Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 329: Cowards and cowards

Northern wizards lack a general education.

Zheng Qing knew this a long time ago - a long time ago, when the wizards in the North District were just born, he went to visit Colma. After just sitting in the tavern downstairs for a short while, there were more than a dozen people from the North District. Wizard District asked the Sage for help because his magic was out of control.

The wizards in the North District want to have the same educational rights as other wizards, and Zheng Qing also knows this.

From the first day of their birth, there have been voices proposing that First University give the Northern District wizards "special recruiting rights" similar to the Gypsy witches, so that the Northern District wizards can integrate into the mainstream world of the Wizards League faster and more quietly.

But this world has never been easy to obtain because of "lack" and "want".

There are many 'groups' similar to the wizards in the North District on Phuket Island, such as the centaur tribe in the Silent Forest, the murloc tribe in Linzhong Lake, and even the newly born rat tribe. They all have similar demands, and There is only one First University, and the faculty and teaching force of First University cannot support the 'specialization' of all these groups.

What's more, no matter the wizards in the North District, or the centaurs, fishmen, etc., their talents are not outstanding.

An obvious objection in the alliance clearly pointed out that the resources consumed to train a fishman mage or a northern wizard can train many ordinary wizards. If the roster is really to be expanded, why doesn't the First University provide resources to more people? What about wizards with ordinary qualifications?

Therefore, to this day, there are still different opinions on the training plan for wizards in the North District, and there is no final conclusion.

"Are you planning to take the bottom-up approach?"

Fatty Xin looked through the petitions from the North District wizards and shook his head. He was not optimistic about their ideas: "The school will not change its usual policies just because a few young people petitioned... The attitude of the school sounds mature and prudent." , it sounds bad because no one wants to take this responsibility!”

As a reporter for the school newspaper who once spent a summer researching in the North District of Beta Town and wrote a detailed investigation report, the Fat Wizard's opinions are still very valued by the wizards in the North District.

Nicholas' face darkened a bit.

"We can't just do nothing and hope that the superior men in the alliance will show mercy." He forced a smile and handed over the quill in his hand: "...the wizards of the North District need your support."

Xiao Xiao adjusted his glasses, took the quill, and signed his name happily.

When the fat wizard signed, he sighed with emotion: "Indeed, right now you can neither do anything nor do too much to cause a chain reaction... Just prepare for public opinion in this way, giving both parties more room for buffering, and also That’s about it.”

As he spoke, he skillfully passed the quill in his hand between him and Xiao Xiao.

Then the quill levitated in the air.

Nicholas looked at the quill with a strange expression, looking around to see if no one was paying attention, and then silently asked with his mouth: "Is it Zheng Qing?"

The fat wizard nodded cheerfully.

Nicholas snatched back his petition and said apologetically to the blank space between Xiao Xiao and Fatty Xin: "We are doing the petition to gain the support of public opinion, not the impact of public opinion... If there is something in the petition, Your signature may be"

His tone was a little vague, but his meaning was very clear.

Fatty Xin laughed twice and gave Nicholas a thumbs up.

Until the evening class meeting, Zheng Qing was still brooding about what happened in the morning.

"What Nicholas did was not wrong," the fat wizard grabbed a piece of beef jerky and chewed it while mumbling: "With your current situation, you are really not suitable to sign that name."

Zheng Qing's face became increasingly gloomy.

"It's just because I know he did the right thing that it makes me even more irritated!" The young public-funded student took a deep breath and raised his finger to the sky: "The Clarion, I remember you!"

"Remember, it's useful." The fat wizard curled his lips and suddenly coughed heavily.

Zheng Qing quickly took out the invisibility charm and patted it on his body.

After a while, several witches passed by the corridor laughing and passing by the fat wizard chewing beef jerky. One of the witches seemed to have discovered something. She pointed at the fat wizard and whispered something in her companion's ear.

"That's right! I'm from the Forgiveness Hunting Team!" Fatty Xin patted his belly generously and looked like he was coming to tease me: "Congressman Su's little husband Zheng Qing is the captain of our hunting team!"

Not only did the witches not gather out of curiosity, but they ran away in fright.

"Did you see? When we meet on a narrow road, the brave will win. It's all about momentum!" Fatty Xin praised himself without blushing: "I think you should really get out from under the invisibility charm and walk openly in front of others... As long as You are more powerful than them, so they should be the ones running away!"

Zheng Qingxu looked at the fat wizard and considered, "Is there a possibility... that what scares them away is not your aura, but your wretched temperament?"

While they were talking, the two of them had already arrived at the door of the classroom.

The fat man opened the door carelessly and entered. The noisy sounds in the classroom fell silent. Almost everyone's eyes were wandering around the fat wizard, as if they wanted to see someone.

Unfortunately not.

After his searching gaze lingered for a moment, the disappointment retracted, and the sound in the classroom slowly spread again like a rising tide, filling the entire classroom in an instant.

Zheng Qing hung his invisibility charm and followed the fat wizard, following step by step, looking around carefully.

Nicholas may still be working on his 'petition', but the seat is still empty; Jiang Yu didn't come either, but Li Meng unexpectedly arrived early, standing on the stool, waving his arms and talking nonsense.

"...That's a coward!"

Her voice was loud, and she glanced at the fat wizard from time to time between words, with a face full of suspicion: "Last night's parade was just a warning. If he dares to show up, our Susu support group will tell him why the flowers are so red! My sister is also a loser. If I were her, I would have found a great curse master and turned that coward into a slug! "

Zheng Qing, who was hiding in the air, curled his lips.

That is to say, Jiang Yu is not here, so this little girl is so arrogant.

Just when she was wondering whether to record her words, the young public-funded student suddenly noticed that the little witch was pretending to be unintentionally moving towards the aisle.

He stopped cautiously.

The next second, classmate Li Meng kicked the stool away and suddenly lunged fiercely into the air behind Fatty Xin. Undoubtedly, the lunge missed. Instead, he fell into the aisle and fell into the mud.

"My foot slipped... I just slipped!" She wiped the broken corner of her mouth, glanced around with sharp eyes, and emphasized slightly: "My foot slipped (cunning)!"


There was a very small, uncontrollable sound in the air, but it was so erratic that it was difficult to hear the direction.


The little witch immediately jumped to her feet and cursed: "You dare to be a scumbag! A coward! If you dare, tear off your invisibility charm and fight your sister-in-law for 300 rounds!"

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