Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 285: Darkness behind the door

As the first place in the selection round, the First University Hunting Team got the first chance to choose the gate.

Contrary to Zheng Qing's expectation, Zhang Shuzhi, who was born in Jiuyou College, did not choose the gate that originally belonged to Jiuyou College, but chose the gate that originally led to the First Square.

In the words of the puppet man, "This represents the unparalleled courage, broad mind and open vision of the school hunting team." It must be admitted that the puppet man is a master in concluding his speech.

Immediately afterwards, the four college hunting teams, as expected, chose the gates that originally led to their respective colleges - or in other words, they had no choice - this result was so boring that the surrounding stands booed. It was obviously louder than the cheers. Even the puppet man couldn't think of more beautiful words and could only dryly repeat the educational philosophy of several colleges.

The sixth place in the selection was the Judgment Hunting Team. The captain, Erwin Hoffman, was the best hunter in the school hunting competition last year and was very popular throughout First University.

He chose the door that originally led to the Institute of Divination.

This made Zheng Qing slightly disappointed - this was the gate he had pre-selected in his heart - since he had made up his mind to use divination magic to find his destination, he originally hoped to receive the blessing of some mystical energy when passing through the gate of Divination Academy.

"...Next, is the seventh place in the selection, the Exoneration Hunters!"

The puppet man's seemingly tireless voice echoed in the first hall, high-pitched and loud: "As a young hunting team, You Zui has created an impressive record in just one year since its birth..."

Zheng Qing did not continue to listen to the puppet man's endless nonsense, and his eyes wandered between the remaining three gates that were still glowing.

The three gates belong to the Institute of Astronomy, the Institute of Magical Philosophy, and the Institute of Applied Magic.

If you look at the class from which most members of the Forgiveness Hunting Team come (Astronomy Class 08-1), the gate of the Astronomy Research Institute seems to be a good choice, but considering the close connection between the Astronomy Research Institute and the Alpha Academy (especially the former After Professor Emma, ​​the president of Alpha Court and the former professor of magic literature, became the vice-principal), it was very unwise for Qiu Zui, who was born in Jiuyou Academy, to choose the Astronomy Institute.

Relatively speaking, the Institute of Magical Philosophy is much better, especially since the professor of Magical Philosophy for Zheng Qing and others is Lao Yao, and Lao Yao is the dean of Jiuyou College. It is very safe to choose this gate based on emotion and reason—— Except for the trouble of Lao Yao's secret identity.

Zheng Qing looked back at his fortune teller, and Xiao Xiao shook his head firmly.

Due to occult theory considerations, it is also unwise to go through a door closely connected with Lao Yao to a dark forest full of demons, monsters and dangers.

The only thing left was the door that originally led to the Institute of Applied Magic.

At this time 1** Zhang Si. Strong sacrifice reads sacrifice. This is the largest research institute at First University, and it is also the research institute that Zheng Qing interacts with the most - the laboratories of Professor Su Shijun and Professor Monteria are both affiliated with this laboratory.

He raised his head and glanced towards the terrace, but did not see the instructor of the Forgiveness Hunting Team.

"It's time to go." The red-faced wizard couldn't wait.

The young public-funded student turned back, smiled at the witch, and then extended his hand. Several other hunters in the Forgiveness Hunting Team put their hands on him.

"Receive blessings from heaven -" the captain of the Exoneration Hunting Team muttered in a low voice.

The other six people responded in unison: "Bless me!"

This is a very ancient prayer that is used on many occasions. Zheng Qing took one last look at the two hunters sitting on the bench this time - Jiang Yu and Lan Que - and nodded slightly to them: "Wait for our good news!"

Bluebird nodded silently.

The witch put a bunch of talismans that had been arranged for a long time and were tied on a rope into the hands of the young public student. She added in a very soft but firm voice: "Be safe."

This time, no one laughed.

"...The Exoneration Hunting Team chose the gate belonging to the Institute of Applied Magic!" In the distance, the puppet's voice suddenly rose a few degrees: "There is no doubt that this has an inseparable relationship with the instructor of the Exoneration Hunting Team. As we all know, , Senator Su’s laboratory at First University is affiliated with the Institute of Applied Magic..."

The noise in the surrounding stands suddenly became much louder, and the faint shouts of the beautiful Su supporters could be heard again.

But everything has nothing to do with Zheng Qing. As the captain of the Exoneration Hunting Team, he needs to be the first to pass through the tall gate that exudes soft light from all over.

It was like walking through a slowly flowing lake, and there was even a gurgling sound echoing in the ears, making people feel like they were submerged in water, and they closed their eyes unconsciously.

In the next step, the gentle resistance disappeared, and his eyes suddenly darkened. The corruption, humidity and silence unique to the silent forest squeezed in from all directions, drowning all Zheng Qing's feelings.

He suddenly opened his eyes.

Perhaps because he had just passed through a light door, everything in front of him seemed particularly dark; but maybe it was originally like this. In Zheng Qing's impression, there was no difference between day and night in the Silent Forest. It had always been the same. So gloomy.

Zheng Qing understands darkness.

This kind of shadow, which is born because the earth turns away from the sun, can spread from the starry sky to the depths of human souls. After the experience in the dark prison world, the young public-funded student thought that he had enough resistance to this concept.

But once he went deeper into the Silent Forest, he realized that it was a completely different kind of darkness from the Black Prison.

If the darkness of the Black Prison is deathly silent, then the darkness of the Silent Forest is full of vitality. The movement of the seasons hidden in the shadows seems to be covered with thorns on the collar, which is extremely uncomfortable.

"The moon is not small!"

Zheng Qing flipped over the magic book in his hand and threw out a lighting spell - Compared with "咒比小星", the little mushroom summoned by Bi Yue Feiwei can not only survive with the help of the magic power in the humus layer of the Silent Forest, longer; and it also has certain early warning and detection capabilities, which is very suitable for this operation.

Because this is the Silent Forest, forgiveness does not require complex pre-operative confirmation like in previous hunting games. All the spells copied from the law book can be used directly, which greatly reduces the pressure on the young hunting team.

"You are here to watch over all directions!"

Xiao Xiao, who followed closely, held the crystal ball and released the second spell. The early warning detection ability of the lighting spell is only incidental and has very limited effect, so real early warning detection magic must be used.

"The wind and rain are gone, but the birds and mice are gone!"

The third person to pass through the light gate was Fatty Xin. As agreed, he released a protective barrier. In the forest, the most dangerous thing is not the huge monsters, but the invisible insects.

Control the big one and control the owl. When the last member of Yu Zui passed through the light door, the hunting team leader summoned dozens of creatures, dispelling all the surrounding darkness. A few little mushrooms were driven by the wizard, He was slowly exploring the surrounding area, leaving behind bunches of sunshine as big as grapes.

Zheng Qing raised his head and watched the huge light door gradually shrink and shrink until it completely disappeared.

Silence completely overwhelmed this small temporary stronghold.

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