Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 308 Gift (Part 1)


A piece of chalk fell from the sky, breaking the barrier set up by the young public-funded students and stopping this small seminar on rich topics in the corner of the classroom.

"The class meeting is about to begin!"

On the podium, after more than a month, Lao Yao's familiar smiling face appeared in Zheng Qing's sight again, exactly the same as before: "If you have any whispers, we can talk about it after the class meeting... There are also classmates who are making up their homework. Diligent is not here right now." Ah, what were you doing earlier?"

There was a chaotic roar of laughter in the audience, occasionally mixed with a few impatient questions such as 'Welcome back' and 'Are you coming to spells class tomorrow morning?'.

"Why is that little stick figure so quiet today?" Taking this opportunity, Zheng Qing looked behind the door with a puzzled look on his face: "I didn't even hear him remind Lao Yao to come!"

"Didn't you set up the soundproof barrier?" Dr. Xiao Da was speechless.


Lao Yao grabbed his pipe, knocked on the desk moderately, and raised his hand to signal everyone to be quiet.

"Didn't I always teach you? The projection is not much different from the real person." After the enthusiasm in the classroom subsided, the professor spoke again and said with a smile: "As for tomorrow morning, it depends on the specific was originally due to laboratory tasks It’s a lot of work, and I don’t have time tonight...but you performed so well at this school hunting party...I have to come."

Before he finished speaking, the students in the class focused their attention on Zheng Qing, Nicholas and others.

Lao Yao's use of the word 'outstanding' to describe the achievements of Astronomy Class 08-1 in this year's school hunting competition is a bit conservative. Even if he used words like 'outstanding', 'prominent' and 'stands out from the crowd', no one would question it. of.

Of course, if the 'crane' here refers to Astronomy Class 08-1, then the chickens refer to the other second-year classes in all four colleges of First University. Even in the past few decades, there are no other classes that have not been established for a long time. The hunting team achieved such excellent results.

"In this school hunting meeting, the Forgiveness Hunting Team took eighth place, and the Edge Hunting Team took ninth place. Together with the other two hunting teams of Jiuyou College, they won great honors for our college. Everyone first Be encouraged!”

Before he finished speaking, Lao Yao took the lead in applauding.

Suddenly, there were cheers and whistles, and a few bold ones took advantage of the situation to release fireworks in the classroom, scatter colorful flower petals, and even summoned a few goblin bands, causing the witches to scream.

The professor on the podium raised his pipe and put it into his mouth, took a bite, and watched the scene with a smile. In the end, he did not stop it. He just raised his hand and threw out a few curse lights, which were attached to the classroom doors and windows to avoid disturbing the public.

As the dean of Jiuyou College, he has reason to be happy.

In this school hunting party, there were a total of nine hunting teams entering the final stage, four of which were from Jiuyou College, including the Jiuyou College team, the Judgment Hunting Team, the Exoneration Hunting Team, and the Edge Hunting Team; in addition, they captured The school hunting team that won the championship was also captained by Zhang Shuzhi from Jiuyou College.

No matter from which angle you look at it, this makes Lao Yao feel a little proud and a little relieved from the depression of losing in the competition for vice-principal.

So he let everyone make a fuss, finished smoking a pipe with a smile, and then knocked the pot on the desk.


The noise in the classroom was immediately suppressed easily, and then he raised his hand and snapped his fingers - there were fireworks flying everywhere under the ceiling, floating ribbons, flower petals, and the little fairies playing harmonies on the violin. , disappeared in unison.

"I know that schools and colleges have certain credit awards and honorary certificates for hunting teams that enter the final stage." The professor looked around: "But I feel that this reward is too focused on the spiritual aspect. For these outstanding young people in our class It’s not enough... so I’ve prepared some extra material rewards for you.”

As soon as this sentence came out, it immediately caused an even louder noise in the classroom.

If the applause and cheers before were somewhat polite, then the hustle and bustle at the moment was more the result of a mixture of emotions such as surprise, envy, and excitement.

Especially the members of the Forgiveness and Edge Hunting teams were all ecstatic. Even Dr. Xiao, who was always steady, couldn't help but hammer the table hard to show his excitement.

You know, Lao Yao is not only the dean of Jiuyou Academy, but also a true legendary existence. Although some vague negative news was spread secretly, it did not affect the weight of his "little material reward" at all.

"After all, he is a legendary boss, so he can't just send us away with a few golden beans!" Zheng Qing looked at Xiao Xiao happily. At this moment, Dr. Xiao had long forgotten the work of twenty golden beans.

"Golden Douzi?" The doctor pushed up his glasses and tried to look calm: "You underestimate the weight of a legendary wizard!"

"Hold up the noise!"

The fat wizard, who was usually the most noisy, now became the main force in maintaining order in the classroom. He stood up very consciously and shouted to stop other people from making noise: "What does it look like? There is a meeting now...let the professor speak...Professor? Professor, continue!" "

Lao Yao was amused by his proactive appearance.

However, he did not continue to show off. Instead, he raised his hand and eight pieces of parchment, emitting a hazy golden light and about a foot long, were lined up in a row and appeared in front of everyone.

This time, no one needed to maintain it. Everyone opened their eyes wide, held their breath, and carefully looked at the 'material rewards' floating in the air.

"Although I have been the dean for a long time, because I spent too much on the advancement ceremony some time ago, I am a little shy now."

Lao Yao said a few words modestly, and then tapped the golden talisman with the pipe in his hand: "...So, don't think about how many jade coins I have prepared for you... This is the end of the work these days." Finally, I sealed a few spells. Well, because the realm is not yet solid enough, these spells have a little bit of my own aura in them... Don't mind it."


There was a sound of air-conditioning in the classroom, followed closely by pairs of red eyes staring fiercely at the members of the Exoneration and Edge Hunting Teams.

Lao Yao's words were a little reserved.

A spell tainted with a legendary atmosphere, who would mind such a 'small reward'? This is a rarity that cannot be bought with a lot of jade coins! Not to mention the eighteen or nineteen-year-old young wizards in the classroom, there are countless wizards or organizations in Beta Town and even in the entire wizarding world who are willing to spend big money to buy these spells.

Fatty Xin looked at the golden parchment scrolls on the podium blankly. After a long while, he turned to look at the red-faced wizard at the same table and murmured: "Give me...tell me, this is not a dream."

Zhang Jixin didn't have time to take action yet.

The tip of the quill held by Dr. Xiao Da stabbed the fat wizard's arm hard, causing him to burst into tears and take several breaths of cold air.

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