Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 287: Break or Move



Thick trees fell heavily to the ground, blocking the fleeing horned camels. Dead branches and leaves scattered everywhere. The sound of the impact was heard far in the forest, startling groups of wild birds in the distance.


The horned camel beast screamed in fright, and its two big feet with four fingers on its front paws tried their best to press on the tree trunk that fell in front of it. At the same time, the long snake tail behind it suddenly swung to one side, wrapping around another person next to it. A soul-returning poplar.


The huge size of the beast mixed with the forward kinetic energy was transmitted to the soul-returning poplar through the thick tail. The soul-returning poplar suddenly groaned in pain, and the entire tree was tilted down by this strong force. The leaves rustled down.

With this push and roll, the horned camel beast finally managed to stop itself.

But there was no joy on its face. Instead, it became more and more panicked. The tentacles around its mouth were dancing helplessly, and the sharp golden horns on its head bloomed with dazzling brilliance, instantly becoming the most dazzling presence in the forest.

The next second.

A strong wind fell from the sky, carrying a panicked aura, sweeping in all directions. The insects, which were still singing calmly under the march of the wizard and the wild horned camel beast, seemed to have been pinched at the moment, and they all stopped. There was a sound, and for a while, there was no other sound in the crowded forest except the heavy breathing of wild beasts and the impact of the branches and leaves in the strong wind.

"Merlin on top!"

Nicholas looked at the huge cyan figure that was slowly falling on the strong wind, and groaned in a low voice: "...How can it be so big!"

I saw that the fallen creature was more than four feet long (more than ten meters), with green scales and a white belly, beads under the skin, two horns on the top of its head, manes growing on the back of its neck, no thin whiskers under its jaws, a fish body like a snake's tail, and green leaves blooming all over its body. The twilight mist and rolling magic power almost burned this small forest to the ground.

"Is this Qingqiu?"

Lin Yan's voice seemed to suspect that they were still in a dream state: "Who can tell me why the horned dragon can grow so big... aren't they usually only two or three meters long?!"

Nicholas rubbed the ruby ​​ring on his hand and silently cast a magic to hide the aura on the barrier; Liu Feifei also opened the book and cast an invisibility spell on everyone.

"This is the Silent Forest." The captain of the Edge Hunting Team finally replied in a low voice: "...It is a magical forest where any miracle can happen."


Outside the barrier, the horned camel beast that was blocked in its path finally stopped running away. It became fierce and ferocious. It rested its hind legs on the ground, its two front paws raised high, and then fell heavily. At the same time, the sharp horns on its head The golden light blooming from above was also thrown out, like two sharp arrows, piercing the giant dragon hovering in the air.

The Qingqiu didn't make a sound, but swayed its tail slightly, and the green glow gushed out from its body like a tide. With a sweep and a slap, it smashed the two golden sharp arrows into pieces, and then smashed them heavily on the horned camel beast's back.

The tall horned camel beast let out a mournful cry, its limbs went limp, and was pressed to the ground by the cyan glow. The bulging peaks of its back almost sunk into its chest under the blow.

The sound of crackling muscles and bones echoed clearly in the ears of every young wizard through the barrier. Nicholas had no doubt that if the green cloud fell on their barrier, it would have similar results.

Without him needing to speak, Carmen and Lin Yan opened the Dharma books one after another and added two "Jiebi Nanshan" in front of everyone, while Iseni tried hard to curl up, curl up his dorsal fin, and restrain his breath to ensure that he would not Discovered by the monster outside.

Dragon beasts like the races between wizards and magical creatures like fishmen and centaurs the most. To explain it in some unexplainable words - their meat has the spirituality of wizards, but does not violate the laws of wizards.

With three ‘Southern Mountains’ in front of them, the young wizards of the Edge Hunting Team finally relaxed a little. Then, they noticed a little detail that they had not discovered before.

"Is this Qiu injured?" Liu Feifei covered her mouth in surprise.

Without her further instructions, everyone saw a huge wound on Qingqiu's side, almost ten feet long, along the boundary between the green scales on the back and the white belly, as if someone had cut it open with a scalpel. Neat and extremely precise.

Light blue blood continued to gush out from the wound. Although there was a green mist surrounding the body, it could not contain all the dragon's blood. Some drops still fell on the fallen tree trunk below, creating a jade-like patch of blood. trace.

"It should be the green Qiu we found traces of before." Lin Yanhou breathed out a fearful sigh - not long ago, looking at the pile of 'jade' outside the camp, he had imagined the scene of bragging back to school after hunting a dragon.

Reality slapped him hard and made him sober up.

Perhaps feeling the spying gaze, the horned dragon that was eating suddenly raised its head and looked around. Its suspicious gaze slipped past the small hidden barrier of the hunting team on the edge several times, and was dyed lavender by the blood of the horned camel beast. The corners of his mouth were slightly open, and there was a green streak between the white teeth.

The five young people all lowered their heads, held their breaths, and broke out in cold sweat.

While Nicholas lowered his head, many thoughts rolled through his mind - such neat wounds couldn't have been caused by wild beasts in the forest, they must have been caused by wizards! who is it? This woodland should be set aside by the school for this hunting competition, and there should be no outside wizards hunting in the forest! Could it be another hunting team? Are the hunting teams so close to each other? What to do if it’s a school hunting team? What if it is an apology?

While he was nervously thinking about the response plan he had prepared before, he carefully raised his eyelids and glanced at the green dragon, only to find a pair of huge dragon eyes staring in the direction of the few people, the huge dragon's mouth half open, its throat The cyan brilliance in the room became brighter and brighter.

The wizard screamed in his heart that it was not good.

Just as he was about to crush the ruby ​​between his fingers, he suddenly heard the sound of a dead branch being trampled off behind him.


"Tsk, this beast is so inspired!"

An unexpected voice sounded from behind several young wizards. Nicholas turned his head so hard that he almost broke his neck. Then, he saw a figure wearing a black robe and a crow mask slowly coming from the forest behind them. Get out.

"It's a mutated horned dragon after all." Another voice sounded from another direction.

Immediately afterwards, there was a third voice: "He ran so fast... If it hadn't been for this horned camel beast, I would have almost escaped with this little beast!"

"Don't be careless!" a fourth voice warned.

The magic power in the forest suddenly surged, and the green clouds and light mist rolled together. Accompanied by the melodious dragon's roar, the green brilliance finally poured out from the mouth of the horned dragon, slashing towards the direction of the edge hunting team like lightning.

"It's broken!"

"It's Qian!"

"Fang Zhuo (zhuo)!"

"It's Qian!"

Four short and sharp spells sounded almost at the same time, and the spell light flashed, and the green brilliance was like a small tree being chopped off by an axe, shattering into a mist of light in the air.

It was almost about to hit the edge hunting team's barrier.

Nicholas could even clearly feel the subtle magic power that flickered past the tip of his nose after the Qinghua collapsed. The breath was warm and the thoughts were sharp.

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