Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 244 Moonlight Magic Essential Oil


"I just asked it, why?!"

"Can librarians do whatever they want?"

"The one who spoke was Xiao Xiao! The one who broke the rules was also Xiao Xiao! I didn't say a word, I just sat there quietly, being honest! But it was me who was thrown out in the end... How unfair! It's simply the most ridiculous thing in the world. Ridiculous! Is there such a thing in the world? Isn’t it okay to listen to other people’s words in the library?”

Until he returned to Dormitory 403 in the evening, Zheng Qing still looked aggrieved, as if the entire month of grievances had been concentrated on this day, causing him to explode completely.

Of course, in view of the librarian's irascible character and strong strength, as well as his now slightly sensitive reputation, the young public-funded student did not end up messing around in public places. He very wisely chose to leave the library and return to the dormitory before starting to complain.

So in the end it can only be regarded as a dumb bomb with no movement.

"Librarians can really do whatever they want in the library." Fatty Xin leaned on the bed, with the fat cat squatting above his head, holding a plate of dried fruit in his arms, and sneered: "As for why, of course you are the first Sir, "Young Master Jiuyou" and "Young Master Qingqiu"... In the entire Jiuyou College, no, the entire First University, you have caused more troubles than anyone else, caused more trouble than anyone else, and made enemies. It’s more than anyone else. With your conditions, is it too much to throw you out of the library?”

"It's not too much." Dylan's head was hanging on the edge of the coffin, and he muttered evilly.

"Do you need any other reasons?" The fat wizard continued to ask in a long voice, as if singing an opera.

"No need!" Mr. Vampire Werewolf showed his white little fangs and looked at the young public-funded student sinisterly: "According to what I heard at the party under the moon, burning some people a hundred times is not too much!"

"A hundred times, a hundred times." Fatty Xin seemed sad and sighed, shaking his head repeatedly, looking pitiful.

Behind the desk, Dr. Xiao Da, the other protagonist in Zheng Qing's words, adjusted his glasses and added in a low voice: "I heard from my classmate who worked as a study student in the library that you stayed in the library. Sometimes, the frequency of gatherings and noises outside the library and the frequency of walking and whispering in the library will unexpectedly increase... which makes the administrators very angry... so it's not surprising that Mr. Zhang found an excuse to throw you out. "

The little anger that Zheng Qing had finally accumulated was completely discharged by the successive stabs of several small screwdrivers, leaving him unable to fight back.

Yes, compared with the group of people who burned him to death, Mr. Zhang in the library immediately seemed kind-hearted and had a much kinder attitude.

He silently mourned for himself for three seconds in his heart, then raised his head and looked at Xiao Xiao: "Before, you said that the sequelae of turning into a cat are the cat's habits... Can extraordinary hearing be considered a cat's habit?"

As he spoke, he couldn't help but raise his hand and touch his ears, always suspecting that they would suddenly become furry at some point.

"This possibility cannot be ruled out."

Xiao Xiao's expression became slightly serious: "As I said before, so far, wizards do not have a very precise treatment plan for this kind of symptoms. The reason is that its pathogenesis is not clear enough and the range of symptoms is very wide... Say, all things are possible.”

Zheng Qing sighed heavily and resisted the urge to touch the box of transformation potion in the gray cloth bag - now, he could successfully turn into a cat just by looking at the potion.

Thinking of the cat fruit tree, he felt a little itchy on his back and couldn't help scratching it. However, he was horrified to find that a layer of slightly thick hair had appeared on his back.

He was so frightened that he immediately jumped back to his bed.

"You don't do your homework anymore?" The fat wizard looked at the swaying curtains in surprise: "Before the doctor came back, you were still talking about copying his homework."

"I can do my homework myself!" In the tent, a young public-funded student hurriedly slapped himself with meditation charms and replied angrily: "Quiet!"

The fat wizard shrugged, took out a small biscuit from the dry fruit plate, and handed it to his head. The man squatting on his head closed his eyes, rolled his tongue, rolled the small biscuit into his mouth, and slowly moved his cheeks.

Mr. Vampire Werewolf, who was hanging on the edge of the coffin and didn't want to get up, suddenly sniffed and turned to look at Zheng Qing's bed.

"Let me tell you," he kindly reminded: "Our young master Qingqiu, please don't play with fire in the bed, be careful of wetting the bed... Have you been collectively cursed? This is how many talismans you used in one breath!"

"No...sleep, sleep!"

The young public-funded student answered vaguely and sighed heavily, his voice somewhat rejoicing - fortunately he found out early, so he wouldn't have to go to class tomorrow morning with a face full of black hair.

After using more than a dozen talismans with different functions, such as the 'Calming Talisman', 'Calming Talisman', 'Evil-Repelling Talisman' and 'Purifying Talisman', he finally got rid of the slightly thick black hair that had just appeared.

Considering that he couldn't go to the Cat Fruit Tree tonight, Zheng Qing hesitated before going to bed, but secretly gave Jiang Yufei a paper crane. He honestly said that he had used too much transformation recently and needed to stop for a while to avoid magic backlash. .

In the middle of the night, the wizard fell asleep in a daze, dreaming that he was hung on the stake by a group of lunatics again to understand Bingding's true meaning. However, for some reason, the tongues of fire kept going around his body and burning his ears, which made his ears burning. It hurts.

After hurting for a long time, he finally woke up from his dream and found a palm-sized paper crane lying next to his ear. It was jumping around on the pillow and kept pecking at his ear.

His ears were almost pecked out.

He hissed, and with the help of a little moonlight leaking through the gaps in the curtains, he took down the overly lively paper crane.

There isn’t much in the letter:

"Moonlight magic essential oil can alleviate the sequelae of deformation surgery to a certain extent. At the end of the letter is a note for you to try. Ingredients: camellia oil, moonflower, vermilion juice, passion fruit grinding powder, water bayberry and black cheek fish oil; the preparation method is recorded in "Shamanic Magic Dictionary" 1742nd edition, page 139. "

The handwriting on the letter paper is very familiar, and the thin brushstrokes exude a quiet fragrance.

Zheng Qing stroked the few lines of small words and suddenly woke up. When he turned to the end of the letter, there was indeed a small patch of medicine attached, and a line of small words beside it said 'Just stick it on one temple'.

Without hesitation, he tore off the protective layer and applied the magic essential oil to his temples. A hint of coolness seeped into his spirit along with the medicinal patch, refreshing his heart and mind.

The boy lay on the bed again and forced himself to close his eyes.

"Good night."

He mumbled silently, as if to himself or to someone. A smile appeared on his lips involuntarily, and he soon fell into a deep sleep.

The last thought in his mind was that he had to go to the library tomorrow morning!

Find that "Shamanic Magic Dictionary"!

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