and the wrinkles on the robes and the oil stains from dinner were clearly visible in the sunlight.

They weren't even wearing uniforms!

Too undisciplined!

Zheng Qing thought angrily, and when he lowered his head, he saw that he was also wearing a courtyard robe. The anger he had just erupted disappeared as if he had been doused with ice water.

"Sorry! Sorry! It's a few minutes late!" Zhang Jixin gasped and apologized loudly: "On the way here, I saw a fish man bullying a longevity turtle by the Linzhong Lake, so I helped the longevity turtle... …So it’s a little late.”

"Late? It's not too late!" Compared with him, the fat wizard seemed very confident: "I remember that the notice was nine o'clock in the evening... which is still five minutes away. And I still have to bring Tuantuan, It’s not as cute as edamame.”

As he spoke, he shook the watch in his hand at Zheng Qing and shrugged his left shoulder, signaling the fat mass on his shoulder to move. Tuantuan raised his paws and greeted the hunting team leader perfunctorily.

Zheng Qing suddenly felt that the blue, chubby face looked particularly hateful.

"No more nonsense."

The captain of the Forgiveness Hunting Team had a straight face, clapped his hands, and motioned for everyone to come closer: "This night training is mainly restorative training, and there is no hunting target. It will be held on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday this week. From 9 to 11 o'clock every night, the purpose is to get our hunting team 'tense' again before the school hunting competition starts... instead of being so casual like tonight!"

As he spoke, he carried the witch on his back and glared viciously at several of his companions.

The three people and one cat stared in confusion.

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