Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 321: Burning Zheng Qing to Death Parade (Part 1)

The black cat's wagging tail suddenly stiffened.

"Burn... what are you burning to death?" Its ears suddenly stood up, and its eyes widened.

"Oh, it's the 'Burn Zheng Qing Parade'."

The guilty envoy explained enthusiastically on the side: "Zheng Qing, you should know that the man of the hour during this period... is the one exposed by the Bugle, the scum that harmed Senator Su... the students of several colleges have unified You know, we can’t let this kind of black sheep live in the world, so we’re going to hold a ‘Burn Zheng Qing Parade’ tonight!”

The black cat stayed where he was.

How many colleges are there?

Still scum?

These terrible words were like spells hitting its soul, making its mind go blank and it was frozen in place for a moment.

After a long while, it calmed down, chirped, and asked cautiously: "If I remember correctly, Zheng Qing seems to be still a student? How could the school allow such a cruel thing to happen... Besides, aren't there rumors that he dropped out of school? ?"

"There is no such scum in the school! He does not deserve to be a student of the First University!" The wizard wearing a sheep-head mask raised his hands and shouted, looking like he was already in a parade state.

"The 'comrades' in the student union spread the news that they have not received Zheng Qing's application to withdraw from school. It is most likely just false news he released." The blame officer also analyzed clearly: "And if he wants to pass If you leave the school through any gate, including the first hall, you will be discovered immediately..."

"I kind of hope he leaves Phuket Island immediately." A scary sneer came from under the sheep's head mask, making the already frightened black cat shudder involuntarily.

It has made up its mind not to go home during the Chinese New Year this year.

The school is pretty good.

You have food, a place to stay, and you can study hard and make progress every day. Why should you leave school? The world is too dangerous and I just like to stay in school.

"Okay, okay, let's stop talking nonsense!" Asmodeus, who was wearing a sheep-head mask, changed the subject, took out a piece of parchment from his arms, and threw it in front of the black cat: "This is tonight's assessment. Content! Speed, speed, I’m going to the parade!”

The black cat shook his head and looked down at the parchment.

The content on the paper is easy to understand, with only three short multiple-choice questions.

"first question,"

Asmodeus cleared his throat and spoke quickly: "What kind of fire should I choose when burning Zheng Qing to death? A, ordinary open fire; B, magical fire; C, red lotus fire; D, Phoenix fire. Please answer the question."

Black Cat has been a little numb tonight.

"Choose all four."

It feels that it has become extremely objective and calm, and it easily takes over the opponent's thinking: "First burn it to ashes with open fire, then burn the soul with fierce fire, then make him immortal with the red lotus fire, and finally make him in Phoenix. Reborn in the fire, burned again.”


The wizard wearing a sheep-head mask gave a thumbs up in appreciation: "It's better than I imagined! If it weren't for the program, I would have let you pass right now..."

"Ahem, the supervisor is still here, be careful with your words." The sinner coughed twice, but also gave the black cat a thumbs up: "Well done!"

The black cat chuckled twice.

"Second question, why do we want to burn Zheng Qing to death? A, he is a scumbag; B, he bullies Councilor Su; C, punishes evil and upholds justice; D, there is no reason. Friendly reminder, this is a multiple-choice question ”

Black Cat hesitated for a few seconds: "Choose D... The only purpose of his existence is to be burned! No need for a reason or excuse, I just want to burn him to death!"

No one understands madness better than me, it resolves itself in my heart.

"Very beautiful!" Asmodeus chuckled, as if he wanted to rush up and hug the black cat: "I passed it, I passed it, the explanation is perfect, I directly admit that you passed the third question!"

Black Cat laughed twice and stepped back.

"No, you can't approve it directly." The offender on the side interrupted the excited sheep-head mask very kindly and reminded: "Procedure, what we do must comply with the society's procedures."

"Burn the program!"

Asmodeus' laughter suddenly stopped, and then he cursed in a low voice, and then looked at the black cat with apologetic eyes: "I'm sorry... The third question is very simple, it is a question and answer question, asking: The four universities of the First University What do the colleges have in common?”

Black Cat sighed slightly.

"Burn Zheng Qing to death." When he said these four words, he had a very strange feeling, as if that name did not represent himself, but some other evil being.

The wizard wearing the sheep-head mask turned to look at the guilty one and spread his hands: "How is it? It's a waste of time! Do you have any excuses? If not, I declare that the assessment is over tonight and the assessment is successful!"

After saying that, without waiting for anyone or the cat to react, he took out a magical talisman with his backhand and slapped it on his body. His figure flashed and disappeared suddenly into the dark night.

But until this moment, the sinner had just stood up, looking like he was about to speak.

Seeing the examiner running away tonight, the wizard wearing a 'duck egg' mask shrugged and looked at the black cat: "I have to say, you are really lucky..."

The black cat tugged at its ears.

It doesn't feel lucky at all.

But at the same time, it has to admit that it does seem to be a bit lucky.

It feels like it can be called ‘Schrödinger’s luck’, being in two states: very good and very bad at the same time.

"...At the same time, I also need to remind you." The sinner looked at the black cat up and down with subtle eyes: "Although you are wearing cat skin, the 'mask' is a necessary prop for us to face other members of the society... Even if Everyone knows what the cat looks like under that mask. As I just said, program is very important."

The black cat raised its paw and touched its face, and suddenly realized that because tonight's assessment was too abrupt, it forgot to wear its little white mask.

"It's none of my business!" It put down its paws angrily: "You two came too early today, I'm not ready yet... Also, I don't quite understand. Does tonight's assessment have anything to do with 'lust'? ?”

"Isn't it because of 'sex' and 'desire' that there will be a parade tonight?" the guilty envoy asked.

The black cat suddenly became speechless.

The wizard wearing a white mask looked up at the fruits on the cat fruit tree, then looked down at the black cat again: "Since tonight's assessment is over,... do you want to go with the evening parade? Or will you continue to follow you? Are you playing with the fruits?”

"Go together, go together."

The black cat sneered again and again. The sneaky appearance of several roommates this morning came to mind. Then he remembered something. He raised his paw and took out the homework that Xiao Xiao had given him from the gray cloth bag hidden under his chin. He handed it to Kan. In front of the criminal: "This is Belphegor's previous mission. It has been completed... Just leave it to him."

"Oh, easy to say, easy to say..."

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